2017年4月16日 星期日

Saint dream

saint dream/pollywoo(2017/4/4) when i have a dream of he cleansing face on my back, i sense him still need me with company, but i dont want him any more.he is a phantom around me, i have several of saint dreams because of his show up, but my brain told me that he never give me any presents such like travel together, or buy me a ring to praise me how good cooking i am doing to him, he just like a gangster on my soul that asking for more and more.but it shows how dignity he has to being alone, he is a tender lover that only in my dream. my reality is very moral, but in my dream it is so lot of plots to write down as recording document to analyze, just like i am female Freud doctoring myself every night.tonight, i have a peacefully dream, that is beause of i pray for god to let me sleep without night mares, but tonight i have terrible dreams of my shadow, i take action to forget about it, and this is really very good to me, i need no signs to symbol my life any more, i am with myself all alone. tour note/polly woo i have been to so many places that are countless, i write down some notes about my memory, and i travel around taiwan so happily that those memory i cant forget. (1)228park history muzem(228公園) thus is a beautiful park, with a historical muzem in the door, when i enter it i ask myself why japanese authority wanted to build a western Memorial hall like this, may be it is out of heritage from Holland and Spanish power ruling, and it is as white as snow on each wall out side and in side. there are some decorated pillars on the roof, and each corner has its special grace sculptures, they are Rococo style of old establishment that remain the atmosphere of classic so well, i observe it with my eyes of diamond, and i find out it is a real richful treasure that when i discover the structure of deep intentions, i can realize that this building is a luxury gift that colonial country given to us taiwanese, how cant we treat it like a heaven present, and protect it well. (2)eastern velly of taiwan island(花東) there are so many rice growing over the farm land, in the rainy day we go through the eastern velly,where there are breathing mountains with clouds covering around like fog, and the small house are almost white style that makes the mood of this field so fresh and bright, as we find out this quiet heaven as a neighborhood of the main jade mountain, i also see the purity of fore chilai mountain on the other side, the