2018年11月1日 星期四

Face universe

face universe/pollywoo freedom silence, I won`t let you, I feel empty world inside of me, all I need is peace and calm. Dream of sitting on your class, but I don`t know why you only need fantacy, no want real me beside you. I have to face the truth, being alone is a great room to think, I don`t want to die. I try not to miss you, I am not a play girl any more, you don`t know my need. You lie to me, I don`t care, you are not honest and kind, you stole my heart. So bye bye,I live in my shelf of loving myself, I refuse the class on whose store. I learn selfish from you, and every one. You cheat me, I know every student like you, so I give up once being your learner. You like young girl don`t you, I rather keep your lie in the grave, forget you. I swear never read book again, all wordwill change overtime, I believe.(end) You never care about me, just look the strange part of me, I take care of me, that`s fine, I hate you, you are a gay, a big Faker, I think I see you wrongly. Ugly is the penis, nobody want it, I will stay away from people, they are crazy shit. Distance. Long as gap, I don`t mind for the world is worth to curse, every one want money, I have cold war with everyone, who care about lousy architeches. I am afraid of this world, no one has no crime, I want all of you losing face, I live in my own way, I want to be a free will person, I can see everyone is a lie, no any moment is forever, I better learn to face myself to sleep and live well. He is a brainy dynamo, he brain wash his students just want them to brown study by intellectural brain wave, we brandy the scandal as true love, he say that I am a beautiful bandsman, we have no audisom for each other, I am a autodidact but not a autographing writer, he tell me he want to be a AI automaton maker by automation to chase my authorship colony singer, we are never affectless, just like allowance of beneficial buckeye on our connective mind, I cook brown rice with brown sugar for our cat, I browse his baleful bad faith, and he has bagful explain like bail for freedom, I know he is a bantam who ever watch baffle with me, today my bankbook get a banquet of receiving stock money he exchange bankroll for me, banjo I laugh like this, although my two arms axon like awl nailing on me, my azure named and I like to observe the ballyhoo, I use byword like a brakeman, eczema has gone. 戀人絮語的愛情哲學(love philosophy of lovers fragrance discourse)by pollywoo (lovers fragrance discourse) is a book written by Roland barthe, he gather students report to collect a thick thesis about love, it is also a quest to love goddess, it is a group creation book, but it has its depth of thoughts about the progress of romance. this is a disconstructional literature book, it mention about the love in the process of many emotions and struggles. watch drama/ I watched operetta, my brain laugh like inject opiate,rattle snake makes merattlebrain,the desecrate of drama perform a desicate desrter fettle like fetus feud,the fiddle begin like feudal,the acter he galop at full speed,bearish break the ice.motley motto mousse the mottled mound,like sponge baby,spoken streamlet and stray with his strap,he is enterprising and the oracle is a circular opt,opulence the optic with opprobrium words,I drink cognate cognac brandy,he cohere with cohesive coil like cogwheel,coconut coinage is like furrow,I feel fuss as fusionbomb,in futurity the peach fuzz is a insination,fury fusey the fuselage,inshore inset fuzzy love.the actress her is uprightness,a interposition Interpol,she interment and intermission the intern,it cause interjection,Hurrah! In the interim she interdiet intercourse and interchangeable sex among herbalists,there is a herald that carnivore with helpmate be killed by helve knife,I hold my hemstitch hope that they get both heraldry and herbage. shy thinker/ I try to not be so shy, but honestly I just can`t speak on public, because I have lecture forbid, but I can chat a lot with my friends, I tell the secret that in side my mind, and it is so much release of me. I am asked about why not log on facebook recently, I know he is watching me, but I feel tired, don`t want to go facebook so far, I don`t know what I should show to him, to make him happy. last night I dream about him, he hear me cry, so he come to save me by teaching me psychological lessons, I am so happy that he show up in front of me, he shines me like a lighten star. I understand that I am not shy as he, but I am a conservative thinker that I never think out of the box, I am a little odd, after I am cured by the theory he teach, but I wonder if I am rescued by him. because of him, I get lucky on my every thing, I seem like a slot winner that I get eight million by three minute, I am daydreaming that I know both of us need money very much, we have to pray. after pray, we are better communicating on things we thought, we are shy on sexuality, but we aRE not so wanting on that, for we both are middle age, and sex can`t arouse our body pleasure. he read a lot, and I can correct him, for I used to read a lot before, we read the same kind knowledge, and we all know it is masculine theory, so I decide to join a feminist poem writing action. but I don`t hate man, I just hate bad man, bad people who do wrong things makes me hate them, I really want to love those shy thinkers who are kind and generous, I believe that will be thankful. (Calm self) I really quiet down myself for a week, for I get the help of mind curing of a woman, she let me feel the healthy mind everyday, if I feel something wrong, I will do her recipe on my shoulders, and no more noise will come to me, or