2015年5月12日 星期二


App(魔術方塊) /by pollywoo 20140130 index:(1)booklet vow (2)adobe reader 9.0 comes back (3)untill facebook has died (4)select from vote by automatics (5)the course of digitalism (6)firebug is crazy market (7)computer music at new york (8)pc-megenite makes trouble tumor (9)about canon camera(cube-checkbox) (10)opitions of auction on art (11)gay field eat moonlight (12)RGB v.s shadow-skill (13)KMCY ruling king (14)love in cyber wireless morning (15)one finger magic (16)novel of screen technology (17)HP love in rainbow days (18)who cure heavy metal (19)chat on frontpage (20)final words by LED(prolouge) (1)booklet vow/pollywoo i spent three years being a vegetarist,because i felt full all the time,and my stomach is small,in high school i wear creasing skirt of uniform,when i am junior high i go to crammer to learn math,senior high i feel cold all around my body,i am cramped by the period,and i think it is fithiness,but i am finical on the everyday meal,because i only eat vegetibles,as it finis,i have finite money to protect my period,at that time,we classmates have computer time to make some music by the pc sets,but my seat has meen robed by all people,i can only watch filmstrips with fineness pictures,with my finesse technic of seeing through all karmas underness the finery dress,some people in the filling fillet,because my butterfly always flying high once a month,it is not figment,for i am really only filament in the world,no one want to filch a little light or filigree from my body,i fency about go toi field work major in tw collage,while some fiendish devil love swear like a fife of the fiesta,i know it is a course on classic literature book,untill i am twenty years old,i look like fervency & fickle from any males fiat,for i make a fib of no fertilization of males,now i am fourty years old,the goverment of religion ferule on my fanny but it just turn perpule not fester,it looks like black festoon of fervid punishment,i ever have blond hair on the fighting field for being a featherweight on tv,they course me as i get felicitation of feeding bottle,still i spend my youth life to act like a feline on the alley,but i got felonions for cutting through a mandala from japan temple of big stone,when i go to the provincial female university,i have fellowship with one pal that i forget about his name,i have fermentation on my feral femur in the dream,so he try to make joke of stamp my mails on the felly of bullitons,i know he hate my unperfacttion,so i start to feelingly feign or feint felicity on each and every feeler on the letters to sent newspaper,i have a gentle face on the feature,such as a pretty smile or act like a virgin,before the world is febrile fecundity or fertility like febrifuge swallowed by stomach,i have feasible feat and feebleness on my mind,i accept any fatuity fatigue like a ghosting fancet love,and favor of romance,just to get the favoritism on every male,for i have breakfast attendance of fastness of fatality,and fatalistic will,my realitives think i am fargone,so they try to get me some pills of quiet and fantasia of lady butterfly farce by watching the opera,i never be famish because i am not hungry by the fanatic of fanciful fancier by my heratige's bless,i talk like falsehood,but as i grow old at the end of fourteen,i falsetto falter by faith cure of reading buddhaism,at home my elder sister sent me a computer machine,she see through my sending a dialouge with the boss of some pc-company,but he has failing fairway of being a fagot fag,twenty-five yeas ago,i am a pale face,and die twice my souls,recently i got a prize of facing from my father,before i log on the facebook,i have too many times to do face-lifting,it is not facile surgery,the school is talking about the faction of factitious trouble on politics,i refuse to go with their panelist,or regard the vocation of note is a good way to go abord,but they think i am the daughter of lexicographer,i try to chat with them that i know nothing about idine-ion can cure hurt,i am called imbecille by males,and they keep on imbue my imbibe knowledge for nothing but fee of writing,i only hope invoice can be invoked by lucky invocation,and inward courage of strife,i am a slender and slick girl who has sleight to write decode theory,but my first love is slaping on me after lost for twenty years,i just keep on playing sleeve that i buy cd to play with my writing,i smell like a sleigh,for i try to stay away from slag of slander with slant slacken on my morality,some one of my classmate boy revive me on the place where i buy to astablish a workshop,at the year of thirty years more,but i cant revisit him to my home,for my mother is not slack on my choice of getting a boyfriend at youth,the revulsion of reword by the school minister revoke and revolt of his chacing after me,i revolve my revue and reward of poetry,while he goes to revoler of center-part senior high of tw,trying to flee like a flea on the fleece,i dont believe we can be together for the flash of flaying sexuality is producing fleck like flax on my face,i use flannel but in the end my mother took them to be a towel of rubbing the floor,i never stop the flap of my flarce poems,like a flap-jack he replay to me by a article of message that explore on the monthly magazine,but after that,i decided to write on one flamingo/flamenco hotel,the flank is so beautiful that only phylosophys can enter,all fauge are running fast past over there,for the flair of cheating and flaky flake of the gay flamboyaut is such as fettle of fetter fetus,with fendal fend of the island,the fete of fetid critics fetched by my fetching festoon,which is polished by apple-polisher of police,the poignarcy and poignant pogo stick at at my childhood makes me harmed at my chin,but right now no tabloid dare to report on me,because the breath i hold for breatherbreath.i often flounder in the flounce for i eat tablets,my mother think me as a lesbin,so she put table linen as a lace,to warn me that never fall for anyone,my novel is out of my fabrication on the facede of hotel building,but i dont think the facet is not important for me to wear,because i can buy it by myself.the facsimile of facilitation makes me become an eyecatcher, (page6)right now i am the extreme and extrusion of opition to be a extravagance way,for i prentend myself as extrusion of literature world,my eyesocket is hurt sometimes,but there is no any eyewash to cure me,the eyelash uesed to push my eye balls,and my eyebrow still cuted naturally. i get back my eyeshot and soured of my eyelid out of eyestrain,for the glasses is coming back right at the top of lotus sutra,and my left &upper portion of eyetooth is going backward,for my expound of extinction in the literature land,it is quite an eyesore to see the exhistory,last year i spand twenty thousand dollars to extract the extention of my teeth,only to extent the splendid wall of my works,no one come to my blog extolling to me,only extort on my email,so i do the external extirpation of the gassip MRT,the exploded expressway is blowed by my father who built it,for the expoter of exponent is expediting so very expediency to either expectancy of expiration or expiation,the expanse of expense from my nephew is expansion &the ex[atiation of being expecting is hard to tell,the sky of darkness exhale some exhorting or exemption on exofficio status,to execute exemplar on exert or exertion is exceed and exceled under the Excellency of my father,it is exceeding excellence for etymology of Black & White have evaded for each other,as the epilog epitome is an estimation of flowing estuary like the etiquette of ethics/ethnic,his escort is trying to eschew the erosion of equity,erection,and envisage of enroy,at the base of enthronement which enthall the err people,as entirety entity of enticed enticement from enumeration,the entented enrichment is entrusted by the entry of entwined enmity of enigma,people are ennuied by the enormity of entanglement,engender some engaging endowment of enduring enlist,and they are endeared and endorsed by the endearing endowed by endearment,the empress of ancient Tibet is emulons empowered by empiricism of encroach,but the emir of eminence but emetic of emissary who emission emit of eightfold money to the elbowroom of elapsed and elated elbow of effortless egoism,like a eggplant shell,the echelon of eclat ebb of ebony eures,it is just eddy ecliptic of eclogue that poetry goverment does not satisfied like eczema on the back,and the butt of the eardrum from earldom is eagle-eyed that thjey want longer earlobe and belittle the beholden beholde,behold!the beforehand befriend is befoged,.and beggary,the beget of crass crater is a craven cryed like a crater,the cream of craze and fever is creaking in the sky,such as the creaky voice of emergecy car.