green gress of home is so lightly removed in my mind, that i will never forget the insight of scene. (3)pingding old stream(坪頂古玔) we walk through the entrance of pingding, and along the way with bamboo stick on hands, we climb the ladders of stone after a picnicking rest in the concrete bridge, we reach the dingshan bus station, but the time is still two hours away, so we come to the coffee shop and have a very wonderful afternoon, the farmer boss is so glad to serve us water and coffee, with lotus cookies and a holland old map of where we are in young ming mountain, we have a very enjoyment of time on marching in. (4)dragon head mountain(龍頭山) around the moshen blog, there is a broken dragon head mountain and stream over there, the sightseeing is very fabulous that i watch the touring bus go right down to the center of the stream, and then we run to the blog to drink a nature coffee and aiyu beverage, there is a empty alley along the blog, every school and house are closed, we cant find the culture of native life, for they all move to the citys, and never return. (5)sainter spring(聖人瀑布) there is a sainter spring on the final station of bus to the hiking road, i go to see the long clean spring that flowing down the river with huge stone on its stream, i sit on the sidewalk to wait for the return bus to come, my mom go to see the village in front of the station, and describe it to me, we meet a old female farmer who have a planting veges career on the mountain, we take the same bus to the mrt station, and finally we feel very content with this tour. (6)ulai shopping and dinner(烏來) we go to ulai to see the popular production and old street, and there is a small muzem of origional race, report living history and showing the life style of ulai people, the ulai river is so large that a long bridge is over the trouble water, we have a chat in the small dinning restaurant, eating some vege and chicken meat on the table, after the sun is set, the station is getting dark, we get on the bus by long line waiting, and in my mind i remember the coming road is so beautiful that we all get a marvelous time. (7)small green pool(小碧潭) we take the mrt to the small green pool, it is a place where roadside stand are all souround on the two sides of the bridge, the riding boat is renting for tourists to play, and i watch the lake with unspeakable mind, somehow the water is not so pure that it smells, i see the high price estate advertising is spreading all