2017年4月5日 星期三

My reseme

my english reseme/pollywoo my name is polly woo, i majored in english in province university and Fuji university, i start my thesis writing during freashman and it is about advertising image of female right column in newspaper, and also the fairy tale of alice in wonderland and in mirror analyze theory about sexuality, it is a personal colum in taiwan li post when i was twenty years old, then i concerned about aids issue very sincerely, so i start to collect informations of english data to make a long reaserch report on sex in my novel of colourful painting(秤彩繪), i love to listen to english songs and study western theory about psychology of male to understand what they think about in mind, and to study many feminism project to fullfill the society need of female right, i write 13 more english books of 3c novels, to prove that in technology world there is still exist the Buddha theory and belief. my recent work is working on after written 100 chinese theory,novels and poetry books that are based on buddhaism of nichiren shoshu, i believe my grammer and writing experience can help and tuter cramp students to reach out futher accomplishment of success in their future life and diploma, i would like to teach every knowledge to them to make them more smart and intallengent. 2011年 一直在繪製後現代書法和書畫的作品,累積二十年作品最後拍賣給更生畫廊。 2012年 成立「文化評議」雜誌創刊號。 2013年 完成「吳菀菱佛法小說全集」電子光碟套書十二片,「polar」英文小說碟片大補帖,「dear rose」完成後涉及假自殺事件,「馬太太福音」「app」(魔術方塊)小說相繼完成,開啟「善的日誌」部落格。 2014年 完成「流蘇生活」佛詩集,印製「靈感」散步詩集,以向明老師的作品為封面,寫出宋澤萊老師所言輕音樂詩的前奏。 2015年 完成「當發大願」完成,續印「佛性自由」善書,「我愛唱歌」(嫁妝)「太極滿灑」小說集,並歡喜贈閱大眾。 2016年 完成「覺照叢林的美學欣賞」「金色流雲」和「日正當中」等詩論集,寫完「電腦搭檔」科幻小說,去黑龍江省旅遊,寫完「美的詩簡」旅遊詩集。 2017年 完成「法華經典」詩論(慈悲佛),「社務諮議」痞客邦小說網,「poetry trilology」「warm laugh」「why jet」三部小說,並在「從容文學」四月號發表「懷思漫漫」一文,出版完四十多本電子書和「文化評議」雜誌之後,今年預計要寫作「真愛的最後一片淨土」情詩集和黑龍江旅記「綠得極致」以及「小夫婦」小說。