(end) (2)About Reader 9.0 is Coming Back today i study six function of poem,which are emotive,conative,referential,metulingnal,phatic,poetic.my name have log on the grave without name,i wrap and pack up the news year's gift,to soothe the sustain of my soul,which is driving like a dungeon cycle by scourge of whip,o am on the quarry of digital world,because the caravan in the buddha's sutra is summoning and soughting for the reason of my frown,and try to save me with reviving call and banner of success on their brows,which bind one bundage on the road,when my sister took father and me to search for bower of biered deck,because the exalte of her new car running to wedge-shapped charge,it is a pile so popular with blaze kindled on volcanic boson,my enclosure formed by breest is cankering for the trident besieged my with roar of sulphurous crack,i clap for the precursor of dreadful heart,on the way back home,it is compelling like enthusiasyic cheerleader on the rhetoric music she play.i am a laureate poet who scent the grime renowhed by her extra,he is her precedent ester who hide her name,and love inbetween from the media,i am lounging on the wee bed like majasty hear the fridge or enlist of apprentice from the papers,she reenactment to the top head,which ignite as dovetail,i remember the staircase be scrambled by journeyman on the windmill,which grind the bracket of souvenirs,for the misconception of racing hoop in a tournament,swish roll retailed from big prestige swiss has be eaten by me,my mind tinted on the compact,now all water source are hydrate of hostalgic solidity,for slope has gone away by my zoetrope sound in the sky,subtly adulate like vintage was sent to my father,me and my sister are his cherubs,opaque backdrop now has become semitranslucent synthetic,the porchment picture of diorama traversing her skulk frolic,as approximately to the poetry coverage of flowers sparking,i drink a bottle of balm tea,for i ever multi-tasking like primerfrom staff stick,for i savvy the wardrobe hide my mother's tackle of marriage memory,we sisters grow epring up as sprout right now,but i still think of dynamted navigate which is proactive trendy,never allow humiity dork exfoliate like a gimseng,my follicles never plante any turmeric on the densiplex of my dead sea,my scalp grow black botanically as my mother invigorate me by collagen vita,replenish my hair by contours deprivation from years to years,after wash, my hair become optimization and the uplifting emotion is so happy,i am not on the menopause or lack of spiral style,my frizzy and kinky hair is not twisted on the floor,my fab of brain seem glow but augst,for i secrectly rectify my dithered pretending draft of changing my birthday,to be a intimidated confrontation with wit of gem,but not a courtesy sword,thine cathartic and colonoscopy are fine,because i dispense as the nod of my father in the kitchen,i do not eat pastrami,or eat awkward gravy of weasel's meat,i dye like puce,the pump on the window upstair is one calf who flatter to get politic silhonette on tv,they drape like belittled and strategized pinchle,but we never become rural shaman from the power of stressors,my sister replenishes collagen for UL co.,want her to do any recycle from this island,i have a present of fortify the ceramide,and creme to rub my hand,but i use window fashions on the medium,to sheen all stains and gloss with enhance,the out side street is draging and gliding the rosiness fudge as nobody to counsel or savviest the boost of peeling on my face,by aluronic acid,nothing can erasability the lousy patent which postpone or tempt the hygen beaura to diminish the molecule for skincare,me as a pores sweater never wear pullover dress,but now i upgrade to have a purpale wardrobe,i hide some pencilskirt work in the clozet,and my ankle is covered with bootie which the buckle is two part of father pearl and mother pearl,i dress one chino like ballet flats and cuff with corduroy,it is a stylish must-have from the partnership of my sister,it has availability virtually ten hundreds dollar,as i believe it looks extraordinary guarantee,to be a fighter on the walk,my acoustics absorb all the polar motorization furnishings,insulate this inspatable astound music wand,i know my skin need no any dermatologist or serums,for i am only one lady who has fuve business lines on my right paw. (3)untill facebook has died one day we are all pigs,because we all need not carnation to celebrate the face book past away,if i deal with ten guys at one time,i will not be crazy but leave them for allways,therefore i decide not pretend stupid and numb,today facebook sent an email to say sorry too me,while i dont mind,because it is just a warning that they can catch me in the shadow,so i go abroad to somewhere that i can bear for a long time,i want a inspire computer,to show me the way in the furture.it is a beginning for fallen apart,he my poet friend stood under the tree of a university my sister was studying in the past,we move around the school when the holiday there is nobody at all,it is quiet with various trees and flowers in the road side,i can see he stand up to call my name of one swear that we will never be together,because his son has grow up,and i want to find them if i dont have a family's order,but right now i am locked by slowly time that i have got in the facebook,he sent me free mails each and every time,but this time,he just come to meet me,in the high age,fifty-eight years old,i am forty five,he seems know that i swear to study french language in the classroom,he wear a green cotton hat,and his son is taller than him,i saw him twice but not the eyes,he probably forget my poetry named buddha heart,inside there is a address and phone number,if he get my new year's card,he would give me a calling,right now my wish to go back is still work out,but i will never chase any guy,for all is tragedy in my eyes,i just request one letter from him,that's all i want,he maybe think what i give is a very sad funeral,while it is not,it's a question,what he need is black or white?now i am concentrate on my lost card,and i know that my dream is over,all the light has been gone as this year,who can understand that i care those words he says in the poem collection,"i care about you",perhapes he never know that i write a book for him,now i am waiting for editor to recall me,he is an editor of my past column,almost all writing about how to be a buddha as a woman,will he allow me to save momery just for him?since facebook discovered his infomations,i cant stop thinking of why he reports everyday details for me,he remind me of that bike,at his right hand,he saduce me with his finger tough into my anus,but i dare not to say i dislike it very much,and i dont mind if he ask me a birthday gift,i still will sent it to him,but i have please from god never get into facebook,for there are all liers that i get frustrations andno any entry to get back,for he doesnt know i see through him,that his house has no telephone,tv set,or