bother my self thinking, it is really a free charity to me, for I can feel the good part of myself, and get well in each moment I spend, I wish if some on need help, you can tell me, I try to contact the helper with you. face universe/pollywoo i once like a turtle never strach out my communication with the social circle, but i find out why in my mind ghosts are fulling around me, because i cant deal with the mess i write each and everyday, and those who read my writings on the newspaper come to me, they are mad about my feminist theory, somehow i get the insperation from their reactions on me, and i kind of like revenge writing down what they did to me, and it is just like reserch on huminity on ghosts, it was frenzy fun to earn the money from all souls that surounding me and i can tell each of them characters. now i am happy to accept the universe in my peaceful mind, i keep my speed of my mind with the horoscope, and i believe that i finally get ride of me moody fate, i save a bill of money in the bank, for prepare for a need that in my future life i can live happy with this money, the money keep growing as every time i go to the bank near by,i am happy that i become a little wealthy as i hide a wish in the russia doll, "i wanna get rich", isnt it a positive and good wish to everybody`s life! i like to read books, study the mistery of books, i am a writer who love rational thinkings, also i write too many unpublished books that no one want to introdue for me, but i still get reputation in some way of field in writing psycology of women. i get to know psycology of men in my university days, by reading master`s books, i think they missed the hatred of female`s mind in too many ways, such as how suffering all women ever experience like birth, work, family, school, career, and so on, women are motif in this world, if they live in the world of no love, the universe they cant face is blue. in the maze of my reading experience, i like to dig out the taboo of sex knowledge for it is the opposite of buddhism, i want to realize both topic, to show the reality of belif between saint and nasty. some how love is the huge qust between this myth on the cross road, i ask all people show the EQ of love when they face the universe of affactions, to fullfill the dream of daring to love. there maybe danger in the path to wonderland, but i suggest everyone should give a try to feel the reality and fantacy, more imagination can rich the life of chasing love, when friendship comes, it is a kindness that you share your trust to be frank to your friend, even it is a saint soul, you can spoil self by speaking to a supposed object, to say all the thoughts to the muse inside of you, then you will possible to become a very charming writer in your effert to the contribution of the book land. every night before i get to sleep, i will tell myself that a nice dream will show me what to do in front of the waking up next day, i believe analyze the dream by instinct way is to forget the nightmare or sweet dream overnight, to face the universe of my mind in each whole new tomorrow, so i am not afraid of darkness and fear of bad dreams any more, that is just a mirror of reality like a self movie i play inside my closed eyes, i like to share one dream yesterday, as i try to collect a clock of my father, i get arkward struggle at the failure of the falling down of all pieces in the clock, i think maybe it shows that i am wasting time to face the left hours i can still live with my old father, i should do somthing to make him happy, i wish him healthy till live long with my mother, i like this faith duely. i have a proffeser who teaches psyco-analyze of Freud, i just think about if it is suitable for me to accept the mind scan to sickness of patients nowadays, he talks about the precautious and transfer complex, he also tells the destructive truma and remembering of memory, in case history, no scientific function can distingruish the truth of narrative and identification of recollection, myth has its meanng, before finding repetation it is meaningless, it is not obvious then be called myth, patients are lke ponds, they always transfrence to love the doctor, to escape the illness of their fellings of belonging. my professer anounce that women has three type, ideal woman, flower idiot, and dark african. i think i have all of these type symptoms, because i change my self with my changeable writings, so i confess that am not a healthy mind when i speaking theory of feminism and literature. if the body is an earth, then the protection of comforting energy must be the hydrosphere, that covers the curing mind literature in the conclusion of happy ending, psyco-analyze will be the basic theory that apply in the critics of such kind of works. i try to distingrurish serious writing from psyco-analyze function, and i find out this writing gives us a model of not to make psyco mistakes in reality, so many people concern about the human healthy of mind, just like literature reflect the communication and mind activity of the roles, so as us live in the streamline of everyday brain working, if we are ill then how we show that each wrong idea has a turning back shore to return, only by correction and self three qualitys, tention, intention, attention, one can get back to wholely self by easy way. schizo is not a traditional illness in psycology field, it is first named after a phylosofy writer and thinker, who once crying beside a horse, because he has sypathy on that laboring horse; Gothe is being named as schizo patitent too, because he is the pioneer of horror novel, thriller, and fancy literature. schizo patient is standing