2015年4月20日 星期一


馬太太福音/polywoo 耶和華的果實是智慧的果實 凡夫的果實沒有種子 人子自身所犯的罪業絕對不會 轉移或複製到別人身上 耶和華主張罪要償還 上帝卻完全免除之 上帝知道自己的使命和身分 在有生之年和復活之後 都顯了神蹟 奇異之果 寫信給耶和華五次之後 所有的建議皆被採納 許多疑難也都獲後啟蒙 耶和華的德澤廣披 凡是有求於祂的必應許之 每日禱告持有更加清心寡慾的生活 即使一貧如洗也無所謂 在耶和華國度裡修鍊 能得到清楚的交代和解謎 曾讀過四所天主教的學校 但校方拒絕化度怪物 有不好的格言詈罵之或咒術抵制 因此我成了一隻流長淚並且謙卑的龍 將世界的臭名一一洗刷 直到有天我也成立了天上之虛空寶殿 我不再開啟大門讓惡靈侵入 單純多麼重要 把握一種初始的心態 世界的美好無所不在 神聖將充滿人間與塵土共和 分不出從地而發出的光亮 103/01/01 white wine/polywoo it's an era that crisis comes so complexible,drink a white grap cup of wine,will cure your soul,it is a luxury.seldom people can drink that sweetness,and if you remember that flaver,you wont worry about suffering of life,aknowledgement people always be pushed in taiwan,onlythose who can play laws can get emploees,without effort and hardwork,they cheat,lie,just to get deploma and status,to win the privilage from the society.they are soured red wine,the police punish people who have a history of rich family and smart brain,to see if they can escape away,someone preach me,this is a world of strong wins the weakness,so we must go onour road with courage,and never give up,i ever attend the labor partyand green party,,but i think religion always lie to express more laughter in the twisted dharma,people who do good things always be murdered by the goverment or be prisoned for they lose the sense of humanity,they are the ones who want to rule the world. one day,the yellow big sun arise from the north,i am living in a private temple that has no door,i check all the strange documents that kept unsoloved.i am hiding from the goverment for being a thought criminal in china,i heard iweiwei the artist has been put into jail,what a suprise to me.all people who de-china-ize will be caught after this ifthey dont alarm about this news,who knows self being list on the black paper,in taiwan we have a black list too,almost are famous native family,smartest people or those who dont obey the rule of KMD,i have three MBA andtwo EMBA degree,and i am not afraid of any threaten,harm or course,i have a friend who made up deploma and goes to be a proffeser ,by the prevalige of his family,which believe in anti-party,he lie to the KMDthat he is a poor guy from miner fanily,in fact in prison he ever study english literature in the jail,after a few years he interview with me to talk about the book i wrote,we chat about postmordern and the evolution of centry literature,on history,i kepton writing eighty-eight books,some are undecoded yet. today i eat a white apple,and i see some white feathers out of my coat on the floor,i just cant forget the white horror of politics in the world,it is near chrismas time,but i think christ is a mess,prison my freewish,make me angry because all things are just wasting time,my free will never be comfortable,i can see and hear ghosts murmuring,and i learn to tolerate for a long time,but the very many continued gun shot to the sky is true,it wont scare me. i decide to fly to a country that has no name,where people idling on the street every day,they dress pretty just to be filmed by the guarding camara every where in the public,i watch bankers burn money on the stove,bad crimanals be return from the jail,walking slightly on the road where i live,bi-sexual man searching for sex object anytime,the society is dangerout,all these observations,i plan to drink pure water,insdead of drink any wine. finally i find a good lover,he is so mature and rich,who can offer me safty and job,i stick with him and be shocked by the paper and magazine,i am so shamful,after that,i start to teach students in the university,he married me without opening weddinfg or promise,but i understand that he wants to control me by mascline power,so i learn to be a good wife at home. for my man,i stop my proffeser job in the foreign country,we live in a fairy place,nobody find out,it has been 20 years,i still be by his side,he love to read too,but he dispise deploma,i wont care,because love is the only important thing at all,with love,we can just idling on the sarrow world,crying all night long,i heard so many many tragedys that people are sepreted by the highest power of the world,but we can still sleeping together fighting for sexuality,he hate me that i never get old. this is a terrible society,we hide in our villa,seldom go out,i only accept some tutering work for rich family kids,and i know if i express any discourse by real name,i propably will be named on the dangerous list,my man often manage his business by pc skype,he doesnt have to go out too,he like fax and email to do his job,i change my name,for i am afraid of white horrow,and i dont feel like to be populae. untill one day i realize there is black society control,i start to worry the sufferer,i try to help people who are in danger,they must report something about me,to get a better life,or they will be pull down the teeth and be punished,i know this is a mess in the 21 centry,i know this world will getting better,but i dont know how. my husband make me to log on the center of fashion magazine,and because i am beautiful,i am planed to play english film to hollywood by the introduction or a chinese director,but my husband not allow me to do it,he do me a favor let me take TV ads of cosmetics,after 2 years,it makes him very prode. i have a friend that is my classmate in EMBA,he is very smart so the goverment keep an eye on him very closely,finally he is assosinated by an nickname gun shot accident,because he attend the dharma group secretly,and write threntening letters to the china powerful persons,me and my husband are good friend of him,we sadly attend his dead alter,we prepare a cup of white wine to celebrate his courage,and the ideal of democrecy.the dead classmate is a good doctor, who ever come to his clinic always got cured,and they are happy for the diagnos is very good and right,they always sent him thankful cardds.we all know