any one live next to him,but he can tell every news to let me know he want to share with me about his thoughts,i guess he is really very lonesome,since that remote time he refuse to use my articles about zen and lotus sutra,and poets connect with buddhaism,he really regret for it?if he know that i put his address in somewhere,such as inside the bills box then sent all out all at once,or the bus can still get there,and maybe i will never get anything in return,i feel very ill,he is just a friend pass by,every thing has run away in my brain,i bleed each and every day in my sleep,who knew?he tell me that he sent one lady's car to my dear friend to let her drive me at right seat and to tell the truth that he need to know,but finally i realize that he is trying to figure out what i like or not,and when i am sick,how to save life all by myself.i remember at university,i go around taipei to interview with each and every boss who sell digital goods,i ask like a sphinex,never let them answer before i think of any quest,i want to make sure that 3c field is a true reality,no any female is staying at thay occupation,but i find out the fuction and solve the pc at home,i rightly buy some software and floppys,and cure that accounting computer into novell screen shows up colourfully.i am so happy dreaming about i can get on internet in twenty more years old,so that i can make money to buy a house,no need to live croweded with my sisters,i want a place where the neighborhood will never bother me,andtrying hard to work at computer's world,but in vain,my sisters all get the root of my destination,they can earn 50000 dollars a month,but the places are far away from home,only me stay at home continuing on my writing,i start to think deeply about my work target,i believe there must be an answear in this world,if i go to hell check it out,i can save a lot of people.(end) (4)select from vote by automatics speak of tw politic about the mayer selection,we can see that all the errors are amied to the importance of taipei city and county combined together if the city is continuing to seperate in two portions,then we will live under the nightmare of traffic and living at dark time,all we should know is the television points reveal the future of taipei and it decides the leadership of whole tw,just yesterday window xp has anounced that it will be long gone,for new aspect in software will arouse,in this time of snow,i know that microsoft is gonna hold flag once again,for it appeal the peace of pc world,and put independence of the net field into the whole universe,because of war and revolution this year,who will save the cold weather of any finecial or worming of the heart of al humanbeings,we refuse the warning from usa,which is still the best government in the globle areas,that means international ware fare is implenced by the holy county,but of course the media controls the discourse in the press and public,therefore it is the toleration of citizen which defines the governing in this environment,especially all the atmosphere surround culture,for example,music,literature,art,tv programs,news,science,lecture,and so on, in fact,i wonder if the newest software will let facebook broken down,or fallen apart,if we are now forced to use window8,will the pc or cellphone world become so useless in the impact of special socialized communicatrions?i realize that even personal romance being pushed by new epoch of pc,what pattern of the computer world will reveal in our future?random?chosen by god?or select from vote by automatics numbers?may the voters beat the zero without doubt,who is gonna take the risk of the selection game?four anaminies are going to fight this year spring time,just after the laten festival,let me report it untill the day comes(wait)fore this, italy has outcome an prime minister named someone,and it is just like the sun govers italy,which will become the third strongest econmy country by his leading power,i am looking forward on it,because he is a very high idealism keeper,so there is sunny side of the euro,that might rise again the strength of germany,i believe that honestly is the best policy,so does politics,without trust where is the fundment of life,love and rule?all are decided by television numbers,and citizen opinions,and the press judgement,i know as a freelance i should report the right ending in such a democrocy province. (5)the course of digitalism from the very beggining,i use computer software to design an eveolope with a chinese poem on it,i mail the little letter to my best friend,it is so much fun,because the teacher allow us students to create anything we want,before this,my sister buy a pc at room,she teach me to park when the program is over,then we can close the pc,i have so many lessons in network world,some are me going to interview digital company manager,some are buying some floppy software and go home try them,the others are trying to figure how many staff we can apply from pc and to create money in the chatroom,now we have tutor room,it is interesting to chat with teacher in the screen,how the level has raised into a cellphone standard,now you can even download your own pchome newslatter station app,how fast the ITworld is changing,although money is trace,we still cant treat it too serious,the function of network is expanding nowadays,i think there are too many information,that we cant differ right from wrong,it is a blind point,to let news lead us on the way of reality,what so-called free buying is not really pay without money,it just a lie,only discount is reazonable,so we must take care of our sense on the treatings. (6)firebug is crazy market since i find out the neon color can get on computer,i still believe that it just like firebug which is a kind of emphasize of poison,and those colors are not on RGB orCMYK system,even gold and silver cant show up on the printing paper,but we can see so many uniform on activities are adapt neon color to produce clothes,i dislike it,i think the market has gone mad to manufacture it,all those connected products are dangerous,and should be warning by printing explain words on them,there is a firebug on the internet which can seprete the rule of numbers,which makes money running high,so many people broken their purse,bankrupt or cant afford any fee on estate and living,in this this society we should watch out all the toxic materials,and be away from or destroy them,so that no other will get hurt,firebug stand up with a alien world,although it is colorful but it is plastic beauty,i feel it so fake,you can see the stick is showing on cancert or lecture,i use it once too,its engery will finally run dry,without any color inside,the only adventurew is it doesnt need to use bettery,and still shine with groups,what a crazy decorated scence,i guess it is group subconscious cause the neon sea. (7)computer music at new york many singers and producers use computer music to remix the digital sound for dancing,party,ect,my sister went to usa california,while i contact a new yorker at downtown floor by computer screen,i ask him if i can live his place by rent,and i want to search for the digital music at new york,he disapproved and bub his jojo to let me see,such a boring man,now it is stopped,dont know why some how i miss it a little,i ever saw my one male friend play pc music,all sound are composed by software,all he has to do is moving he mouse,to the high tide,he call it noize,but i dont get it,because it sounds more like environment music,now our family being set up a box media,where there are many channels playing different kind of music,from classic to pop,if i can live in new york,i will write down some critics on music,or making friends in the field of musician,but anyway i have dream about it,it occured in my daydreaming,i realize that life is not just for fun,we should work hard on our ideal to let the world more aggressive,more filled up with