over the road, but i dont really afford to live here, so i left with a mindful memory that never feel like go back here, because it is a pollute pool. (8)support north temple(拱北殿) here is a popular place where people are all happily going inner and outer part of the temple, in the square lots of gatgering noise are processing, we walk around the heaven father's temple, it is hell buddha who stand on the supporting stage of the worshipping room. (9)golden dragon lake(金龍湖) the lake looks like golden waves on the surface, we walk along the wooden bank, the sunset was so beautiful that it colours us with the heat and sweat, the temple in the upper ladder is support rice noodles, because today is Buddha's birthday, the high building in the middle of the lake looks like solitude, although it is deviced with elevater, but seldom inhabitants come to visit the lake, maybe they just get tired of the scence everyday in the window. (10)danjhon university(淡江大學) the university is empty in the new year day, as we enter the school, we have to get the permission of the guardian to visit whole campus, after we walk on the literary major building, i found it so narrow in the class room that almost no pass way for students to get out or get in, how they made it, i dont know, perhaps the classic pathway of the garden is where students chatting under the shatter of the long route of winding park, i sense the romantic air of red build dream filming around here that so nice. (11)chuchen ceromony park(中正紀念堂) it is a nice day as i go see a theater perform in the concert hall, i saw the lover drama of drum and mass singing together, the night was so decent that i can feel my friend sit in the front seat to murmur with my mind, he always wants to watch a performance with me but my mom is sitting next to me, so i can only enjoy and analyze the theatre with him inside our subconsciousness of communication, how glad it is to spent a night with my favorite one in such a hall. (12)stream of fir wood(杉林溪) the atmosphere is very fresh, the tree is so straight talk like jokestick, there is a blue dragon spring in the end of hiking way, and when we reach there we all wet and hot, it is the time when climbing mountain is so interest and fun, we get to the eye of the heaven and earth, where there is a stone on the wall look like a white owl head, it is so proudly that we climb the top scene and take photo on the facebook, it is a very meaningful traveling experience. (13)xinglong