in the land of huge space and time that the illness cant be traced when he conqur the doctor, and recover from messive thinking. if he can tell every motive reason of his action, then he is more closer to healthy life then ever before. at least Freud didnt conclue schizo in his study, one scholar named Hanna Segal, she is making efferts in curing schizo in Freud time, but her working havent being translate yet, it is quite a pity, as i know some schizo paitents are genius not found in the hospital and society, now this illness is changed into the name of thinking disorder, but some easy mind patients still make crime if they are not cured well. Hanna is teached by Malanie Kline, they study the nacisism of scizo patients, she has one book named "psycoanalyze, literature and war", i beliieve the war means hyteler caused racism and the struggle between psycoanalyze and literature, but i have never read this book, and i try to do my own analyze between these two, to comform my writing in the sphere of psycology which is related to buddhism, i whish myself to meet ideal lover, but no one comes to me, only series of daydreaming that hold my breathe that i feel like dying drowning in the water of sex, i have paranoid of fency sexuality, but now i have cured by nearby clinic doctor, and because of i study psycoanalyze recently with theteaching from professer, i get to know being a normal person sometimes is hard to control. i remember that professer has mentioned about little Hans, Anna, and Dora, this three case historys make me think of my adore to some famous males, and finally get tragedy in the end i live in hospital for a while, this is painful without freedom, i heart is opening after several time of hospital experience, i realize that to be balance and catharsis in mind is never fall in sick love again, so i imagine one day i can be rich from those novels i wrote, but this kind of psyco writing seems only stand for the taboo that lovers dont do, and finally my nagative novels have contribute people to chase love in a blind and dark room, without the light of knowing each other, therefore i think romance is dead fountain. curing literature is very nice for people ever get hurt to read, it heals people`s heart of broken, i feel like getting ride of the tragedy for forgetting every texture of adoring some one, it is not what i really need love, but i write love so i need a male muse, so i think that i was over serious in the drama of my mind, that`s why i get hurt by being rejected by male, love is just a experiment of my writing, no need to take it as a truth or reality, it can be a made up myth or a bad legend, just we cant take it seriously that we want a happy ending, we only can fency or imagine that we get good wedding but in reality we divorce for we are not born to be married, we just need a relationship. last night i am too tired that i sleep long time without eat pills, i think i am getting a deep dream of test that if i can risk my life to protect a trilogy of sex novel, to pass it to a publishment secretly, it is quite strange that why people dont have to read then they know the taboo of sexuality, for it is the original sin i think this is not a saint deed inmy dream, only when the book bing rewrite and being burned that i have no any idea of sadness or regret, i onlly take it normally that the deed is for making babys, not for pleasure life, but all my writings are taking sex as a interest between both sex, i never think about the things will happen to me, cause i am only a narrative teller of fentasy, i couldnt find a positive way to escape from the brain mystery. dream is a kind of existence, for us to rethink to ourselves if we have some reflection crime in the dark dream, we are forced to think over the dream that without any other main role but us, writing is a kind of existence too, just i often take dream as a sorce of imagination, but sometimes i will made up the plots to get my point of view, i know that writing if cant last long in the name of love, then it must be pervent writing for everyone to write, it result the high and low quality mix in the litrature stage together, real literature should care about the problem about peoplewho cant writing, and it is the right of writers to tell the deep reality of every difficulty of people that life is not easy for the complicated mind of people, the humanity is just like a joke, and a history of psycoanalyze. the depression of civililation is all too well, it prevent from rudeness and evilness to happen in the body and mind of female, why is schizo is not rooted from little age, because it is unsuiteable for the one to live in a society of diversity, but his writing is not based on the torture he get from the reality, the lesson from social university is to get adventage from reality, but writers always love to create, out of a idea that makes him joyful, but it may hint a damage to the people`s reality of pure joy.we all know that mind is a history of twisted kind of everyone, no one is always upright, for selfish and self situation, one must concider what the future will be, and try effert to make it as richful as real, no one want to die in blond hell of life, that`s why the brain seems to be the main leader of one`s behavior, talk, think, act, eat, devide, sick, nonesense, it is the controler of one`s deed and karma, so we need to perform like a civilized one in the public and then relax in different way, it is the two sick faces of all fellow people, so no one can escape the duty of self esteem. to make a progress of ones own, one must study hard and read more, but where is the money to get a good book