sunshine,so at last i want to become a DJ,on the radio and dance floor. (8)pc-megenite makes trouble tumor i have ever heard that the cellphone magenit power is really high enough to make people get throat tumor,at first i dont know what to do,just keep on going see doctor and eat pills,paying 80 thousand dollars,to get cured,so u stop the cellphone and live like a freedom one,never carry any bills or digital materials,so now i am very healthy,doctor told me not to eat cheely,fried,fired,cold,cooked,and so on,especially some fruit like mango,i can never eat those food,i know people like to get on the MRT and use cellphone on WiFi,i did it before,but nothing is funny and the bill comes half a month,i feel cheated,so i swear that i will never use myphone,what a close to get bad tumor,i love to read sutra,thats why i get over it slight,i want to tell everyone who loves cellphones,never use too long,for healthy is very important,once you lose it,you will be regret,it has been three months,i get rid of my bad health,and start a new way to silent of life,i believe that one day the pc magnit will be ruined,so that we can use it without bother once again in the future. (9)about canon camera(cube-checkbox) i buy one canon camera this year spring,it is a digital machine,it can be used like cellphone touch to move,i like it very much,but i have no spare time to use it,i want to be pretty and take the photo of myself,so i let my hair grow long,but two years passed,i can only keep my hair in the shoulder,i ever took this canon go to the sightseeing,visiting university,and took many wonderful senerys,originally i was try to study the dark shadow and light,so i buy this machine to experience it,but finnally i cant see through it,so i give up,i havent read over all the guiding sentence,but i can use the simple sentence on shoting paper sculpture pandas art installation,it is a wonderful day,so many children go with their parents,happy and joy all around the freedom palaz,i believe the cube-checkbox touch is created from magic box,it can move up,down,left,right,for different directions,and inside the check-box there are dementions prepared to open by the user,this camera is brought after my two camera is disappearsed from the insurence shelter,it looks like two combine to one,it is not expensive,sharp,colourful,useful,and beautiful,and it is mini-size,i love it and i will take good care of it. (10)opitions of auction on art one day i dream about our house can lend to gallery manager,to get 70 thousand dollars a month,at this distriction,house prices are highmso i dont have to be worried about my life,the best is i manage it by myself,at the same time doing some art trade,it is very good that i never feel boring about hearing it,maybe i can hold auction on art works,the opitions are changing every month,right now i have a friend who work for another gallery,and he ask me to watch,but it is not near so i refuse him,i buy his poem collection,he use to discuss my poem too,but the class price is much too high,i cant afford it,so i decided to bowser from youtube about the knowledge of art work,then studing "what is art"such a topic,i used to buy some unknown paintings to be my coverage of poem elbum,and i am satisfied,this friend tell me that,the one who can write poem is a filicity,so i keep the word in mind,go on my road of writing poem and critics,i wish someday the dream of opening a gallery can be coming true,i love fine art very much,till the end of my life. (11)gay field eat moonlight the moon shines like cold white,in the sky,but all kind of colourful clouds eat its light,and all color mixed together as black sky,it is a terrory that being governed by the dark king from india,gay means shining bright,origionally,but after the alternative culture called it as homosexual,the night become really nasty,people who invest himself at the net work during the night,they can freely and quickly get on the web and read some data from the homepage,dont you think that the screen's light is like the moon in the evening?while day time,seldom people log on web too,because it is sleeping time,i used to work at morning and night,just to use wireless to connect on the freely land of internet area,nowadays people likes to use free wifi to use cell phone,especially on the mrt,i know it is a square like all box on the magic box,and right now it is developed high that i cant follow it anymore,i think pc science is a way of no return,if you dont use it carefully,you can get falling in the silly com,so i believe that 3c products should be used in the field of education,just like the book tells,the evolutional secret is now grow up all over the world,although i broke a plate,one notebook die,and a cell phone stop using,but i can understand there are many traps underneath the it products,and once you flow into the dirty water,you will get debt to the country,but sometimes you know cewllphone always push you go to pay the bill once half month,it is not fair,even now,i want a new cellphone that can write novels or prose,it cant be done,for no software support it,i dont know how long should i wait for the time to come,i ever see the moon uprise in the bright sky,i am the senior high,i thought it is a sun which looks like jade,in fact,the moon as jadeerhaps means the morality of engagement in the net work,if we do wrong,the moon will become black,believe or not,it is just my basic theory,i discover thar the moon hide herself and seldom show up in the dark sky,lady diana is a saint goddess,she enpower the shine into the earth,s that we can know where is west and east,in the networld,people should realize the way of structure that they obey,never get lost or wasting time,especially never let gay people put out so many lie and show,we need a honesty eye to act like a brave heroine. (12)RGB v.s shadow-skill red,green,and blue,these three elements can controduce a blacxk shadow effect,how to adapt colour is a serious way to design the painting,both photoshop and illustrator are as the same,the blending color finally result in the skill of grey ledders,there is a theory of colours,it apply to many place such as house design,dress design,and so on,my publish company use almost each and every colour to put on the coverage,i find out that,RGB can influence the lightenib=ng,if we change the curve line,it will curse change on the whole photo,teacher tel us that the graph of colour is important,never forget how to produce a hormony colour on the paper,it depend on the publishment emploee's eye,if RGB is white then CMYK is dark,anyway i believe plante design is a proffessional knowledge,that it make advertisement more magic,and splendid,on the way of mixture wearing,people dress differently to wipe away the darkness of whole black as low-profile,in fact,color is decoration of this world,we dont want to become blind,a wonderful world is all we need,so shadow has levels too,it is a pixel skill that can be edited to be a spectrum to apply in the society,once i teach in a kid school,i write all colour name on a list,but the parents dont want their children learn these words,i think a world without colour is very boring,but since they dont like it,and grammer is also be kicked out,i still have yo write more other textures,while a few days i quit teaching and attend the illustrator 9.0 class to learn how to make beautiful coverage,and homeworks,it is a wonderful time,computer skill is very mysterious and magfic,the teacher use english to explain procegers,i record all the teaching in a notebook,so very richful,my teacher find a job for me,he want me to take the phone from the boss of a studio,i tell him ok,but he hesitate and i dont know why,after school is over,my workshop is free to create all kind of works,i am a hardworker,i like to work,i persuit successful career,few years later,i come back home and there is a fast printing company over the