park(興隆公園) the park is like buddhaism atmosphere for the pool is springing beautiful and all kinds of plants are growing so well, the new built park bridge is like a pink rainbow that in the center of the pool, it arouse so many image thought about the moon elder who connect people's wedding red line, but since its just a traditional legend, the park is decorated by the mood of wonder land that we like to exercise a little around such kind of scene. (14)green lake park(碧湖) the lake is huge with beautiful scene of surrounding plants and sightseeing in the center, the birds come close the water and the lake surface is like waves of bible saying, it is very saint that i am moved by the white bridge and the under water, i have so good memorys with my lover by the lake, every time i run to see him, he never know i have no time to go around the lake, because i visit him behind my mom's back, i am afraid of being scold by her, and my lover, for i love them both, dont want to be unhappy about it. he told me the lake is a last purity land he guardian for me, i am very touching to see his kindness. 女性福祉 1 女性為了保護自己,多半活在自己的內心世界,以女性思想為中心,看這個印象世界,陰性的反應,和母系社會的權益,如何支配著男性的需求,這就是男女對治的煩惱。如果男女朋友合得來,就不會有許多煩惱,或麻煩,假如不相配,再怎麼條件好也是沒有用的。 2 世界寂靜了,只有我和我的靈魂,在沉思對話著,曾經擁有的,並不會憑空消失,反而更飄出雋永的香。一代新人換舊人,被淘汰的人,只能孤單過歲月,住悲慘世界的遭遇挫折己心,向過去的婚姻說告別吧! 3 愛是用金錢來衡量的,若是沒有錢,哪裡會找得到愛的施捨,女人就這麼現實,但世界也會翻轉,由女人來供養男人,這是眷戀,看上眼的付出,在愛情史上女人的愛都是浪漫情懷的展現,表示男人功利薰心,自以為是,其實這試探,是在探索男人的美德。 4 女人不要男人的世界,很多人都知道,男人吃盡女人豆腐,還剝削她,女人需要男人關懷,鬥嘴,回敬,但是很多男人不解風情,認為女人需要男人的錢,和登對的陪伴,曬恩愛,這只是初戀階段,進入本質之後,女人為了福祉設下戰場,給男人下帖書。 5 異性戀不好參,很多障礙,但是速食愛情不會消失,通常愛上一張臉孔的愛,是愚蠢的,但是年輕人們心甘情願,死纏爛打,只為了一張迷人的一見鍾情,這痴心妄想也是愛情生態的一種,只不過現在流行的是愛上一顆精心計畫的腦,聰明對付是為了愛的追逐。 奧妙之處 1 蒼生的心,本來就有清濁之分,因為業障浮現出來了,所以要淨化,就要互相扶持,互相砥礪,不要面對蒼生還頌押韻詩,讓他們覺得莫名奇妙的。蒼生分男女兩種,人鬼殊途,但是十界互具,餓鬼界也是要去折服的眾生之一種類別,不要恨鬼,他們也會示現神奇跡象,讓你有如處於奧妙之境。 2 因為有許多不同的機根,所以存在著各種法界,一切眾生修行人生大事,生老病死之外,還有愛情,婚姻,生孩子,孝親,賺錢等,社會大學修的就是這些學分,然而有些風雅之人,如文學家,就是愛修行知識,智慧,才藝,音樂,語言,烹飪,等領域的事情,奧妙的人生,多麼奪目精彩的成功標的,需要我們去參透了悟,所以從閱讀中親近善知識,是一個契機,人生還有許多學分可修德。 3 人生如夢,但是要看得清醒一點,將道德從頭修起絕不會後悔莫及,曾經被稱為幽靈人口,獨行俠,因為不相信人心的詭譎,現在好很多,相信佛友的說法,幫助,善誼,我再也不理會善良人士以外的愛心能量了,因為善惡分別是長期觀察出來的,真實不虛。 4 連續劇教人學習正直的心,將不負他人的愛情修得完美,圓融,女角的重要性,遠遠高於男角的創造性,因為女性思維模式,是一種窮究戲劇的追戲人想要懂得的心曲,我們暫時稱她為主軸人物,因為女性不易懂得,所以奧祕就存在心理的執著當中,若能瞭解每個女性的心靈律則,則天下不亂,反而太平昇平,因為女性已無冤屈可訴求,光明的戲劇性決定了一個女主角的前景與希望。 5 至人無夢,現在我終於體會,眼神裡面有慈悲和體貼,對人事物心懷尊重,忐忑,珍惜,人生緣遇本是一場充滿冒險的流浪,能悟出生命真理之行旅,才是豁達面對自己的寫照,不假他求,一扇門開啟了又迎接你,邁向更順暢輝耀的人生路途。 小夫婦/吳菀菱 1 我和夢中婚姻的老公,合組一個理想同居的生活,沒有背叛,但有蒼老作伴。一頭白髮婆娑,滿臉都是層層包裹的善意,但是時間過得太久,一下子就變成小嬰兒一樣的肉身了。