why he is set up,because he refuse to save those who idling doing nothing good patients,so he is called to the secret policeman,and torture to dead,he never took the money of poor people,that makes him cant reprint the exactly tax to the department,so many unknow reason sent him to death,we cry so long because there is no justice in this world,hope heaven bless him peace mind,and become a truely good model of the madical morality. the doctor is out of a literature family,and cheat badly to her patrents,she never goes to see her mother when father pass away,she as a fake dentist took away my healthy teeth,i will always remember,she sent her mother away and rant the house to a partner and kids,but they thought the mother is died in the house,so they seldom live at this house,but go to their origional home,while the good son who drive father to the hospital was killed by the goverment,that is mybest class mate,how he as a ghost sale luxury watch and food to me and also open his clinics at sometimes,i saw him cry as i went to his clinics to chect my throat,i know he must have some danger that i dont know,what can i do,he is coming from a christrain family,he must live his muture life like this. i will never forget the dream my aunt put poison on my nipal on the right side,it makes my mother very hurt but dont know why,she take me to see doctor while the one who diagenose me do me harmful cure as blood cancer,i have suffered untill i grow up get surgery on the bosom,but the aunt harm me again,she put a record setting and recording machine on the part,it makes me must be a honest actress everyday,even my dream being guarded by it,i feel painful trying to kill her. when heaven god hear this devil trip,he is very angry and god throw down so many bombs that that throw the TV whole island to be broken like a documentary film,just to punish the crimanal island,mother evil thing is everybody is blind on truth,they tend to lie in different ways,to control their sin,and get the final profits. the daughter's husband closed his small dentist clinic for a long time,her son is only elementary scool and has a maid kept him safe picking him up after school is over,one day the mother appear in the wason's to face me,i told her that her husband has a departed sisterwho is 70 years pld also living in the same street.she is my teacher who care about me so much,just her husband died early and a daughter is fancy on curving leathers.she curve a rose pattern of purse for me, after she receive my thank card to her mother,she is my six degree teacher named money,and she is very servere. finally i see the teacher in once gathering place,she look at me without saying anything,but i know she is still waiting for me to visit her house,this isa a pramise between us,i weite a card to tell her i have some reason that i cant go to see her,and the letter is received by her hand,i know she must be glad that i never lose her lovingf preach. the doctor sale me one ruby dimond watch,i choose it from the fund of one paper named WON news,it report about the china law for limitention on taiwanese,i never take any profit but the coworker take it away and share with all his girlfriends,KMD is very interested on the report everyday,but one day in emergency room my watch is stolen by a nurse on another hospital,she pretend a catholic emploee,for two days she lock my bag and when i wake up and open it,the prescious watch disappear,i am very unhappy. then i went to globle village to learn different language,the title boss come to attend the class,to see me any thoughts about him,i hate him for my own saving money is named by him,and my salon photography for a poetry collection is destroyed by his ugly wifees,i run to a place where one taxi car took me far away from him,and his power relationships,it is frenzy cold for it is a place of ghost living and hiding in taiwan,i regret the big money pay for the taxi driver,stop somewhere to see if there is any villa that i can buy to escape from the threntening,as i buy one regret tictic back to taipei,i feel better becaise i still have freedom of my own,if i just study english but not japenese, i can be out of sight of the boss,and still happily create my work as a novel and poem writer,it is quite well. my husband is so worry about me,i tell him i dont have any danger no more,and he still cant trust me,so i tell him go to check the bank,who dose the bad procedure for shelter my eyes,he get the providence,and he forgive me,then i tell him one horror story,it is one killer nearby,the 30 years old poor renter dont have anything to eat,he goes one every holiday and pull down a car,pretending he want to go some place ,then he kill the driver and take away his purse,put the dead body on the land,drive straightly to his house,and tell a lie to make the whole family believe that he is a friend of their father,he kill all the people in the house,and stolen all money and card,just to feed himself,he secretly wash away the finger print on the door and any people,and he kill a hole on my kidney. i warn my husband,but he wont listen,i suffer for this and i smell the dead body ghost surround my bed,and my husband smell that too,he start to believe in me,but when we call the policeman,he wont trust us,so we soonly move away from the killer,we sale the house and buy another near the lake,where there is no neighbor who will do bad things to torture me,i think it is black horror,accident,it is really a truth because it occur in my dream just like a movie,and the neighbor still play kids with sex,where those kids come from illusionary. i cant bear anynore,every time i dream aboutit,i please the power of god to get the crimial away from my brain,and mind,but there is still one religon horrow happen to me,that is the dog hunting for my soul at high school for a family whose wife cant get pregant,i