like saints think, it is a question for education to solve, what if a student refuse to read anything, refuse to use brain on abstract thinking, a teacher must give him a motive of reading intention, to think more is not smart, to think right is smart, but in the river of info how one to make judgement on different kind of flatter words, if speaking is just to make communacation and relation free, how to concit that we have prejedy and disbelief on the foreum on television, we all know they are making show effect only, no pne really care about the sufferer in the case history.i really hate to watch hypecratic talk show because it is talking nonesense, no deep thoughts like a schaler or psylosofer really think of the way out, and really i have to say that each people have no solution if they dont change for the better, no one can help them to live like mouse. how to unlock my mind of soundless, i think writing is making trouble, but the money is really tasty that i cant give up the reputation of writing, i like to be a none heteria person, being quiet like a baby, when i cry on the pillow i need a voice to tell me not to waste tears, that`s not the fine way to save crisis of myself, but a spell from buddha really save me, i think i am the lucky one to have a lot of fans following me, so i need to be healthy to justify myself, in order to begin again.writing is a curing way for a isolate heart, i think no matter whatever you write, never think evil to set up for some innocent citizens to be the one you write, fate is not made up, it is a group of your life punishment and the relaiton you make, good or bad is what we choose for, not really a god who watch us each and everyday, we are the observer of ourselves, we are the fater when we talk like a novelist, or write like a novelist, no one can produce a crime for you if you dont jump down the trap. how quick we get through a wound and get out of it, it is just like writing a novel and forget about it, then you are cured for you learn to forgive, if tomorow i am dead, i wont regret for i enlong my life enough by heaven`s pray, i am the final one that believe people are all kind and nice, grace like mother mary, now i dont write evil, and i am not evil all the time, but i know a wrong idea can push you into hell, so mind the heart, never mind if people say something wrong of you, you wont become that way if you hold up your breathe and tell yourself that i am ganna be fine for i never do immoral things, you will be a good liver in your life, a good writer is a fake, not through all practice and training cant make you a AUTHOR, you have to experience the life to tell the truth of logic you admit, for me i totally give up love, but i still write the love i belive, i am angel of my self, schizo analyze is making alternative self, not like psyco analyze it is early close, patriarchic prejedice, and to decode nomality and innormality, it takes texture of serching a mind if it is sick. curing my university is the only way to get healthy, i am glad tonight i have an evoke of dream, taht makes me refresh, i dont need to face the disaster others judge me, i am the master of my mind, i am from now on willing to be a writer of healing. believe in magic, and you can get free of trouble and worry, the shortage of intellecture is not a wickness, the more you read the more you get crazy, dont easily believe in others saying, you have to prove it in your own way, and psyco analyze is the best way, you can see through others mind, and the breaking ice is to defense not to be cheated by others, while religion can let you believe in yourself, to worshiping yourself, when you are all alone, writing a poem collection can be a solo working of mind, and a way to learn to get alone with yourself, writing is facing myuniversity for a long time, to help myself free. wisdom comes from life experiemce, that`s for sure, but reading make us choose both side of wisdom, i like to read horoscope to do the fate of my everyday life, but i feel a little objection that i dont like to read the knowledge nowadays, for thirty years of reading experience, i know some people writing for twisting my viewpoint i find out from the very first origional books, like game theory it is a methamtic theory on unsolved exact, but now some writers apply it on company and life reaction principles, i have to judge it, because it is not the way they say, in postmodern days, people are telling lies that they dont know, fact is a jail that you cant get into, love song is killing you that you dont get it, we love to hear good lyrics but not trust it, we are struggling between the fashion and postfasion, if i say i dont believe in fashion, then i can be a frank writing worker. the hospital give me drugs to kill me, i run to the street clinic to search for help, and i find that i never a problem of this society, just the government treat me as a problem, set me up in the id of blue patient, all my life i running in the way of subnormal name, just because i am not feeling like to tell the truth, if i make up a wish of buying things, i think it is trash thought, i live in the space of trash free, i dont like to make junk of thoughts, but the televsion force us to. what can we do, not to see the media going mad, it is because the mouth is free for alter wrong idea to make money so people rush to dare say wrong ideas on the screen, what a shame for them to say slogens. writing is a big engirneer, if you do it little by little, you make it huge finally, your voice is loud, in the every word you say, i am a reporter of my mind, any reader can see that some times i am not serious and hurmor, and