我們荒老了又樨幼,互相扶持,不會再心痛的偽裝不愛彼此,因為這樣才是肉身不會腐朽的方式。 2 我們都不懂夫妻之間為何要爭吵,要求,計較,但是我們都做了這樣的心想,也曾埋怨對方,不瞭解自己最愛的習慣。我們活在沙發上,被榻上,卻離浴遠好遠,一起聞著對方的腐朽味。 3 曾經我們是那麼年輕,現在竟然要比較誰才不老,不怪,互相糾結在彼此相愛得更加深刻的臂彎裏。在深沉的睡眠呼吸裏,尋覓對方有可能醒不來的危機。 4 我依然愛他,只是不讓他碰我,因為這樣子才是符合老年人的王道,成熟穩重的模樣,無有色情慾望,只有衰敗的時間。據我偵查,老公把我最愛煮的火鍋吃到飽,拿到街角開餐廳,這樣他可以時常去吃,不用花費鉅大食材菜錢,還可以賺溫馨的錢。 5 我常跟他說格言,但他聽過之後就不理會,說我是婦人中心主義思想遺毒。我才不管,我要想什麼就想什麼,他聽得到我的潛意識最好,我又不是不會吵架,只是隱忍罷了。 6 老人聚會得老成的積習,這真是個歡樂的世界,偶而鬥嘴,偶爾講道理,只要覺得花草也可以進食,我雖時都可以遠行,但是遠傳那太多錢了,開心受上當一次的乖。 7 今天你還我一件最輕薄的紫外套,因為我昨天打給你,你不在家,我知道妳管理我的衣服,像一個貼心老公的嫉妒心,你喜歡這件套娃裝,所以我也心領神會的給你留言,因為愛還存在,我提起信念,來為你寫作,為你爬格子。 8 我們在王國教會那裡,一起守護曾曾孫的出生,我們要活這麼老耶,我心愛的老公,我覺得你真的有疼愛我喔! 9 也曾什麼好處都索討不到,也曾不知你在忙些什麼,只知道你擺脫我的纏繞功,破如來之糾纏,已經心神忙亂,不知如何逃避。 10 亂講一通的世界裏,誰才是正常的,這問題果真很難評準,但我只要自己的心境沉澱下來就好了,不要太過於亂想,我想要知道跟老公一起靜坐的深沉禪味,是怎樣的關係,所以就開始坐禪念經。 11 一起躺在床上聽雨,雨滴像開花時的顫音,一聲聲打在屋簷上,好似水幻交響曲,擊落一串一串針陣的點陣圖一般,讓人聽得無量快意。 12 我給老公一些細瑣的吻,他說讓我來擁抱你,好愛好愛他,我們著衣互相依偎,但是話題又來到了沒有錢的悲哀,我覺得很難過,心裡頭也希望有很多錢來彌補我們的窮酸,我吃了他買的鹹魚翻身,於是心裡一陣酸楚。 13 他不許我去華嚴宗旁聽,求一本正經回來,評論他的雲遊詩集,所以我知道他關愛我,不讓我去拿什麼獎金和免費吃齋的修行利益,因為他不讓我出家,要我修好一張美妻的臉孔和心地。 14 我的煉語術太紛雜了,使我覺得對不起他,只要我一心對他忠誠,他也會跟著一起純潔的說話,毫無隱瞞和隱藏,我想像這就是一種夫妻之間的善良禱告,彼此都聽得見的坦承。 15 睡眠之間,我夢見了一個外國人,錯把他當成老公來愛,其實他根本就是闖進我夢境的小王,老公不知情,所以並不知道我們的對話,我很後悔,受到引誘而寫下方向街道的符號學小說,原來他就是一個職業小說家,是來探測我的寫作方向的。 16 我沒告訴老公,這件事,因為這是不忠貞的行為,我恥於啟齒,於是把夢忘記了,丟掉了,我跟老公說要努力學英文,他說一定要讀報給他聽,於是我讀了洛杉磯報給他聽,他很高興。 17 老公打了我一巴掌,我問他為什麼,他說我夢到外國人,他不曉得那是他的變形,本來是夢到白衣老公的,後來他卻跟我說起英文了,還要我寫一篇名叫方位街道(direct street)的符號學小說,老公說原來他變成光頭的老外了,所以就不生氣了。 18 老公很高興,我整個下午都在夢空氣,他給我熨燙背部全身,弄得我好熱,他說為什麼姚秦國王的老婆長得不像我,我說自己化豔粧,於是他就滿意了,還給我貼身護衛一般的濃烈愛意。 19 我老公很相信我,我也很誠實,因為兩不相騙使我們感情更加濃厚,深密的融合在一起,我們的夢是互相連綿的,他可以知道我在做什麼夢,而且他也可以一直睡我,像在睡一個長得像充氣玩偶的我,為了補回所有我們遺失的愛情劇碼,他一直睡我。 20 我的老公很相信我說的佛法輪迴,他真的為了我去創價學會開會了,我不知道為什麼他這麼愛我,好高興,因為跟第六天魔交易救父親的事,他已經知道了,就去參佛事,這個二乘所信仰的創造宗教,我也知道我們身為作家必須活得幸福,所以就加入了。 21 我在雲裡呼吸空氣,找不到老公來入夢,但是我寧願這樣補覺,因為我知道老公正清醒在振筆疾書,我給我們對對相配,在每個擅場的偶像身上牽紅線,但是他嫌我是一張美麗的皮,而沒有頭腦,有何辦法呢?但是我寧可還要三隻小豬的輪迴。 22 上次去看老公,帶了千里迢迢的禮物,他不讓我進門喝一口水,我這麼辛苦的遠遠跑來看他,竟然這麼無情,深怕我們乾柴烈火,在房裡做出不可見人的事來,我生氣,就拿回送他的胡椒餅乾,在回程的公車上吃得意猶未盡,一口接一口,他說,天啊!我還沒吃過什麼胡椒餅乾呢!活該,這就是不讓我進去喝杯茶的下場,我接著說要他用元本山做飯糰給孩子吃,他答應了。 23 我的心肝,我的老公,我怎會把你忘記,去找新的戀人呢?這輩子跟你在陰間活得這麼精彩,怎會忘懷,而將一切都丟包呢?在情人的耳語中,聽見自己的重要地位,於是很歡喜的,為他而安慰。 24 於是,我以為宗教是救人的,其實是斂財的,一直以來,我的迷夢在徬徨中認為因果是絕對,但現在卻不太願意接受果報,直到反省過後,才認真面對虛的果位,我想要知道報應是否不爽。 25 我老公找我找得好苦,在夜晚的公園裡,再三的來回找尋,我的蹤跡,他認為我一定會在涼亭下面等他,所以苦苦的覓尋我的影蹤,那一個化成少女的我正在翻他寫的書,我飄然跟他回家,他為我洗澡,為我催眠,隔了一夜,我又在床上消失了。因為他愛上了我美好的靈魂,而不是催枯老朽的肉身,所以他不願來我家接我回去,卻去公園找我的魂魄,真是奇詩人的怪癖。 26 今晨,得到他的雪燒仙貝供養品,歡喜的去祭拜佛,聽到彷彿心爽脆利的聲音,他希望跟我一起去旅遊,我也這麼期待,但等念完經之後,我拿起來吃,真是令我太喜歡的滋味了,我心歡喜。 原來昨天包的韭菜魚羹壽司,他們孩子嫌難吃,所以雪燒是鹹的味道,我會心一笑,不予理會的決定不再吃這仙貝了。 