have to start my home work from expensive scholarship,because parents never give the girl money,or cook for her,she always eat at school,and when she crys some tears,my heart is broken too,because i am bite by a fake family,i try to kill the mother first,then get back to my body by disappering force. my husband is an unicorn with one pair of transparent wings,taler swift ever sing a song,i think it is very suitable for him to tell me my thought about him,he wont let me tough the feet,and after sex he always talk a lot while i dont know why,i live with him in bejin city just to get more charge to be on red curtain to show our famous,and the beauty he gives to me,by each and every happy time together,he dos not mind that my frist love is a ghost,and he married me for no any reason just pretty and smart,we live together until paparochy shot our intimite sleeping photo,on the magazine of celebrity,we seldom go out,for the popular reason,me have a shoping helper to buy things for us,for example,food,dress,furniture,and other goods,but my husband dont love to drink,smoke,gamble,invest and lie,only when he get upset he will be angry on me,this morning i cry silently,i cant tell the reason,the sorrow keep on with the dark sky waiting for the sun to shine,i remember all things and words he told me,nobody said to me,and he is kind just cant tell why i am so ernest on doing house works,he give me everyday morning call kiss,thought i feel happy and content,i dont tell him i like it very much. i try to leave home to see if he miss me or not,he call my cellphone so many times and i just leave message to him,it typed if you love me,you will come to find me,i wear a wig and dress like red poker in the place we first date,waiting for you darling,he is so worried about me,wondering if i have been kidnaped or murderd or commit suicide,and he remind about the museum where we meet over the door,he talk to me,ask me why i come to see those fine arts,i tell him i like to study international art and history still waiting for favorite painter's show to exihabit,and i love the phenomena of culture and art,he tell me his name,and he know my name,and he know my name without my introduction,i know he can see through my fate,so i am glad to accept his date equest,after viewing the musem,we eat something on the basement resturant. he mention about why he buy no.8 perfume to me,it is a gift of purity smell,he think it is suitable for me,my pillar are all full of this flavor,keep me sleep well all night long.i especially love to do mediation on the bed,thinking myself is swimming on the spring,he compraise me that my hairdo is very very beautiful,i remind this word in mind,i think he like straight but curve long hair,he tell me so long ago before marriage that his father die early and be killed by KMD,his mother right now has no money so she ask him to give the old villa to sale for living,so we have to earning more property by working hard,but he think it is our couple's memory,he should get some portion of the selling money,they argue for this and the deal is broken,no one can tough the villa,before the neighbor is gone. one day she put the house into the suitcase on the court,to reduce the house's value for revenge,she think father's death is all due to him,and she hate me too,because she is jealous about our happy life together,i wonder she call the murderer to live near u,the killer's rent house is a house concerned with one dead guy in the room,and the number is not good,full of four,in chinese it means die,he has a never die protection wearing in the neck,so nobody can kill him,one day i throw a stone on his window with bars,he throw more to my house,it is long time ago happening just for a testing check,he broke my window for no clue to be found,we have to charge the window into mother pattern,he is evil and love to think about bad intention,he used to curse that those who love him must bear six baby for him,and that is truely happened,some use tube baby once,some preganet one after another,some get abortion,the others never care about him,that is his devil plan,he make women go to hell of birth. my husband change our name for escape from the killer follow us,the new house is using new name,even his mother cant find him to get the court,he think if we cant punish the crime,we should hide away from trouble,we go abroad to touring,and find a USArent house living for one more years,we have a wonderful job to sale lotus teeth paste,and using using english names,geprge and mary,which is a bank name of bankgrupt ATM,we try to find FBI to tell the secret that the killer is stealing the resourse of americcan important institution,for example,the door slamp is white horse,the gas machine is fire policeman boreau,and the water is the saving pool of USA,ect,FBI is very angry with this but have no way to solve it,they finally comping an army in his top roof,to watch out the killer's all wrong deed. after they put him into jail,we celebrate,for a whole season,stop working,and apause for final justice,it is a religion crime,for the killer buy a very small mandala hanging on the neck,nobody can harm him,i finally know he is jealous on my mandala for we live very happy and peace,i know killer wash at night for three times one day,because he is guilty for bloody crime and sin,he even ask kids to give him gas to take shower,and eat stone for hungry,all the bad thing he does all record by my setting camera,the FBI believe in my words,so he is put into electricity chair finally.what sentence in bible can make him regretful,i open the bible that the nun give to me from the bok store,i read "but if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their ancestors,in that they commit treachery against me."this is the only answer i found. me and my husband are extremly happy for this punishmnt,he tells many