people dont like me this way, they like me to appeal the truth of human`s weakness, and the destiney of my story, why people dont like to hear the brave of saving poors, it is a myth to tell right from wrong, but i can easily find the answers. if the answer is changeable, it must be popular for people to believe, for they just like fresh new staff, they forbid the universe truth that life is boring, so we wrieters become entertainment producer, why dont they at first study the trancedence of tragedy, but study the bitrth of tragedy i ask them face their universe first, in order to prevent the mind from broken.in such alien world, people are sinking in thier own interest, and favor of loving, but they cant escape from working to make money, in the capitalism rules, no money means poor, rich is bad for growig of mind, if money can buy wisdom, why still people so foolish, to kill time, to tell lie, to spend show life in the day of the falling psyco analyze, people can do anything they want by money, they cant buy healthy, because the body is your universe, if you dont take care of it, you will go crazy or insane, by the bothering of outsider, the peaceful mind is to kill the fakeness of this world, to obtain the self satified spiritural energy and wealth. depending on others is a bad attitude, doing your own thing, dont be insonia in healthy life, the world always has a trend to cheat you, and remember writing can be a way to cheat others too, so it is like a compitition of lie racing, tell a lie seems no big deal, but in business field, lie will make you stunble.curing writing seems follish, its logic is childish, but the evil world wont stop for that kind of story, so i support religion writing better, it may be good healing to the humanity of broken heart. i think reading can be a interfere force in the people who are sick or unperfect minded, because they will learn the crime thriller writer`s book, to make the same crime, it is dangerous influence. news has no soul, it reports the bad and ugly side of the society, but if we take it as a lesson, we might live good in the shelter of mora;ity, no body will harm us for we walk together with the path of universe, all horoscope has its rules, under the order of news, something we can do is pray, for the karma of the world to reduce and welcome peace to come. the starship is loading our sense and mind, into a never stop road on air, in the darkness, our vision of subconscious is so very fuzzy, that we dont understand how to escape from darkness to the bright light we finding for, searching for, even dreaming of it, the universe is shined by the sun, the center of our milky way, to follow the universe is to get up with the space of the world, so that you will get healthy and happy that you will do your things well, no any other obstacles can stop you, when we writing, we feel the same way too, insperation never end. if every one is a planet, then psyco analyze is the universe, it precise the paitent`s situation, to open his tie in his heart, it is a healing of mental science that better then read mind curing, the later is often using when writing a narritive text, but not a ill book or case history, as we learn the hole science of chinese medicine curing, we know every line of our body is connected, so we can heal the part of hurting by message the hole, i try to find out my silence of sleep by opening the light, and i try to message my solar hole when i get headache, it really works, so as writing, if curing is not good enough topic, then why not write about feelings you hidden inside. curing writing is to report what make you suffer, honestly tell in the diary that who influnce you, and who bolly you, the process of experience if too painful, you do not want to recall, then you can tell some one in the clinic doctoring room, that you dont want to suffer any more, to become healthy is possible for you in the future, if you use the right method to cure yourself, you can be like me that happy and peaceful everyday, reading the small book of curing tips, i really get a lot of profit that i want to share with those who are not happy, and to cure them by the rules i read. first of all, i want to share my history of mess image come from ghosts, thay force me to have sex, i have no way to escape, so i go abroad to find adventure of sexuality, and seven days i get back to my home, they still trouble around me, i am in the hell of soul sufferig endless sexuality with ghosts, but somehow it is more pleasure then real sex, i endure until i am forty more, i find a good friend he judge me that i am wrongly doing pronogrophy, so i have self rethink over and over again, i finally get a curing help from a place where is free to cure people, i listen to her words and cure the way she said, then i buy some rings to keep bad people away, i am totally cured, my world is so calm that no sound or image bother me, untill today i can happy doing what i want. library collect/pollywoo my teacher has a special taste that he loves to collect standard books, which is good quality in the content, every book that he buy is so full of philosophy depth, and I really love the heart that chasing after the truth and never rest and stop, he pursuit the consumption of books which all kinds of language he can understand, is all what he really realize not just show off. he once announced that he want to donate his all collections to the library, I wonder why he buy and send the blood of his treasure but not build a library of his own, but I can't figure out, I think maybe he is out of selfishless goal for all people can study and read what he try hard to collect.