alley,i run to there to print a lot of works that i design and write,for 7 years,i still go on my way,i will write untill the end of the world,and i can use indesign to combine all kind of past softwarew,right now i have to prepare a photoshop gallery exhibition,i hope everything goes fine and successful. (13)CMYK ruling king CMYK is 0-255 degree,while grey ledder is 256,it is 8bite,i know CMYK is a name that illustrator use to represent the colour form,and pattern,it is very important when you want to print big poster or some files,that colour need to be performed very clearly,then we will use CMYK save and then print,CMYK is still the ruler king in adobe world,so many painter or designer use this type,so it is most famous and popular kind formula,since i seldom use photoshop and illustrator,i often go to 518 find designers to paint the coverage for me,once i get three pages of rose,and spend 3000 dollars,i think it is very nice for the designer to paint so soon for me,and through comunication on line,although now this novel is not selling well,i still keep it on the book shelf,and take it as a good memory,this is out of regret for past love,and CMYK make it a perfect work,i am very happy,to see it happen,in the process of painting,no any detail will be missed for CMYK is a transformed set,after change from RGB to CMYK,everything can be safely ready for print,the work will show its finest side after it is out of the machine,it is the ruler of designing field.as we know,c stand for sky blue,CMYK has more blending color then RGB,and the final color go to extreme,one is white,the other is black,it is just like rainbow color mixtured as black,while you put it on the three-angle mirror,it become white,it is small theory that we allearned from elementary school course,if we think over it,where is the color coming from on the cellphone,that is an interesting question,but i really dont know the answer,what if digital camera's color comes from CMYK?i really dont know either,i still have a thik guide book to read before i use this camera,in CMYK,the shadow might be not so dark,and the color you choose from the stick is poly-chooseful,i love colorful stuffs,i love to wear olorful dress and store them in my closet,CMYK theory comes from a big ball,when you cut it through you will know that they stand for different way of the ball,the opposite color is marked in the four dementions of the ball,you can see that traditional camera is put inside a crystal ball,on the center of the sight,so that we can capture the all dementional scienery,now digital camera and sim card take over it,and we are enjoy such kind of technology progress right now. (14)love in cyber wireless morning i love to get up early and get on web,cause it is the best time hat my computer wont have to pay any internet money,since i find out that wireless settings,i feel my time is valueless,it is all free,and i can do anything i want without any interuption,i love to write down some thesis and exame my facebook just to see if anyone sent message to me,then i will log on music radio and listen to english broadcasting line,review my forum to see if any more people is reading my novels,writing nivels on the computer is so much fun,but people wont give me any advice,maybe they dont understand what i am typing about,in the morning,the right side always start some remind to make me hear some music,it is kind of curing function,everyday renew a song,very much fun,but it cant stop,by ant button,and while i am on the web acting like a bird flying,i find out that cyber land is so romantic as we feel relax with those good advertise,for example,anti-virus ads,chating ads,radio games ads,and also a entrance of cook163,it is coming from mainland china,sometimes i can watch movie from funshion and pptv,i am not very much in the fancy of movie,but i want to see some films that are argued by the press and audiences.i always love to watch youtube to listen to musics with lyrics,i key in the word and so many things comes out to play for favorite type,today i read a book about education,there is a khan school which teach course in the youtube,it is not easy to understand,but the knowledge they support is very prescious and amart,i try to find out some english course and i find out that my english is not so bad,so what i need is to find a job teaching little kids language or other knoledge,i know many class use 3c products to have class searching,they students learn all by themselve,use their finger touch the plate,and then they can studing by the teacher's leading,i used to get a notebook selling job,i try to sell those products to schools,now i know it is very hot idea right now,and students get intelligent from using website,and network browseing,this action brings more cares and concerns from the teacher,they can discuss with students,about the course of every class and homework,i know that any idea that is fresh can be promoted to the whole world,never be afraid to dream because the dream take you to the cloud top,and you can reach success without any frustration,then the love of learning become very easy. (15)one finger magic when you typing cellphone words,you need one finger konfu,that is a magic as the sutra says,buddha use one finger to elast as a konfu,although i dont know what it means,but i know the touch time has come,and if you use control pen to touch the screen,it is ok too,in this fast technology time,everybody play keyboard with two hands,while i use only one right hand,because it just like play piano,so fluently,it even faster than using two hands,untill now i still keep the regular habit,but when entering the chatroom,i am slower than some people,they came from foreign country,so they type fast that i cant even fellow their step well,i guess the typing class did not give me a lesson,that typing speed is leveled as a skill of working talent,so it is my excues to admit that i can only type by one hand,some people use two thumbs to type cellphone,i have ever see one person typing the line,it looks so fast,but i am worry about if he is cheated by the other one,it seems the person he speak to is who he is familiar with,so i stop doubt,and i think the magic should be very exactly touched on keyboard,for there is no time to change the wrong type,it trains people to use pc typing so well,the one finger touch arouse from god and eden,after a heaven touch,it is like a given power that he admit that eden is his son,but it is another matter when human touch with the mars,with one finger,in fact,we are so very afraid of mars,they make dangerous magics,on the earth,there are so ,any strange things happen that no one can explain,like the planet 370 in south asia,it looks like mars attack,but people might think it is my mad imagination,in fact,things turn out the truth,it is air craft by human doing,in fairy tales,one man can touch everything to make them become gold,that is so-called magic,the power can not be over-used,in the reality we cant find such kind of person,but there are many people exist to use one hand to touch mouse,to make the wonderful technology come true,that is miracle,writing can only use one hand,that is menu,hand-writing,no matter left or right,now the computer has produce the software to write by one stick,but on cellphone or some digital dictionary,use finger to write is also a magic thing,because it makes you choose the right word you want,i believe that finger of eating is very useful and incrediable in the it revolution field. (16)novell of screen technology long time ago,as windows havent show up it's colorful novell,i go everywhere to interview with each boss who is in charge of their shop of pc,i require clearly and buy somew floppy back to try,i also buy hard disc and other soft disc,just to try the computer in the room,i read from book,if we chnge the novell situation,it can become very powerful to link the screen to