secret when we live in the ancint time,he like my white dress with colorful flowers,and play old intrument for him,so that his poem can be sing,we live in the margin of big word,which the color is dark green,there is a small horse nearby,he often ride a whorse to buy eating food,sometimes he take me into chose things that i want,so sweet i know he doesnt care about the test to be a goverment minister,he write down some poem of our secret,i collect them all,till the night comes,i read all his book for he never want me to realize man's world,and wisdom,but i think it is a good way to understand his thought,just like a shewolf,eating all words at the time when the moon comes fully,he doesnt like to talk too much,but he will always listen to me,and give me the answer in his brain,in fact,nobody visit us,he is talking to the book and the writer,it is very nice book for me,where we live has no mountain,just a small house he build for me,right now the painting,has been changed into postmordern style,one night i tell him"you soft like a wind",for he is very tender to me,he says he will remember this romantic stentence. now he take me a place with any black or white horror,i feel free with him,we drink white wine at winter time,which warm our cool body,sometimes he fly to the past,and future,to check on all things we used to do,and everything we share together,he always read the most defficutly book,for a secret challenge,the other good monery is all black that i cant understand our carnation,but he tell me that he dream about the past just like what i have said,very classic life,talar swift ever sing a song"white horse",and the bible has a story about it. i go to the gym to do excise,there is a man who show his scar on the heart to us,it is a bullet not too deep harm him,i think it is a black horrow that he doesnt even do any wrong thing.years later he come back to the gym,while his wife and son dont listen to his phone call,his hair has been white,the promise he made such as sale golden needle,never know if it come true.i feel curious so i ask him about his beautiful wife and something,he tell me he will wait for her. last night i force my husband run to me,he goes to watch body,and when i fall esleep,he comes to me,but i dont know why my dream is all emptiness,when i wake up,i am so satisfied by my sweet peaceful night,although my throat is hured,i still read morning sutra which suddenly it is not painful any more. in my dream,i am preganant for my husband,his anciant first name is white,he hasnt found out the change of my belly,last bight i ask him let me see our carnation in ny black screen dream,and i really get it,i feel happy in my dream,and i use my hand to touch belly,but here we are prisoned by shizofrenzia paranoid named by doctors,in fact,we just have some connection in history and somewhere,right now he is smaller two years old than me,i wonder if i can stay with him before the dream is over,every night we pretending idot to sleep by souls together,in fact,we dont know if we have better future,because he has been set up by his mother,his house be sold by court,he has no where to go,i am very worry about him. when i had some hurt in the belly,he is not home,i remember there is a temple named white house in china,i think there must be a little secret inside,once a poet write down a thesis about black and white horse,i think it is a boring logic,today he touch the black horse in the decoration of chrismas,i know what he means,it seems a good-bye between us,and i will never predict when can we be together doing dultry in secret place we promise,because it is much more fun,several days he ride a horse to prepare some goods for my birth need,when he com back,it has been autumn. i remember the pronography between us,it is very romantic and comfortable,he tough my body and back with smoothly skin,our body almost become as one,each time he murmur to me,i know him more,but sometimes he lies to me,i cant do anything but punish his meat by fingers,last night he come to me five times like a transparent ghost,i did not refuse him,while he still keep on runnung,i am freak out,so i go out for drinking water,there is a kichen rhat i love most,we always check about how to cook cuisine. he is pretending silence,in fact,his logic is making money,it is the most importent thing that he want to do,he ask me to give him 350 dollars,and give me a kiss on face,but after that he forget about it,and lie to me,ai am so heartbreak that i try to cut the partnership with him,i ask him never smoke,lie,cheat,steal,or do any evil,but he keep on secretly doing such deeds,i can do nothing about it,i just read sutra for him in societion with all wishing words that i learn from the other friend. in my dream,i am preganat for my husband,his anciant first name is white,he hasnt found out the change of my belly,last night i ask him to let me see our carnation in my black screen dream,and i really get it,i feel happy in my dream,and i use my hand to touch belly,but here we are prisoned by schizofrenzia paranoid named by doctors,in fact we just have some connection in history and somewhere,right now he is smaller two years old than me,i wonder if i can stay with him before the dream is over,every night we pretending idot to sleep by souls together,in fact,we dont know if we have better future,because he has been set up by his mother,his house be sold by court,he has no where to go,i am very worry about him. when i had some hurt in the belly,he is not home,i remember there is a temple named by white horse in china,i think there must be a little secret inside.once a poet write down a thesis about black and white horse,i think it is a boring logic,today he touch the black horse in the decoration of chrismas,i know what he means,it seems a good-bye between us,and i will never predict when can we be together