27 我竟夜安然,無夢,只有幾隻小動物,在身旁現出影蹤,躺在床上休息,這也是個不錯的陪伴,只要祈禱,就一定安睡。我不愛孩子,卻跟其他小寵物一起彌補睡眠,這真是不好的示範啊! 28 我繼續假寐,他竟然動手動腳的揮舞,好險是在夢境中,他後來又來熱身安慰我,安撫我,我們因為這樣子,像水深火熱的一對情侶,而不是成熟的夫妻關係,我想就這樣忍讓吧!容耐吧!反正只是假的夢境,不是真的打架。 29 我很喜歡他意味著,你知道我已經很投入的意思,我們為了生殖器吵架,他說我都不潔淨身體,讓他歡愛,我已經不要性愛了,他也明知故犯,對我訓話,說夫妻雙方要好好地相處。 30 我看了張老師月刊,才知道許多夫妻都有性關係的困擾,我對老公的與取欲求,是一向全數接受的,但是有了護身符之後,我才從淫色裏脫身而出,沒有感覺的過著擁抱空氣的日子。 31 老公要我煮飯,要我賺錢,可是我都想不出更好的辦法,我只有用更大的願望來逃避現實生活的危機,我還想要買一件新房來做生意,真是太妄想了,其實我只想全心全意的為他念經。 32 我忘記低潮,擺脫毀滅,換成有關世界會比較好的光明想法,其實哪有這麼好的事,黑暗它一直在移植蔓延,如何用精明的腦,來改變這個衝突滿佈的地球,我不敢再看下去了,因為可怕。 33 我們都在互相說謊,互相欺負,互相剝削,然而清醒的頭腦讓我們心平氣和,無有恐怖和恨懟,因為生命永遠值得祈禱。 34 因為你的不信愛情,使我認為愁恨,或許是世上最多的,糾結的秋紅。(完) 雲淡風輕/吳菀菱(2017/4/14) 1 一切善事都隨風而去,但是卻使劫難一一化去,能夠與你相戀,是一件極為滿足的幸福夢幻,我稍給你不用回音的信函,表示我在記憶中愛著你,不必回報,雲淡風輕。 2 愛你的小耳語,那些小說裡不會找得到的溫馨,我們療慰彼此的孤獨,像一對健康的靈性夫妻,有什麼話就坦白說,雲的自由,我們都有這種風格和習慣,我們是一體的。 3 你塞給我一張住址,這是你窩居在蝕岩區的房子,我回家後找到了這張紙條,並未攤開來看,我答應你,會寄信給你,打電話給你,但是這個夢裡面,我們已分隔兩地,妄想在你那裏開咖啡店,辦詩刊,根本活不下去,所以我寧可睡過去,將手心裏緊密握住的紙條,握住你那考驗我的問號。 4 神通,是一場戲,他帶引我走過,排演過,我卻失去了演下去的慾望,我不愛他了嗎?他抱住我的肩膀說,我好愛你,還掉下眼淚,可是,我卻覺得沒有辦法搭車前往那個禁區,繼續愛他。 5 家人全都反對,不讓我們在一起,過了今年會怎樣,誰也不知道,放開手,讓愛自由,因為這樣的感覺,畢竟是無可奈何的,現實世界中的任何緣故,都支配著我們的共同命運。 6 我在書房裡,翻譯著他的詩,已經無意義了,因為他人已不在身邊,那些跑得很開闊的散漫字眼,根本不是他的風格,我翻找不著自己的影蹤,忽著就感傷了起來。 7 是該結束了,這個搞花邊的詩人,把我在夢裡擺佈,任意謊言欺騙,我醒了之後,發現跟他在一起,根本不是幸福天堂,於是我打算去把誓言拿回,跟他訣別。 8 在溜冰場,跳著單人舞,雀躍不已的感覺像小說一樣的節拍,奮力的跳起美姿,這首曲子是在唱看電影情節而哭泣的心情,我卻怕他聽懂,我的心殤。 9 你在一旁看著,距離好遠,我曾聽過你說過上萬次的愛我,現在我覺得這是上蒼在安慰我,假裝你很愛我,其實我也知道,這世界只有美人才會被愛。 10 沒關係,我還過得去,承認自己的生活裏頭,有愛是極樂,有歡樂幸福相隨,我是最美滿的女人,今後也要獨立自主喔! 11 若我長成你愛的最初面孔,我還能慰留你的心嗎?或許你會害怕我變成了三姑六婆,但是我不會的,因為我很清白。 12 我希望能在碧湖劉三娘的表演會場,再見到你,你跟我約在涼亭見,我們相聚在一起,共談心事好嗎?我一心相許,你竟遲遲退卻,我們還有機會再敘敘舊嗎? 13 心間常思念的你,是否陰奉陽違,我常思及,你一顆小王子,恆久不變的星辰。 14 我寫好玩的,這份心愛的感覺,只為了自戀,請你不要記得我,我會向著陽光,輕輕把你忘記,不再憶想。 15 既然你已經有了心愛的人,我就放開你,我會去參佛,參法華經的經典,我就是一個迷信的佛教魂。 16 生活是俳句,人生也是如此,一句短言就論斷了絕對的定義,既然你內在世界裏沒有我,我也會繼續單獨活下去,以求安心。 17 除了愛情,還有更多可以追求的,像興趣,抄經,繪畫,書寫,等等,我可以竟夜無夢,像一個洗過惡夢的人,賺得每一天。 18 幸福有多可貴,當你失去,才知它的曾經存在,別上當,讓我們一起向大道走去,追求幸福不軟弱,珍惜你眼前所擁有。 19 當我什麼都沒有,只剩下謊言,我該面對現實的自己,去懺悔,去反省,當我只剩下你的謊言,我希望這是最後一次。 20 你拿了錢,就對付我,要我輸得很難看,那是真的很殘忍,但我相信老天會保護我,因為我是善良的,不存惡念的。(完) 鳳凰彷徨/吳菀菱 1 我曉得你不是那種人,可是你的靈魂不願被我鎖住,就逃跑去找別人講了,我想起你的這種狀況,不禁懷疑男人也有異屬性。 2 三天了,我沉浸在幸福中,沒有你的想像影子,我還要繼續走下去,新生的靈魂會帶領我,走向全新的生命狀態。 3 我數落著一磚一瓦,一草一木,好像你曾經走過這些景觀,這些場地,我是你手挽住的那一半嗎?是另一半的靈魂吧! 4 你沉默不語的看著遠方,向我的揮手示意,瞪了幾眼,好可怕,我只是一個暗戀你的女人,不能也不會把你怎麼樣。 5 馬路上都是金磚,這只是比喻人們愛逛街的想像,誰不知道任何地段都有權屬,人也是,都是人們建造起來的神話構築。 6 我的看法是不對的,勢必是要被刪除的想法,因為重生,我把過去遺落在空中,任人們看不見,卻呼吸得到,那就是愛情。 7 念及自我深處的反思,我向上蒼重頭開始祈福,什麼願望才是自己最高至上的幸福所及,我當向此發願,然後緣必定到來。 8 發現真相時,那迷蒙的眼,像是一對比目魚的瞳孔,幾乎要鬥雞眼了,真嚇人,我相信這就是所謂的,認真態度。 