enter the computer world,after one month trying to ask so many questions,i guess i can see the future of pc world,so i push one magic floppy into a:/,and the screen shows up the colorful mark of windows software,i am very happy that from the time on,i can use pc to do many undiscovered things,but my elder sister close the setment,she wont let me get into the novell that i have find out,even after that how to get on internet,she steal my investment,to use her mathematics disc counting the digital field,and then forever lock up all discs on the box,she is very selfish,i dream about many times that she want to bob my estate,my piano,my money and my writing papers,she is a bad girl,but my mother says that she has a soft heart,i dont believe it,because so many dreams has become truth,novell is random screen,and colorful,after my sister force me to use "depend on sky"software,,i left behind the trend so long a time,my sister control my knowledge on the counting of pc,while i can only use typing words to write theory and poetry,sometimes my typing words wilkl disappear or being sucked into the inner portion of the strange moniter,so as the first time i create a magazine,i stop typing by myself,i sent to a type company or workshop,to type all the words i write on paper,then i cut and stamp the typing texts with beautiful grapg and decorations,i think it is basic editing work.after 20 years i get that in the compass people who major in ads and art,can use adobe at that old time,while i am a lost list on pc software,that's all right,for i never care about why indesign never be popular on the pc market,if i can use or apply computer to edit a self create magazine,it would be a big company right now.while now i still in a imagine mirror that dont know how to produce a capital publishment as other's do,i can only publish some books with small amount to share with small group,for no profit sale but sent out to my friend list,nowxp gonna stop, i wish my business can last. (17)HP love in rainbow days before hp appears,one classmate tell me that she is the goddest of raibow,if i believe in her,she will sent me endless colors,so i believe in her,in the coming days,i transfered myself to the workholic,then the 0hp color painter and sonic computer start to show on the market store,at that time i know she is really a kind and nice goddess,to me i like colourful things,so the ads on 3c appears on the telwvision,many company are striving to be on top,but so many taiwan made notebook fails to be manufactured,ands even get out of the game of competing,the color is never end supporting on the market,especially the link boxes sale by such a high price,i can only buy black ink,because color ink is such a wasting that only when important file should be printed,but the company is not mine,i just let go all the limit to use colours,and by the way i was enjoying in photographs shooting,i never know that printing can take over the celulu wash,but untill now we start to use sim card to take pictures,and no need to print it,because it can be saved in the cloud space forever,so the colour has been stored in the box of products untill people who need it,they will go to the pc store to buy it,the classmate iris is very ugly,but who knows she got colour on her soul,and she is feeling like to give to me all the charge power on colours,i should thank he,for the revolution have done so well,and she disappear since we are classmate,because i did not finish the class,the teacher wont let me graduate,so i begin to find a multi-media job that only invent some copy write,discover some stars,and go out shopping cd for company,our company produce co;orful documents,with music and pretty models,moving in the screen,the hardest work is those who write programs in the pc room,she has a copy of programs note to apply,or depend on,but since my job is gone,i steal it away which makes she very nervous,i dont know why she discuss with a painter workmate,to let me have nothing to do on my job,so i have to go,i mail the key back,and i did not harm any other equipment,and i use my salary to buy a recording machine,to play the film shooting as an interest,i even took the machine abroad to japan,where there are all small house,and the fuju mountain is smoking,i dont know why,i spend a wonderful time with the filming interests. (18)who cure heavy metal after heavy metal like computer being destroyed,who is going to fix them,cure them,once apon a time when people believe monitor is like man-made brain,never be too easy to break it down at that time,we have turbo button to fix the opening of machine main sata,right now we have anti-virus to protect pc from getting fermented,heavy metal is a source from natural,but how to recycle has become a headache problem,especially in the field of computer science,disc,d-ren,floppy,micro disc,dvd,cd,stereo headphones,mouse,keyboard,etc,who can cure them when they are out of order,well,most of the fixing people will suggest that you change a new one,but seldom people recommend that still use the fixed one,it is concerned about material renewal,recycling,i break down two notebooks,becauyse the opening button is out of order,it wont works,so they everlasting stop their usage out there,dont know how to cure them,most of the broken machine are senting to the third country,and stock over the factory,it is a huge problem that nobody cure heavy metal like radio machine,tv,and other 3c productions,which is all second hand,i can understand that if buddha can cure it,then every people will come to believe in buddhaism,so the saying of "religion is puppet"is perhaps right,believe in the faith that science is concerned with buddhaism,that might be somewhat right,in some way if being proved,but not the computer science because it is a closed system that once it break down,you cant reopen it,sp as cellphone,once the battery is full over,the cell phone cant be open,you must change a new battery,and also when you open cellphone,each time it slow down a little,for a long time,the cellphone hasitate too long that you just cant wait,after the final touch,it is all gone,and you dont know why,ay this time we want to ask,who can cure this cellphone without causing any money,but no one can get an happy answer,if we use a machine without any electricity or battery,it is just like 20 years ago,when photograph is took without any battery,it is a expensive time to pass,but right now the waste of dead machine is a bigger problem,it cant be used once again,and you dont know where to throw away,so you kept the broken one in the drawer,it has become a history memory of your life and computer age. (19)chat on frontpage i know apple pc can use the frontpage to chat,since the window and yahoo message have take back,we can only use skype to chat word by word,chatroom become popular on the bbs,and facebook,it has been take over,why nobody find out that we need a chat space to talk to each other on pc,but the cellphone take over it,for there is too many cheating and lieing secret,so we must protect our sense of mind,that think twice if somebody seduce you to do something,in fact,g++ is a better plate for chating news and ideas,but so many traps are standing over us,how can we be alert not to be cheat,my frontpage is right now being invaded by so many on line squares,such as frontpage,connecting on website,vedio games,music,antivirus,msn,tv station,etc,they are all medias trying to sell their popularity and fame,which can be called as advertisement on pc,homepage,i try to use msn once again,since it is anounced by the yahoo company that its function being canclled,but i dont really want to adapt one account,because all of my accounts and codes have been stolen by some people,i am quite afraid,so i stop to apply any codes,i am right now all alone without friend,not easy to believe any strangers,as before i love to chat on frontpage,but right now the