doing dultry in secret place we promise,because it is much more fun,several days he ride a horse to prepare some goods for my birth need,when he came bback,it has been autumn. i remember the pronography between us,it is very romantic and comfortable,he tough my body and back with smoothly skin,our body almost become as one,each time he murmur to me,i know him more,but sometimes he lies to me,i cant do anything but punish his meat by fingers,last night he come to me five times like a transparent ghost,i did not refuse him,while he still keep on running,i am freak out,so i go out for drinking water,there is a kicten that i love most,we always check about how to cook cuisine. he is pretending silence,in fact,his logic is making money,it is the most imortant thing that he want to do,he ask me to give him 350 dollars,and give me a kiss on face,but after that he forget about it,and lie to me,i am so heartbreak that i try to cut the partnership with him,i ask him never smoke,lie,cheat,steal,or do any evil,but he keep on secretly doing such deeds,i can do nothing about it,i just read sutra for him,in societion with all wishing words that i learn from the other friend. he come back home giving me a box of HAIHAI cookie,he tell me he goes to find a stock manager job in an enterprise company,because he wants to save some money for both of us,to live a better life,and invite our new born baby,which is prepared to give birth after our finacial problem is getting better,for raise baby is a stuff of wasting engery and money,we study many books and idea from all over the society,i think he has been ready for our future child.before he come back,i thought he want me get abortion or decide to diverce with me,in result,it shows how much desire he want to be a good father,this makes me feel so very happy for severed mouths,my husband earn many profit in inner line,and buy a beautiful house for us,but his mother took away the house in taipei,we originally decide to bear our child over there,not it become fantacy. so we get back to bejin city,and live in the villa,just to say the same relationship with stocks,and leave his mother,whom i have no any way to treat her well,as she need,i just start to learn doung allhouse hold at home for my husband,last night he kiss me like a wolf,wild and free,when i wake up in the morning,we drink G7 coffee,and check about how to sale the mose in taipei,he tell me he will find someone to change the estate ownership,just to let mother go back to where she live,where there is all eldish house with his father,for father is ill but she doesnt want to take care of him,she instead occupy my husband house,just to escape her duty and to seperate from his father,one day,KMDkilled his father ,by nonesones reason,my husband is very sad that he cut the relation with his mother. i listen to the music channel on the radio,to make the body taught how music is all about,i am over-enjoy,that i never feel alone while husband goes out to work as a minister in the factory,he consult all problems about the labor and worker's frustration,while i stay home painting and drinking tea,cooking for waiting husband home,but he always goes out to eat dinner,for what i cook is vegetarian for my own preganacy,he dislike it,for he tell me he feel very hungry because he cant eat without meat. my husband keep changing career everytime he feel like to,he goes to editing fashion magazine,being a freelance,or work for advertisement company,he even be a document director,for a transperation workshop,after so many jobs,it is time for me to give the birth of my full months kid,before that night, i dream about our wedding so exited,many people over the celemony,people make fun of us,me and my husband dont know why,because we never want to open our marriage,it is such a suprise that i wonder if we have another life that nobody know,maybe it is an affair over somewhere we were nowadays,if we believe this true,i think it is a happy ending,in that place must be lucky that no stopping powers can make us apart,in fact,i never dream about any wedding,for i have gone over the age to get married,if there is,it must be a relationship of being each other's accipany,but the only thing wired is at that feast the bridgroom is absent. it is a big question mark to me,i would like to wait a few days dreaming to prove if i am his wife or not,in this world, people wont disappear suddenly,just politically danger will make it happen,why my husband disappear,if he got some talent that like magic power,it is very possible that this his all line on the paw is gone like white paper,as i saw it i was supprised,if he doesnt have any fate,or doom,how can irecognize his history ,or guess how come as i see it once again it show up to let me know.indeed,the male is left and lady is rigjt hand,so i guess it is possible that he dont want the sissy side of his life. and for several days i sense some shadow in my back,it seems like religious finger prints flying behind me,i dont know what that silent words means,just ignore them and not to think over it,dont know how or why buddha want to play such a game with me,and what is the while content,if i am innocent about it,how can i reach my own story been set up in the future?it maybe one kind of finger language,i dont know,it is a little mysterious,but i dont feel like to understand the whole story,i will go straight to experience my life,althought i hate being apple or decided. but the next day,i dream about a white religion of my wedding ceremony,i can see my mother feeling very happy with my marriage,because can make a lot og money,the day after tomorrow,i dream about also a lot of people who are watching my dress as a bride,i dont know why he is absent,maybe he just love to be transparent,not leting his family know about it,and today i wake up from a lecture of god curing