9 我必須面對前途了,把你甩掉,不去想不去管,只為了自己的未來而努力,我必須把你放棄在看不到的盡頭,這樣我才會死心塌地的把你忘記。 10 悲劇還未了,喜劇就開始上場,我將心影上的你,烙印在窗花上面,彷彿是一朵鳳凰花,嫣然燦爛然後墜落在地。(完) 柔情似水/吳菀菱 1 我要你去安個平安燈,光明燈,你答應了,為了讓你前景更好,我為你祈求順遂的人生,跟我到老都引起社會轟動。 2 我的聖堂身體,又答應今夜與你溫存,紀念這無法深愛對方的故意,我們寧願要在肉身不直接互擁的時空,持續的愛愛,這是我們陰冥歡愛以防止老天妒忌的方法,我愛你一如往昔。 3 在客廳看書,沉思書中的學術文字,這部深奧的權威書,使人深深的被吸引,論述也是一種哲學的研究方式,是純潔的夢。 4 我想要保持一張美麗的臉,姣好身材,以向你索討一個吻,一個擁抱,和一個手牽手的浪漫情懷,你會讓我圓夢嗎? 5 我們的衝突,矛盾,無奈,怎能一夕之間就釋解,我們這一對行走在天涯的小夫婦,怎麼樣也分不開,拆不散,因為我們是一體的,編織了一整個人生的相許故事,我們都互相獻身,無悔。 6 或許我們本末倒置,但是我們活在小神話裡,抱住幸福的尾巴,期望透過各種方式,守住我們的家庭,孩子不懂我們的愛戀,認為我們不道德,可是我們年輕的心,還要很多情慾來滿足。 7 當個小父母,多麼窘迫,難堪,我們真的沒有孩子聰明伶俐,他們心裡想著自己的喜好,卻不孝順我們的心思,我好怨歎。 8 老氣,不必擔心人家的眼光,因為許多人們一樣的悲哀,塗炭的臉,沒有朝氣,我只要心裡自由自在,理解你的善變。

2017年4月5日 星期三

My reseme

my english reseme/pollywoo my name is polly woo, i majored in english in province university and Fuji university, i start my thesis writing during freashman and it is about advertising image of female right column in newspaper, and also the fairy tale of alice in wonderland and in mirror analyze theory about sexuality, it is a personal colum in taiwan li post when i was twenty years old, then i concerned about aids issue very sincerely, so i start to collect informations of english data to make a long reaserch report on sex in my novel of colourful painting(秤彩繪), i love to listen to english songs and study western theory about psychology of male to understand what they think about in mind, and to study many feminism project to fullfill the society need of female right, i write 13 more english books of 3c novels, to prove that in technology world there is still exist the Buddha theory and belief. my recent work is working on after written 100 chinese theory,novels and poetry books that are based on buddhaism of nichiren shoshu, i believe my grammer and writing experience can help and tuter cramp students to reach out futher accomplishment of success in their future life and diploma, i would like to teach every knowledge to them to make them more smart and intallengent. 2011年 一直在繪製後現代書法和書畫的作品,累積二十年作品最後拍賣給更生畫廊。 2012年 成立「文化評議」雜誌創刊號。 2013年 完成「吳菀菱佛法小說全集」電子光碟套書十二片,「polar」英文小說碟片大補帖,「dear rose」完成後涉及假自殺事件,「馬太太福音」「app」(魔術方塊)小說相繼完成,開啟「善的日誌」部落格。 2014年 完成「流蘇生活」佛詩集,印製「靈感」散步詩集,以向明老師的作品為封面,寫出宋澤萊老師所言輕音樂詩的前奏。 2015年 完成「當發大願」完成,續印「佛性自由」善書,「我愛唱歌」(嫁妝)「太極滿灑」小說集,並歡喜贈閱大眾。 2016年 完成「覺照叢林的美學欣賞」「金色流雲」和「日正當中」等詩論集,寫完「電腦搭檔」科幻小說,去黑龍江省旅遊,寫完「美的詩簡」旅遊詩集。 2017年 完成「法華經典」詩論(慈悲佛),「社務諮議」痞客邦小說網,「poetry trilology」「warm laugh」「why jet」三部小說,並在「從容文學」四月號發表「懷思漫漫」一文,出版完四十多本電子書和「文化評議」雜誌之後,今年預計要寫作「真愛的最後一片淨土」情詩集和黑龍江旅記「綠得極致」以及「小夫婦」小說。