globle village has been shut down and nobody can chat between nations in the air,too many net institution which are business-like prograqmed,there must be lot more danger inside,that we must come to warm others,not to step the same trap as us once again,think of yesterday ago,so many friend wont be itimate to me,by telling any data or phone number or sddress,they are just fake to be nice,in fact,they got humanities we dont know,perhaps they want to get some money from you,or attack your information,they are called hikers,i never know it before,untill i write a hiker novel,then i get it,hikers are cruial that they dont have love,blood or flesh,they are unrational animals that will take away your privacy and get advantage from your card,they are thief,stealer,cheater,faker,lier,and crimals,dont trust those people that has no identifications,because they maybe evil that at final you will lose something that prescious they know,because they took away without a trace from you,be aware of your self-secerity,never tell people about your secret,or you will be over. (20)final words by LED(prolouge) this text is prose about app time,as free app add too many,we will be possible get busy to cut those app which has dangerous virus or bad inttention,it is just a supposer,not all app are sinful,but here i still have to pronounce that from pc to app,it is a sign of magic box turning around,and if you dont get addidated to it,you will be free from the mind that being haunted by app,the newest pattern that can make you feel fresh,but at the end you will be sacrified from the money-making intention,and get lost in the game,dialogue app can help you get answer of who is around you right now at the place,but if you dont have a buddh's eye,dont be easily trust these words they say to you,for it might be another novel to write down at police office,no need to profet,pc is page to page,cellphone is button to button,slide to slide,it's a truth that the innovation is different,computer is used to work,while cellphone is used to entertain and communicate,since bbcall age has gone,the cellphone time rise,we must think over the explosion of app,what will arouse the ending of this creation action,if it is good revolution,then bad must reduce to zero.(end)

2015年5月6日 星期三


伊準備值累愛意鑽戒,放在拉袋阿內面,這是伊的愛人指定賣愛的定情物品,燃燒的心,是鑽戒的品牌,本來三萬扣遮馬已經起價呀,變鄒貴鬆鬆,伊送乎愛人一張廣告,是五十歲美新娘的結婚照片,內值累一本冊內面,招乎伊的愛人,親手捧累這款鑽戒,約伊作移去拍婚紗像片,以前伊的某離婚了後嫁乎別人,是一個好雅人,過了十年以後,擱再自由戀愛,去熟識值這累愛人,伊生甲鄒水个,是教琴的女老師,學習過樂理,值歐洲的國家,遊學並且演講,伊尚愛聽布西的音樂,不過抹效彈,「我知影你的條件鄒好,不過我愛你的一切,請你嫁乎我好麼?」伊原來提出鑽戒,舉起伊的左手,戴值累手指阿頂頭,阿美心歡喜,親伊值累,接受阿君的提親要求,答應賣作伊的牽手,因為伊兩年以來對待阿美鄒善良好意个,伊接近阿美的身邊,請伊吃飯,看電影,看演唱音樂的表演,做夥去寺院念經,旅行,鄒快樂的約會,有值擺,伊偕阿美去參觀奇美博物館,兩人參加旅行團來夠後花園喜相,兩人對坐渠挑手機阿,埋頭惦惦个看資料,阿美看得樂器室內的大鋼琴,希望未來會當買一台名牌來彈,没想告這索變成伊的嫁妝,伴隨伊的婚姻生活,每日攏歡喜的彈乎阿俊聽,伊有時會去音樂廣播電台開講,人鄒謙虛又擱有氣質,嫁妝的意義叨親像泰戈爾的詩<乎茱莉甲卡馬>寫的”叨一款旋律標誌了這世界的輪蹬,值伊背起生命的巔峯了後,溫笑笑,值伊倒轉來黑暗的時陣,溫皮皮挫,但是,輪蹬始終甲平常同款,來去無了時的值音樂的拍子中間,是賣忽女兒榮華富貴的禮物,阿美的阿爸是做建築物,小漢的時陣伊出車禍乎女兒受傷,動美容手術,大漢以後變甲鄒水,因為伊改信教會的活動,來過溫家傳教,溫家相信的是日本宗教日蓮正宗,值個月媽媽去登山五剛,看值芝櫻甲蘆湖的風光,鄒歡喜的,講鄒借經驗,忽我甲爸爸聽,阿俊有值累兒子,在阿俊的再婚的婚宴陣前叨結婚,遮馬已經生嬰仔,送全社區的住戶每家一累麻油彌月油飯,收叨某少的紅包,甲阿美的婚宴比起來,真是有夠比的,所以阿美已經作婆阿,伊心中充滿感謝,因為阿興鄒有孝心的,伊叫阿美小媽,伊的親生母親已經變心,去嫁乎銀行家,鄒剔挑的,煩惱真多,每日厚厚念,用盡心機想抹討好每一累人,不過得其反,因為伊看高不看低,乎人值背後叫做阿挑,這痘人情做過頭的結果甲下場,其實伊叫做阿卿,愛活動甲旅行,我因為阿美影响,暫時陪伊讀聖經,我讀到耶和華乎雅各的兩個女兒為伊生子,因為太太已經抹當生阿,我鄒感覺這是亂倫,真是亂來,鄒不愛相信天主教阿,反而去信<妙法的蓮華經> 當初阿卿反對阿興交往一個客家仔查某嬰阿阿麗,害這累查某去跳樓死翹翹,阿興賣去找以前大學的社團朋友結婚,不愛猜伊,自此以後,兩人的親情逗了斷阿,阿興請一個台灣歐巴桑來做某的月內甲邀嬰仔,乎伊一間房間住一個月,「小媽,妳不免辛勞,我請人叨好,多謝妳放置个阿康枕頭下腳的紅包,乎伊添歲」,阿美每日隴个值大鋼琴前面試音,每一個琴鍵隴彈得流利,一遍又一遍,位低夠高,位高夠低,來回的記得每一個音,然後再開始創作曲子的彈奏,有時陣會有練習聲樂的歌者前來厝內練習合作,我每月下埔隴个偷聽,伊就住值累隔壁樓腳,伊不知影我買過一本音樂辭典,研究過一低低阿的樂理,我每缸隴會聽收音機,對著唱歌練習,心情爽快又擱歡喜,溫媽媽的遺傳,伊乎小漢的溫姊妹,阿月聽古典歌,約翰。史特勞斯的音樂,幸福又溫存,遮馬公車經常底里放乎乘客聽,心境會安寧落來,想告遮,善果音樂會就抹開始阿,我甲爸爸媽媽準備好抹去聽,吃了飯以後,換好衫就出門阿,我穿的三千扣的鞋乎我得例值樓梯,擱例登去換一双,登上公車,聽著輕音樂的聲音,哼著自己的閩南語歌,值中正紀念堂站下車走到音樂廳的外靠看入口圖演奏者位我身邊走過,伊的阿爸是二二八受難者,英阿兜仔我看著伊伴奏的技巧甲感情,真正佩服台灣的歌馬會當譜成室內樂和聲樂,美麗的福爾摩沙,恁的故鄉用台語的詩歌來彈唱,真正鄒优美个,歸眠隴鄒懷念崇拜、欣賞、思慕,想起遮熟悉的歌,姊姊送我一套古典音樂全集乎我聽,二男家抹有台灣蕭泰然的歌厥的錄音帶借我聽,這是高中時陣的著迷,已經過去二十年啊!我依然會記誌這些音樂,台灣調的風格使我感到鄒幸福的,耳空充滿滿意的快意,感謝這位鋼琴音樂家的表演,講夠阿美,伊收集真多的樂譜,隴是教冊的教材,阿君裝潢連間書房,收藏伊買的譜,有值累專門編輯樂譜的小姐,伊開一間錄音室,專門替阿美編輯自創曲,伊看過一本文學教授寫馬勒的美學小說,感覺真深奧,阿美出門甲阿君去菜市場買菜,龍眼、青菜、香蕉,悠閒又快樂,吟住值市區、醫院旁邊,對面巷子內有一累市場,馬有超市,不過吟腳愛去傳統市場,因為腳鬧熱多元,要選的菜甲密件確多,五花十色,真興惜會當買掉愛買的菜色,有一天,阿君娶阿美去包金里找奇美博物館的館長,伊心愛的樂器是小提琴,這間祖厝鄒書氣个四壁白白,空無一物,甲哪有三五个孩子甲查某孫兒,值書房的討論讀冊的代誌,做功課,伊管阿鄒嚴的,希望吟會出人頭地,聽說金包里以前隴實用挑夫爬山來回,才會當買得物資,鄒辛苦个,聽伊講起歷史真親切,這位愛台灣的老人,願力真大,擱辦醫院值台南,我的二舅值歇治療癌症,已經恢復健康啊,主辦一場紀念外婆仙逝的餐會,值欣葉餐廳,日式料理的巴菲,外婆的心那豆腐,走過二二八的艱辛年代,做衫,洗衫,存錢起?養八个婆仔,每一累隴成長甲鄒好雅的,各自有成就馬鄒孝順,阿祖愛博繳,所以錢了了了,没乎伊任何嫁妝,外公是警察乎同事欺負而辭職去賣豆油,以前外婆的阿爸做生意鄒有錢,有值累倉庫是財庫,金庫,遮馬已經敗家呀,外婆讀日本冊,晚年訂閱<大白蓮>雜誌來看,念經養老,活夠九十七歲才過身,伊交代我愛腳堅強的,這是外婆的囑咐,伊是錢達婆,佛書法華經內面掌管廚事的人物,我想抹去柏克萊大學遊學,上寫作的課程,值佛堂打電話乎達仁留學中心的祕書甲顧問,伊講暑假七八月的課程已經開放阿,礙當申請,叫我乎伊電話等伊回電話,我叨乎伊厝內的市話電話,媽媽去打掃佛堂,值接到信徒賴阿姨的電話開講了後,就去阿,伊愛請起,伊數落我睏值佛堂,歸佛堂的木板地面隴是我落的頭毛,擱數落我講妄想會去美國讀冊,不甲任何一項學問做好,去找一累頭路,我就講以前學承電腦有終生學習的機會,我抹走去學,没伊一直起毛醜,我馬没辦法,伊講我的阿彈琴沒收好擱累生氣,之後又擱去煮板豆腐、莧菜、花椰菜甲牛蒡湯,吃飯了後,去工作室練習阿多比軟體,畫圖,準備令開辦典雅書畫詩刊,用伊媚兒收投稿人攝相的圖擋,然後甲譯字打字編輯妥當,設計封面甲羅果,今阿日念經,使用太陽牌的日本線香,真香,有人值臉書頂頭發表詩詞書法作品,我想抹採用,不過賣當後製,真可惜,旅行社卡電話來,賣愛我傳爸爸新護照的相片,用賴傳過去,爸爸媽媽賣去克羅埃西亞柒桃十天,我賣去搭高鐵去高雄看草間彌生的展覽,擱去畫廊看表演,自己煮吃,過孤單的日子,不過只是暫時秀寞,不要緊,我會獨立生活,顧好阮家的密件,阿美的婚禮請我甲媽媽去例桑工,秋婚紗的裙襬,吃桌的時陣,總舖師出來敲打土泥窟雞,是高潮,擱有新娘去捧花的活動,我抽獎抽到一本筆記本,上頭有印新郎甲新娘兩人的名字,甲愛心的圖案,我吃素食桌,甲親友生作夥,媽媽乎人請作媒婆,隨人去厝內面過夜,唸「新娘入大廳,金銀滿大廳」、「雙雙對對,萬年富貴」的好話,包紅包乎伊个是阿美的爸母,三千六,阿君是值累賣杜拜糖果公司的貿易商代理經理,入口糖果落下來軟體遊戲內面繪的糖仔,事業做甲鄒好的,因為伊愛娶兒所以馬附屬值累賣嬰兒用品甲食品,不過他抹掉阿桃所嫁的英賽阿太伊有三幢公司,半導體的事業,甲一間位值美國的別墅,一累女兒賭阿賣去外國讀大學,今阿日我走到書店邊阿,有遮位婦女坐輪椅賣文創刊物,我問伊腳阿怎啊,伊講是類關節炎我叫伊擦一種凝膠叫做弗克斯,倒會好,伊講好,我兜甲伊買一本繪本的出版品,到學承了後,櫃台小姐替我選課,今阿日晚時没我的課程,所以後禮拜二才抹再來,我借坐遮教室內底看文創刊物,我打算以後隴愛學習這款精密的編輯方式,應用值我所創辦的書畫詩刊當中,看見冊內面的漫畫,我才想起自己買過一本無印良品的漫畫格子筆記本,阿抹繪完,隔日,我出發到桃源機場坐南方中國的飛凌機去舊金山,我坐灰狗巴士到歇,已經是下埔三點阿,我坐地下鐵去柏克萊大學的馬菲圖書館,我值歇看冊,寫筆記,因為旁聽愛註冊,所以我自己找廣告的指南冊來讀,順便買一張影印卡,全本拷貝起來,走出圖書館已經是八點阿,我坐計程車去青年飯店租房間過夜,打算明阿仔擱去賽街,再去參觀草莓溪園,拍遮瓜相片留念,我經過唱片行,買遮張披頭四的音碟,內面有歌詞說明,爽夠鄒快樂的,第三天我改坐台灣的班機回來厝內,爸爸媽媽甲我開門,歡迎我,問我路途中有好嚒,我點頭笑笑,講我鄒歡喜的,不過我存的錢隴開了了,抹愛擱存錢才會當辦雜誌社,我去影印店印詩集,電腦系統已經升等阿,連阿多比隴會當放值window8面,我使用排版的軟體,編頁碼,了後擱印上我的音譜書封上頭,有五線譜甲豆粒仔的圖畫,每道隴是十三句,礙易一直唱下去,我看破周報的APP,找到遮累書畫展,甲臉書上朋友推薦的水墨畫展,去採訪畫廊的經紀人,我找到一台畫素鄒高的嘉能數位相機,去攝相、拍照,打算甲內容放值詩刊的夏季版內底,封面是著名台灣女書法家的大型裝置畫,羅果是月世界的符號,阿興的太太阿娟生嬰兒的時陣,自己買小麥草來飲,愛增加乳腺分泌奶水,擠奶乎嬰仔阿弟吃,伊做月內的時陣,八豆阿沒消腫,甲那遮個月的產假,伊努力吃補加恢復身材,我裝了無限網卡,上去看著一張少司令的唱片(圖騰經)想抹買,不過不知影阿怎買到,我的大學朋友阿慰伊寫一本聲音哲學的原冊,送乎我,伊一口煙,伊感嘆自己可憐,舊年伊講阿爸攝護腺癌,去住院治療,我問伊太太阿樂的嫁妝是什密,伊講是一值手環,白金製的,伊遮馬的辦網頁日事,報這手音樂藝術的代誌,是後現代的領域,伊媽媽期望伊做藝術,伊對音樂有興趣,吟過詩,馬出過唱片甲錄音影像的MTV,不過伊的團員移民到馬來西亞作中醫,伊變作甲外國人交朋友,因為伊去法國讀過冊,用電腦編曲作禪樂表演,我有去看過,值文化藝術科值學時陣我在歇做志工,翻譯文章,作雜事,這已經是十年以前的代誌阿,我用ASUS的平板手機仔辦公,下載InDesign軟體來辦詩刊也經進行]導法華經密陳的打自階段,請的打字小姐人鄒好的,伊照顧病床上頭的爸爸多年,鄒孝順个,我讚賞伊的工作實力甲善良的天性,所以一值聘請伊為我打字,伊的阿爸中黃膽過仙去,伊辦了公祭甲海葬,令人鼻酸,伊希望阿爸去別的世界出生,最好是西方極樂世界,伊的本業是遮臉書上頭作廣告,真敖,我去影印店辦代誌,回到厝內的時陣已經接近中午,我煮牛蒡湯來配飯,又擱飲川銀茶,吃醃大根,爸爸媽媽作夥去馬偕醫院有病,昨日我就用語音系統甲伊掛號好啊,我一直用手機仔聽<放抹記你>的台語歌,鄒好聽,使我想起喜羅美學策進會的英俊老師,為什麼我會為伊讀<戀人絮語>甲<寫作的快感>呢?情不自禁的迷戀著伊的形影,我剛會是些學作家的女朋友,想相多,變作想思豆的意義,我幾乎每本隴買來看,我的英文小說<心之經>是為伊寫的,伊什麼時陣才會知影,變作藝術教授的伊,乎我一本學術寫作的入門,我詳細看,鄒滿足的,伊送乎我的歌是「愛著你心驚驚,想著你心痛痛」,我的社團同學阿勛吃醋,寫文章駡伊,講剛那會效寫論文的教授没路用,原來寫論文是没錢通拿的,只有地位,一點攏不流行,我送伊一台智慧手機,號碼只有我知影,今阿日存錢存到七七七七元,是我的幸運號碼,所以我不打算會開錢,我愛哈簡的,專心的編輯我辦的詩刊有遮累朋友在多倫多大學傳仕女圖乎我,精緻美麗,我鄒欣賞的,用手機儲存起來,是清末民初的十三位金釵畫像,細密繪線條美噹噹,美感充滿,有真高的值代,英俊老師值電視節目內底開講梵谷的精神病,我知影伊愛著一累泡下午茶乎伊的法國貴婦,寫八萬張飄乎伊,因為伊而起才甲耳朵剖去一邊,伊的弟弟西奧供養伊的生活,是值累醫生,這是我看一本小說知影的,並無當聽著老師的話,老師已經五十幾歲阿,不過我依然會記誌伊中年時的款,放值心肝內,所以我寫了<理想篇>(注○1)這篇回憶小說,假裝是寫乎柏拉圖的小說,其實我是值寫情書乎伊,在遮累繁華的世間,只有伊知影我的祕密,不過伊遺世獨居,清高的性情使我感覺深不可測,心碎的聲音親像打破一累瓷花碗,清脆而且無彩,心痛疼的情緒親像兩支惦著公車道路上頭的鎖鑰,不敢拾起來,因為不知影是什米人等偷甲的,驚愛有橫禍發生,以前阿美隴不想抹結婚生子,自己賺錢自己用不夠,自從阿君送鄒多禮物乎伊了後,伊才發現到真愛密意的感受,接技住阿真是一累會孝吃大號角的大學生,伊真愛彈琴,無師自通,自己摸索,位流行歌彈起,已經成長阿,伊媽媽阿葉在厝內開飾品珠寶教室,真多人來找伊上課,伊英塞是教授,經常不惦佇累厝內,住著教師宿舍,我用粗線條繪大如意,是照著二吟乎我的匯豐銀行的紅包繪的,我寄掛號到大學乎英俊老師的研究生,我想伊一定會甲意,阿弟生感冒,去看小兒科吃藥水,伊有喉頭的症頭,大漢兩歲的時陣腸病毒,扁桃腺炎甲針眼,愛哭,不愛乎人攝相,黏媽媽黏鄒安的,阿娟要去海關上班,叨寄乎一位阿姨娶,伊甲人帶甲腳撐狗阿紅紅的,一遍邀伍的家長的嬰兒,脾氣嘛不所了好,所以乎人叫做蕭八,有另外遮累嬰仔頭睏甲扁去,用頭盔校正頭型的生長,我爸爸有四位阿舅,警察、葬儀、合作社,一位四舅走失,阿嫲甲我托夢說戰亂時小舅無去,乎別人家取去飼,替別人拜祖先,做政治,我不要緊,有爸爸媽媽遮身軀邊愛我就好呀!