illness of all believers,u am so wanted to be there because my liver is fly high to one hundred point,i call to my mother,she says maybe it is caused by my meal so oiled,i am not quite sure if it is so-called cancer or just a lie,after the diagnose,i fainted three times,i think myself is in need of blood pill,but not consult from another doctor. i think myself is not the wife he is looking for,but he told me he has been looking forward and waiting for me untill now,he called me nighteen Liu in his book,because we were met at 19 years old at antient time,but the fortune teller told my mommy that she should put 19 coins under my bed,i dont know why,now he is ghosting arount my head,so many diffucalty before my eye,i am losing faith on him,there is a killer live in our neighborhood,although i am not afraid of him,but my husband is so worry about it,and he start to detect on killer's history,he kill the chinese family and occupied their house,we begin to live under the shadow of his action and subconsciousness,right now he is searching for a buyer to get a good price,but he is unwear of today newspaper put his pixel on the newsreport,i go to the park pick up some stones and throw them to his windows,so me and my husband being put into the psyco hospital room together. this night, my husband pretend he is my extra,and tell me that he has found out the perfum during the time we read newspaper few days ago,i tell him just take the sample to ask all the miss who sale perfum on the department store,and he find out that is smell from red tulips in holland,i am so glad that he solve the secret of my faverite riddle.last night we walk alone the street,i hold his left hand tight,i dont know how long we have walk around the emptiness hall in dont know how long we have walk around the memory that my extra given to me,we walk like romantic of hiking on the day time,he ask me what do i want to eat,i answer him honestly,such as donut of green power tea,japanese needle,i feel like eaten fully after i wake up in the morning,then i go washing my face and clean my teeth. while we are living in the hospital,we make love by soul,to escape the suvernire of the computer controling set,he lick my button gulf because he think it is sexy,and i enjoy it very much,although i think this extradinary funny,and i keep on laughing untill he change some other portion of my body,he ask me never attend the performance artist group,because it is complicated and he think we cant bear it,his opinions bother me,because i meat pay mother all income to exchange the bad influence of going to the psycocuring center,for my deeds which are destroy some machine to push my pressure away,for example,TV,pc printer,stone,camera,BBcall,ect,so i go to emotional adaptive group to learn some positive sprit,in this class,i learn,to thank for other giving and appriation. i suddenly think of yesterday night,while we walk in the sky,he took me across the sea to a bookshop,where my buddhaism collection book is sold and put on the table,and it is published by the famous publish company,we open the book which is covered by all white skin,when i hold his hand for a thank meaning ,we were so much in love,and we also go to eat many food alonew the road without any police officer,today afternoon,i buy a box of jasmine green tea,which is printed a poem named "lover's eye",i guess it is truely experience to me,for my husband ever once look at me with a big drangon's eye behind his huge glasses,when he stare at me,my eyes are so painful,so i close my left eye,it is a warning i guess,but not quite sure what's all about,in the end i realize that he is asking a request by his male power,so i can only obey his rule,for my mind is a soft one. for his good intention,i buy a box of golden chocelate to sent him,what a wonderful night,with special supprise,a subtitude plan to take over my extra boyfriend,for he is so boring like a chicken shadow in my world,my husban never worry any privacy and show up conrageously in front of me,he want to wash away my bad memory that extra bf given to me,my extra is trio-charicteristic person,sometimes he crys,sometimes he is humourous,some other times he is sick as pervant crime,therefore i try to leave him,no matter how many times he calls me,i all refuse to pick up the telephone and talk to him,because he like to lie and talking nonesense,i prefer honestty and quietness.one day i cant endure it,so i throw many bombs to the china,and my very poor black list stopped,i can live as free as i can,then he sent me to the hospital,but i am not sick,just in lack of some nutrision,since that time i feel hatred for him,i play over the love game,so i wave good-bye to him. at night i stay on the line to eat pill,i think about i am ever once a black list of stephen king,my book is somewhat popular,but nobody decode all the phylosopher's plots,also i want to know if roland barthe is dead or not,i have read all his book,but the only one series i dont like is fashion of dress critics,i like to know all famous people and brand book in the literayure world,and i prefer the novel of american and the theory of writer's work,i know chinese book all printed from left to right,while tw have a tendency to print from right to left,when my husband ask me to teach him write novel,i tell him never write about us,and some tips about creating methods,after i talk too tired by subconcious,i start at the celine and feel like sleeping,and soonly i am going to a white light dream,nothing transparent dream land,and i have to stand the hunger of my stomach for i will be test sound transwave on my belly,the doctor is a poet who use nickname write down"lover's eye",i know so many doctord have identities of poet,and they have the ablity to cure patients,this time i was diagnoseed as over-eaten some chinese powder for a long time,the heavy metal save in my inner liver,so i must obey the doctor's words and wait for reports,then i can go home with my husband. when i return back from the detecting room to the bed,i feel very painful on my top of my womb,although i have eaten the breakfast,but i still can feel my husband is asking me about yesterday dream,i tell him the dream is all white,without hilding hands,and run to six star hotel to enjoy sex,and he he buy me a black jaket,and a curing book about medicine power,and i tell him the red tulips perfum is namedkiss and the department lady is the only one who is coming from holland,cause she is good at flowers and verbs,but i dont know where is the store set up,perhaps it is existed in fresh market,he tell me that he he wants to buy me one bottle,it remind me of kiss radio which is on web line for a long time. in the hospital i like to call nurse ponytail,doing some favor to me,i think she is cute and very senserious about her job,she is on duty of keeping all keys,and counting patient's fee and in charge of our every little need,she looks lovely and take care of our meal every day,i thinkl she is very kind and naive to us ,i wonder why she never grow old so many years,while i am jealous my husband's nurse,because she has a kid when i worked in the transfering company,she took away 24000 dollars from my salary evelope,she seem like an actress,my husband has no illness just eat cold pills,but she seduse him several times and listen to our chating,so i dont feel happy about yesterday night when he ask me to talk more about literature information,my husband dont know the truth,he has a bad temper as he walk loudly,throw and break my favorite kitchen-hold,caugh to me,then i know he has somthing thought under his poker face. yesterday i know the catholic bell is out of order,twice for i think crist is a mess(X'mas),and the window become black when i wake up three times,i was so panic that i go to bathrom wash my teeth the second time,after the body examination,i think maybe it is just a computer test about all condition of belly,i write a calligraphic poem for mr.white,that is "one song of pipa no return,three bocha fly without rule"(一曲枇杷人未還,三昧盤若亂紛飛),i doubt if the doctor also watch my womb cause i am fourty more yeards old,anyway i still thinking about the quest why he never come back to me,i want to make a paper rose but in vain,i believe that single is the best thing for me to continue. today the moon arise from the east it is not a good sign,but yesterday we mix like suger,the color makes me remind of the dye lotion my elder sister given to me,i know she is Enisten's daughter,one successful female master in counting field,today is day we leave the jail hospital,yesterday we discuss many detail ideals in the future,such as i want to attend bookcritic on the foreign website,and my husband want to be active in the stock world,he promise that we dont just like defore when we have not get marriage success,he proposal once again ,because i seem to be single in my white dream,he want wedding both in reality and dream,yeasterday the nurse open my radio of sony brand,so i lose many bettery electricity,but i did not feel angry because my body is very healthy,and this makes me happy for two days,my siters give me presents which i love very much,i like this worning and i decide to stay on the workshop with my husband,where there are a lots of books,some jewelrys and dress i collect,i selden care about my business while he encourage me to do it,i think i will try to punish one poem elbum just for us,the wisdom of religius profound sentemces. yesterday i think of his tears,just like a drop of white wine,because he is worried about we will be sepreted by the KMDpolitics,so he suggest me change my name to hide my works in sales world.also we went to find another two books written by me few years ago,to see if it is published by some company of undergroud in china,it is a riting to get buddhaism success especially for all women,at at this white X'mas i enjoy the walking just like hiking on the snow,and i must finish my every day book writing during the days in the hospital,for it is a sarvation chance which the lord given to me,i put two texts in one notebook crossing the paper which on patient take 9 dollars to sell the empty note to me,i write bilingual language,on the book some people maybe think that i am going every or mad,but it is a practive like verginia wolf's room,as a crossing text, we are free when we get out the hospital room,but something is examed on my blood,and we must get back to the hospital to take monthly pills,at last,we refuse to pay and take any remedy,or tell the privacy to the doctor,it is our secret,and we are afriaid of informtion being digged by the press,for we are celebraties but not too famous,one day he confess to me,he has sex with the nurse and my stomach is continuing,i believe he want to produce affair with the actress nurse,the tenderness has gone from my mind,and nobody record poet white's biography,i cant search further either,at one night my husband disappeared,i dont know why. then he shows up with tear to let me know,he got some power,and he tell me he used to be my phylosophy teacher in university,at test time i am late for one minute,so he wont let me enter the classroom,as my frist time being interviewed by the proffecer,i refuse to drink X.O wine he sent to me,so he drive me home with acholic in the stamach,he tell me it is his lose for he received a fine bill of 50 thousand dollars,i feel so very sorry right now,he tell me never make him sad for me really love me,and he want me to see his parents,he tell me he kiss my cheak with a small pearl to wish my scar of coldness being cured,suddenly i can feel he is really very nice,so i stop jealous mind and try to understand him,i believe he love quietness and wont tell any lie to me,but he