單身也是我的運命,自從我位柏克萊大學歸國了後,就開始寫論文,特別是經詩書冊甲書道的論文,值<塩田台語文學>用詩發表<桃仔姐>的台語小說(註○2)下腳是我的論文內容:(一)-(二十五)(註○3),其實我的嫁妝是珍珠念珠甲經文已經看破紅塵阿,阿麗本來是美國回來台灣的裝潢師,不過伊的設計錢都乎工人拿了呀,伊有憂鬱症,我叫伊去找媽媽,伊無看抹開伊甲警衛的苦戀,甲阿榮甲追求,就跳樓自殺阿,賴阿姨的小弟是中醫師,送媽媽藥品治療鼻孔過敏,伊住值甲政府借來的土地,伊有泌尿病,媽媽就取伊去看診,溫去過烏來一起旅遊,好算的經驗,有一累有錢的醫生阿榮旅行團柒逃台灣各地,伊有失孕症,本來娶女中醫師,離緣了段了扣新娶哈爾濱的續絃,伊有乳癌,已經好阿,導遊阿榮是牙醫,有一整幢的高樓大廈,待人客氣關心別人,是好人,英俊老師住值老師宿舍,每日都會思考教書的方法,愛戴鴨舌帽,因為是法國人的真頭門,阿美過去納也那的多腦河柒逃,伊多少的經費隴是賣家中的骨董去的,伊阿兄阿隆遮累開診所,兩人共一累媽媽已經八十幾歲阿,擱來參加旅行在辦的桐花節自由行,阿卿介紹的活動一年四季每個禮拜的四月旅行行程攏有規劃,是步行健走的社團,叫做叭只勾,團員隴鄒尊敬阿榮醫師,因為伊做人鄒親切,款待我甲爸爸媽媽去月世界遊公園,甲飯桌的時陣有一累阿滿阿嫲取孫兒來作夥爽,伊阿賣上小學才六歲叨會學講簡單英語,是乖嬰仔,這累社團的人用賴的社群來互相連絡,阿卿走去本興院服務没去,伊講自從申請御木形本尊了後,伊陣前照顧老媽媽載伊去看病,坐輪椅,甲早離緣的英塞去交小三,放一累領養的女兒阿春乎伊飼大漢,遮累值累替琉璃事業作業務,遮遍媽媽登山伊馬有去,母女兩人鄒快樂的,有時伊會乎女兒回去高雄找親生的爸母,阿春生夠真高又夠美麗,是青年部的文山區區部長,跳山地舞的表演有遮遍天晴時瑞芳寫日誌,搭公車甲父母來到新店的北新國小門口等集合,見到街上有棵樹木,葉子皆落光,向著澄光的大樓窗戶,這奶的天,布穀鳥竟然在身後啼叫著,看著報紙,開車的蔡桑駕駛著銀色休旅車來阿,大家等集合時間,看地圖阿軟駛高速快道,飛過兩隻麻雀,地面上生著白色甲粉紅阿色的杜鵑,上路了,車上放映著梵樂大悲咒,司機蔡桑在花蓮種釋迦,同行的阿卿講伊噴鄒多農藥的,太陽出來了,想起少年時陣在阿波羅畫廊看見一幅繪瑞芳的油畫,必中叨想要去探尋,到了些以後,只有警察甲我打招呼,看了一累風景都落山阿,這遍不同款,往深澳區的奇岩區探險,一直到下埔五點才到厝,腳痠,去泡腳,又回到家居生活,總算舊地重遊,了阿心事一樁,我已經寫了一百本冊阿,提早退休的生活具抹醜,開典雅詩社,我卡電話到台中市五權路的國美館典藏室問我的畫冊<書道?綣>剛攔有存本我想賣大量的印刷,阿美尚愛看莊老師寫的古典樂的冊,而且伊用德國去學的聲樂家阿柔是好朋友,作夥錄製自創曲甲台語歌,比如說陳雷小說家的歌厥,伊心存感謝,人面春風,阿美每日隴寫音樂日記,行程表滿滿隴是彩色筆的紀錄,而我累寫手繪日記寫到一半卻没繼續寫阿,影印了後拈去參加文學獎的比賽題目是<書寫夢幻與虛時的作家>(註○4)希望甲獎金六萬隴拿去印<佛性自由>甲<佛道珠璣>兩本善書,為禪六年以後目蓮大聖人誕生八百年紀念日,愛構成八十萬人的陣容,這是上人乎溫的教示甲期望,阿金阿姨日本來是藏教信徒,經營普爾茶磚的生意,鄒有錢的,伊折伏的人鄒多,已經滿阿,兜寫一累信徒阿蘭來乎媽媽作介紹人,阿金阿姨家地下室有一間鄒莊嚴的佛堂,擱會當唱卡拉OK,辦餐會,煮普洱茶乎參加活動的信徒飲,伊的英塞早早過仙去,有孫兒兩三個,愛每日念經祈求學業順利,父母安好,阿嫲教探錢,吟家各式各樣的水果果實隴買愛著,並且每日供養,伊甲西藏些邊的信徒隴總拉過來日蓮正宗,功德無量,阿美是維也那國立音樂學院鍵盤樂器及鋼琴室內樂系畢業的,中西古典音樂隴會效彈,大部份的樂譜都是男性所寫,女性就比較不會創作古典樂,不擱伊會效作曲,只是無效寫譜,可惜,殘念,每一天垃圾車的音樂(少女的祈禱)響起進前,伊叨練完一遍又遍的音樂,不過伊有時常彈不對,所以抹當做表演者,公開演奏,伊甲那收少年學生教基礎樂理妮妮,我今日去就教大的圖書館拿文化部的贈冊,五本是抽象構成的台灣藝術家作品集,因為向陽老師的介紹關係會當值拜六入去圖書館,我甲看見台灣的海報看清楚,伊豆是唸台灣歷史口白的主講人,台語講甲鄒文雅的,我甲海報撕落來作這本小說的封面,原來老師是研究所的榮譽教授,不過操場上頭隴是打球的學生,很少人願意去圖書館,甚至是有人過期没還冊的名單長長長,是黑名單,伊遮頭白頭粽親像白道士的名字,喜愛文學活動甲展覽,我借到一本<不解之緣。柏克萊>的冊,才了解學校的歷史,有三間圖書館遮學校內,抹没去莎士比亞書店看冊,每一人隴總有自己的境遇甲遭遇,不免驚勇敢向前行,值台灣寫會當無師自通,我以前尚甲意值圖書館網路上頭討論甲評論歐美小說,我看的是翻譯本,說的馬是真實話,阿弟命小漢好老年淒慘落魄,好知呀拜阿貴二姊阿做客仔,才比較順心如意,有出頭,這是算命仙講的,好在有聽二姨阿的交代,才挽回伊的一生的命運,我報導英俊老師值多年前紫藤廬中開講的,<超現實主義派教材>(註○5)喜當時我生作圓兒面,可錐,這馬變中年婦女的模樣,我的藝術界的朋友馬隴變作歐里桑面,頂辦我值臉書看舉辦錢櫃卡拉OK同學會,用名片交換來請客,甲那有一人去,因為我喉嚨掃聲就取消啊,伊没看見我的留言,他們大多婚姻愛情順利,成家生孩子,有一個還生了雙胞胎女嬰呢,阿弟有留祖產,不過是祖先蔭阿埔的開發土地,没辦法簽約,要捐錢出來,兩百萬,政府調查的,阿美讀冊的時陣,寫過一本學校歷史甲同學的淵源,後來她把賺的錢開一間樂器行,投資新生代學習音樂的興趣,台灣自製的提琴,优克里里??的鋼琴、口琴,開石馬賣請人做櫃枱事務,車會計,生意不是真好,有一累學生買提琴練習幾年後索無錢上大學,所以值地下道表演自創的款,抹籌錢去付學費,,這馬是通貨膨脹的時代,錢鄒薄的,聽講台灣人的快樂指數排全世界三十幾名,我拍開二十年前的筆記薄仔,抄寫自己當時買的音樂CD甲流水帳,才發現自己愛聽<李斯特>甲<起肖的歌劇>,遮兩張古典音樂,<巴洛基><展覽會之畫><四季>馬是我尚甲意的音樂,重重?出,抹感覺倒胃,佇這累物化的世界,音樂是我唯一的救贖,詩歌那是會當唱,應該是真好的境界,對阿美來講馬是按呢,因為伊住底樓下,有時陣伊會受到社區環境的氛圍影响,有時彈好有時彈壞,進步亞擱是退步,愛看時機甲心情,我媽媽講伊是底累教學生,是學生彈的,但是並不是阿奶,因為根本就無些里厲害,没早就去表演收票錢阿,我聽過打倒男生樂團的演唱會,聽中山堂的流行歌演唱會,真正快樂又擱秀寞,聽情歌聽到流目屎,太感動了,我的朋友阿詩甲我講伊的弟妹生癌,每天要一千四百扣維持一個月的開銷,叫我卡緊救伊,我為伊念經,提供出版商品乎伊高價賣出,伊答應了,作一累活菩薩是我的義務,責任,我願意提供字畫乎伊拍賣,各分一半的收入,因為為著省錢我已經開始做帳阿。 我的名字叫做何霧霧,愛保持神祕感,射手座,明天要去寺廟旁邊唱一首十元的卡拉OK,並在家裏看羅蘭巴特的書,因為書館內並没有收藏伊時裝系列的著述,我聽了英文談的作家聊天室節目了後,就去匯款印書,城邦印書社甲我例印,六十本五千四百扣元,匯款到國泰世華銀行,聽阿慰介紹<十二個山賊>甲舒伯特的<魔王>,男性歌劇真好聽,有故事的邪惡心態,流露出精彩的歌藝唱腔。我看大愛音樂有愛節目訪問演奏家夫妻兩個,琴瑟和鳴的彈奏甲交談,双鋼琴的技巧表露無疑,真正好聽,伊先生阿兜阿就是表演會上獨彈德布西的音樂教授,兩人值德國讀冊是同學,伊講獨奏是哲思神性,双鋼琴卡好爽,互相搭配、互相依賴,我來到新光三越百貨公司蘭寇化妝品櫃台索取贈品,跟櫃台小姐開講甲詢問,伊生作親像遮累廣告小姐阿綺,真水,我甲伊買一套化妝品,伊送我贈品一大包,我留下伊的賴的帳號了後,就去八樓買陳盈潔的唱片,一九九元,二張優惠的專輯,吃飽飯兜返去厝內,媽媽打電話甲三姨阿講,吃雌激素會子宮增生,大舅博倒去開腦,腦蓋阿未蓋起來,因為腦壓當高,抹當放去里,又擱氣切,遮馬會笑,點頭,有進步,打開唱片來聽<白色的愛>好聽,爸爸媽媽今日又去買菜,回來吃飽午後去房間睏覺,不敢乎媽媽知影我亂開錢,為著虛榮的面子,看病前幾日看到一位少年家阿里生甲親像英俊老師少年時的模樣,我甲伊相談健康的問題,索甲全聯的公饋停歇了,父母攏值累工作,我看伊真正常不過伊講自己二十九歲阿擱没出頭,為著看心理醫師就打拼扛饋,我甲伊講我知影有一累朋友吃一粒值款藥仔就變甲鄒肥,我勸伊換藥阿,伊講趙醫師有甲伊識藥,我希望伊腳累好起來,回去別家全聯上班,伊就不再說話阿,回去厝內看到目鏡內我生出白頭毛,豆去拿歐詩草本來染頭毛,這是妹妹阿愛買乎媽媽孝敬的密件,有三包,用没完,我甲菊色的化妝包找出來,偷偷甲化妝品放入去,收底工作室的無線網卡電腦桌相前頭,因為媽媽抹查到歇位,伊没索多會效用電腦,甲那用來柒逃搞怪碰碰球,甲查詢健康的資料那,伊自己有一台外甥乎伊的筆記電腦,壞去了後,換表妹的英塞阿?送乎伊一台ASUS筆電,黑色的,阿愛乎伊一台蘋果IPAD,伊抹是一直阿玩碰碰球,大姨阿送乎伊一台小米機,姊姊阿月乎伊發連的號碼卡,伊收到的人情禮物鄒多礙,後來我不放心,甲化妝品收藏值衣櫃內底,有遮累大鏡掛底門背後,愛當邊照一邊保養,媽媽在我滿月的時陣,發現我的一邊奶生血瘤,取我去治療嘻時陣的醫術不發達,伊褙我每禮拜去照鈷六十,總共兩年没間斷,我抹哭甲目屎攏没停,真可憐,我不敢擱怨嘆,只有盡力優孝伊,陪伊每日唱早晚課,爸爸媽媽真正偉大,,希望兩老長歲壽,活到九十歲,伴我過幸福的日子。我為了一首台灣詩紀念英俊老師<愛的蔽蔭>我來到塌塌米間的茶室,您值累演講尼采的私事,我看見滿場的人,有累是情侶、學生,只有我没拿到講義,您停止演講,不知影為何有一位女孩將兩紙送乎我,尼采的女朋友是哲學家,原來如此,不過我感覺您的啟蒙,親像一種迷思,乎我一直懷疑,您的學術是滾聳笑的笑話,伊的妹妹真正愛著伊嗎,可憐的歷史,我不願意看您賣乎我的維吉妮亞的傳記冊,只不過是一場悲劇,那是有愛,人生就没迷失,胖去,我開始了解,您的世界只有研究呢呢,那會有情人的印象,其實我早就看開啊,您抹是孤身的命,如今,我自我安慰,找著我的方向,因為您就是我的燈塔。記得我昨天看英國作家底累視訊、對談,有遮累作家用假名出冊,鄒暢銷,我堵堵阿好有買著遮本,我的房間耶槍打條的,如何活出健康對我來講是一種考驗,因為我有失眠的困擾,三更半眠就醒起來,早早去念經,又夠睏回籠覺,身軀有些微的振動,其實每一累人攏不是完全健康的,一是愛保持樂觀的心態,做快樂的代誌,才會得到真正豐富的快樂,英俊老師講我那是寫完博士論文,一直愛拿乎伊過目,我馬答應了,老師是硬蕊,神聖不可侵犯,所以我確定會為伊努力讀資料寫一篇論文出來乎伊看,到時陣我寄愛謝師恩,明日我和媽媽會去主任家念經,我甲意修行的活動,信徒各有煩惱,不過人攏鄒好,有真深的佛緣,我感謝佛祖對我的提攜甲鼓勵。(end)

2015年5月3日 星期日


妙法蓮華經秘沈釋解/吳菀菱 1.序品大意 序品乃是法華經的總序,從分別為跡門十四品的序分開始,假設分為通序和別序兩種,通序乃諸經之通盤殘餘之序分之事也,必以「如是我聞」的句子為最初始,所以,「一時」、「佛」在「何處」以及「誰」全都縱令只有部份書寫在內,此為通序的提問,此篇序品之通序乃包括信、聞、時、主、處、眾,之六種成就,在此經中的別序則在序分中,包括集眾,現瑞,疑念,發問,答問之五序從中成立。再則,現瑞序乃是此土之六瑞(說法、入定、雨華、地動、眾喜、放光之所呈現,此放光瑞相是東方一萬八千土因此得之照耀之事,他土之六瑞所現,乃是佛的化導甚深之事所顯示的意義。在那裏,現瑞之緣份的原故,彌勒菩薩為大眾之代表而發問,然後文殊師利菩薩思考之後而予以回答。於此答案之中,過去無量無邊不可思議阿僧祇刧之所以久遠的日月燈明佛之說法開導所示現的,今之釋迦佛的現瑞之相,燈明佛的現瑞以及同樣有的事情被說明出來,此序品,把本門之久遠實成的由來,秘密的說示了出來。 妙法蓮華經序品第一   從通序之六成就來看,「如是」代表信成就,「我聞」代表聞成就,「一時」代表時成就,「佛」代表主成就,主師親的主,宗祖之意,「王舍城」代表處成就,而眾成就,即同聞眾,則分為聲聞眾,菩薩眾,雜眾三種,聲聞眾分為比丘眾和比丘尼眾(多知識眾和少知識眾)這些比丘都聚集在耆闍崛山中,有大比丘眾萬二千人,皆是阿羅漢,各種智慧漏皆已盡完,不再煩惱,等到得取自己的利益之後,各種所承受的心結都盡了,心中獲得自在,他們的名字包括第一位得道的阿若憍陳如,摩訶迦葉,優樓頻螺迦葉,伽耶迦葉那迦旃延,阿菟棲駄,刧賓那,憍梵波提,離婆多,畢陵伽婆蹉,薄拘羅,摩訶拘絺羅,難陀,孫陀羅難陀,富樓那彌多羅尼子,須菩提,阿難,羅睺羅,以上是眾所知識,是聽聞世尊說法現場出現的弟子比丘,是屬於多知識眾,大阿羅漢等,後有學無學二千人則是少知識眾,比丘尼的代表者則為摩訶波闍波提比丘尼,還有她的眷屬六千人等,羅睺羅母,耶輸陀羅比丘尼(世尊的皇后後來亦出家),也有大眾眷屬跟著,總共有菩薩摩訶薩八萬人,於虛空中聽法,得到阿耨多羅三藐三菩提(正等正覺正道),而不退轉,都得到陀羅尼(智慧),廣說而辯才無礙,轉動著不退轉之法輪,供養無量百千之諸佛,在諸佛的住所面前,深植眾多德本,常常被諸佛所稱讚,以慈悲修身,得入善道之佛慧,通達大智根,抵達彼岸而解脫,其名號傳聞到無量世界,有能力度化無數萬千人之眾生。雜眾包括欲色界眾,色界眾,龍王眾,緊那羅王眾,乾闥婆王眾,阿修羅王眾,迦樓羅王眾,人王眾等。   以下是別序,有八萬人等菩薩摩訶薩,其名曰文殊師利菩薩,觀世音菩薩,得大勢菩薩,常精進菩薩,不休息菩薩,寶掌菩薩,藥王菩薩,勇施菩薩,寶月菩薩,月光菩薩,滿月菩薩,大力菩薩無量力菩薩,越三界菩薩,颰陀婆羅菩薩,彌勒菩薩,寶積菩薩,導師菩薩,等眾多菩薩,這些菩薩眾也在天人之間聽世尊說法,另有尔時釋提桓因與其眷屬,二萬天子等人,還有名月天子,書香天子,寶光天子,四大天王,與其眷屬,一萬天子等,自在天子,大自在天子,與其眷屬,三萬天子等,娑婆世界之主,梵天王,尺棄大梵,光明大梵等與其眷屬一萬二千天子等,以上皆為雜眾和欲界眾之威光,再則顯威光的還有龍王眾,阿修羅王眾,以及迦樓羅王眾,各禮佛足,退坐一面,不再細數,並羅列出來,請親自查經。(真訓兩談妙法蓮華經並開結)。   爾時(過去)世尊被四眾圍繞,供養恭敬,前者為釋威儀,後者為釋供養,為眾集序之兩項目,祂尊重讚歎,諸菩薩之所被世尊說示大乘經,即無量義經,又教菩薩法,佛所護念以及栽培鍛鍊(此為(二)現瑞序,此土六瑞,說法瑞,佛既已說完此經,則入定瑞結跏趺坐,入於無量義處之三昧,身心皆不動,這個時候雨華瑞,天上下雨了,有如從天而降之曼陀羅華,摩訶曼陀羅華,曼殊沙華,摩訶曼殊沙華等佛花一般的雨滴,散落在佛身上以及諸大眾的身上,此時普佛世界發生了六種震動(地動瑞),當時的與會中之比丘,比丘尼,優婆塞,優婆夷,天,龍,夜叉,乾闥婆,阿修羅,迦樓羅,緊那羅,摩喉羅伽,人非人,及諸位小王,轉輪聖王,是這些大眾所未曾遭遇過的(眾喜瑞),於是大家歡喜而合掌,,一心一意的觀看著世尊佛陀,當時的佛陀(現放光瑞),眉間有放出白毫相貌之光芒,東方一萬八千個世界都被照拂,没有不被周徧的地方,(地土六瑞,見六趣瑞)下至阿鼻地獄,上至阿迦尼吒天。人們聚集在於此世界之中,看到極喜,彼土六趣之眾生,又看見彼土現在之諸佛(見諸佛瑞),以及聽聞到諸佛所說之經法(聞諸佛說法瑞),並且見到當時諸多比丘,比丘尼,優婆塞,優婆夷等諸多修行得道之人(見四象得道瑞),再則,見到諸菩薩摩訶薩之種種因緣,種種信解,種種相貌而起而行菩薩道,(見菩薩所行瑞),又,見到諸佛入於般涅槃者(見佛涅槃瑞),再於諸佛涅槃之後見到以佛舍利搭起七寶塔。總之佛現瑞是要眾生覺察醒悟。   爾時彌勒菩薩作如是念:今日之世尊,現示神變之相貌,是如何之因緣而有此瑞相,現今世尊進入三昧,乃是示現此不可思議希有之事,應當向誰詢問,誰是能答之人(三)(疑念序,彌勒疑念),於是作了此念頭,,這位文殊師利法王子,已曾經現近供養過去無量之諸佛,必然應當見到此希有之相,我現在該當詢問才是,而且爾時之比丘,比丘尼,伏婆塞,伏婆夷,以及諸天,龍,鬼神等,也都作此念頭,(大眾疑念):此佛光明神通之相,當今應該把它向誰詢問,爾時之彌勒菩薩,想要自己解決疑問(發問序,長行,經家述白他疑),又有四眾之比丘,比丘尼,伏婆塞,伏婆夷,以及諸天,龍,鬼神等觀看眾都會聚之心情,而向文殊師利問言曰:以何種因緣,而有此種瑞相,神通之相,放射大光明,照耀於東方一萬八千之淨土,他土是有時空距離的,但卻同樣的放光,不可思議。   於是彌勒菩薩想要重新宣告此義,而以偈文問曰:(偈頌,頌問)文殊師利王子,(一)問此土六瑞,說法入定瑞,導師世尊因何故於眉間白毫放出大光普照(放光瑞)大地,而且又下雨如曼陀華和曼殊沙華,飄起旃檀香氣之風,令大眾之心喜悅,被取悅,(雨華瑞)以此因緣,遍地皆嚴正潔淨而這個世界有六種震動(地動瑞)當時四部眾生,都皆大歡喜,身意快樂,像是未曾有得過的興奮(眾喜端)世尊眉毛之間的光明,照拂到東方一萬八千之淨土上,皆如同金色一樣燦爛,從阿鼻地獄,到上面有頂界,諸世界當中,有六道眾生,各有生死關頭,和善惡的業緣,受到好醜的報應,於此處看得一清二楚,(二)(問他土六瑞,見六趣瑞),又見到諸佛建造聖主師子之像,演說微妙第一殊勝之經典,其發出清淨而柔軟的聲音,教授無數億萬的諸菩薩以佛法知識,祂的梵音深妙,令人快樂的聽聞之,於各世界中,講解說明正法,用以無量的譬喻來說明種種因緣的糾纏,耐佛法照亮,為了眾生開悟而大作光明(見諸佛說法瑞),若是有人遭受到苦難,厭倦了生老病死,為了他們而說示涅槃,於盡皆受到諸苦之障礙之際,若人有福,曾經供養佛陀,有志氣祈求殊勝之法,則為緣覺者說法,若有佛子,修種種善行,祈求獲得無上智慧,則為他們說示淨潔之道理(見四眾得道瑞),文殊師利說,我住在此地,見聞若此之事件,及千億之事件,這些眾多之事件,今日應當略為訴說(結前開後),我的那個淨土,有恆河沙之多的菩薩,用以種種因緣,而求見佛道(見菩薩諸行瑞,(1)總問)或有行布施,金銀珊瑚,真珠摩尼,硨磲碼碯,,金剛諸珍,和奴婢車乘,寶飾之輦輿,以上皆歡喜的布施,於佛道中迴向,願有三界弟一之諸佛讚嘆之所處的此大乘法,或有菩薩,布施有欄楯華蓋所軒飾之駟馬寶車,又見求無上道及施以妻子及菩薩的身肉手足,又把菩薩之頭目身體,為求見佛之智慧而欣喜快樂的施予((2)次第問,<1>布施行)文殊師利我尊諸王,往諸佛所奉問無上道,於是便捨棄樂土,和宮殿臣妾,見到他們剃除鬚髮並身披法服,(<2>持戒行)或有菩薩之而作比丘獨處閑靜之所,見他們樂于誦讀經典(<3>忍辱行)又有菩薩勇猛精進,入於深山,見到他們思惟佛道,又看到他們離慾,經常處於空閑處,見他們深入修行禪定,得到五種神通,又有菩薩,見他們合掌而安寂入禪定,以千萬之偈語,奉行讚賞諸法之王的聖行,(<4>禪定行),復見菩薩們,智慧深奧,志向堅固,能奉問諸佛,並見到他們聽聞之後皆願受持,又佛子之定慧戒具足,以無量的譬喻,為眾生講說佛法,欣喜快悅的說法之後,化身為諸菩薩,破折魔軍之兵眾,見他們打擊法鼓(<5>智惠行)的樣子,((3)雜問,<1>禪行),觀菩薩們寂然宴默之形象,雖然天龍恭敬,菩薩們見之卻不以為喜悅,又見菩薩們的林處放著光救濟受地獄之苦的眾生們,令他們被授予入於佛道之使命,(<2>精進行)又見到佛子未嘗睡眠,於行經林中時勤勉的祈求佛道,(<3>持戒行)他們又具有持戒之行,不欠缺威儀,清淨之事跡有如寶珠,菩薩們見到他們為以此求佛道,很欣慰