like to threaton everybody he met,to see if my first recognition to them is true. my husband tell me he want to publish novel too,before this decision he can only write poems and prose,and he sent eight books to me,i put them on the eslite bookstore,he shows me all works are coming from his reading and proving on tai-chi,but i only choose the literature portion to read,he has hidden for me one house next to his,which is decorated very pretty for me ti live,right now i understand he has four identity,he never know he has white fur and skin,he love black istead,last night he promise me he will give me present,but i havent receive any one gift,i cant know the feelings after he ate my five chocalates,that brand means forever love,and he seems havent know the frenh words. it is hard to know his favorite stuff,but he always ask me what i like,such as shoes,i answer him that i like high-hill with metal,everytime he stare at me with slant eyeballs,i know he is telling me that he dont have a happy temper to me,so i pretend tender to ask if he got some wonder on his mind,he tells me that a childish childish me's father he name to conker,but dont know who he was,i straightly tell that he is a novel of an old auther who sell stone in front of the first bank near the taipei station,so many ladysin the thick story that he become a playboy,but in my novel he is the leader of all cranes,i cant stop laughing at this discovery secret,but i am poor for i dont know which one is my mother,hat i dont know her look or face. remember i tell him that bears make me hurt,then he leave a message to me too,he says"you really taste very good",last night he fuck me hardly and it is too long that i fall esleep,but he keep insonia all night just to give me very many high tides,i eat "seraqurl"pill,it sounds like"sera cure",sera is my talking english course teacher,she talk a lot to me,when i am only about twenty years old,andin university i am a star student,she often report my thoughts to our chapter proffericer,my husband's eyes are very handsome,i ask him kiss my hurt on beauty top hair on forehead,but he did not do it,this hurt is caused by drinking coffee and eating spicy veges,to speak honestly he never have black ring around the eyes,and he tell me he is hungry is not out of frank mind,i guess he just want to be stronger so that he can fuck me smoothly,last night he ask me not to fall esleep,but i cant resist the pill,so he hanging web on his eye end,i dont know what to do,and why . the KMD change the lunar canlender three times,because the president think he is a controler in tw,but in china it doesnt work,we count days in the secret paper notebook,i think the computer make magic on date,so he strick back by emparer's power,so or memorial day cant be recorded or remember,just like my mother make me go to the white temple to please monk write buddhaist name,and on the telephone she remember the real dates,so that she can get home ceremony carrectly,every year she is very sencer that she wants to hold on the family going on peacefully by accester's protect,when my husband hear the truth he horse around by his bush shoes. while my husband want to write novel,i decide to write one poem collection for him,but i am still wondering which language i should choose,i conceder once to write on lyrics of song,but i dont remember any clue on our ancient memorys,and the new coming poem elbum hasnt been decided the book name by me,my attending society group is ended by me,but the creater put some means on me,as i am his very proud student,on television he talk about me,but on liberty newspaper he makes a big lie article about planning to sing all his poem with a singer who married with a blond lady,he love his foreign wife very much,and they have hybrid kids whose name is unknow by the public,and the press. (end) (prologue)App dialouge/polywoo iplate has no dialouge in App action,it operates like listen to radio and homework,if it develope like youtube between chatroom and NP sentences,i believe that only software without virus can put on the market,it will point out any lie and rumour within itself,but how to invent it,i can see so many cmputer companys are trying to invent it,as every user knows,ipad is hard to type soonly,only a point pen can touch it,but the screen is very small,you cant see the whole homepage at one time,moving over here and there is no easy matter,can television be wi-fi?if sphinx ask this question,who will answer it?if we use App to see doctor in the hospital screen,and let phimer sent the pill to us patient's home by mailing,can it become reality?in fact,about twenty years sgo,i love to ask all the bosses in the pc shop,i want to know about how to make a novel becoming colourful reality.then i got the secret of futurism on pc net,i used to work for a boss who want to invent series shop of coffee pc on line,i am a editor on his company,he is a EMBA of business manage in USA,who has a baby with the secretary,and he took us to watch a gun game movie. after i exerience pc magazine editing,workshop of vedio,intrpetate company,i still know nothing about email and internet,it was ten years ago,but right now i invent App structure as one magic box,but someone apply this idea,so i become a observer on Appworld,which it makes me become a officer in the smart company,the CEO never talk to his emploees but use internet question web to receive all quest from online workers,especially Adobe flash,it has the fuction to get sphinix dialougue and answer from the top boss,we have to chating in the meeting room every day morning,we supple on informations about the duty of invention and selling,everyoneis doing the inovetion on create of special function in App,such as guessing english vocabulary with others,chating App on the topics of comix,a penpal secret room which turn out to be reality share,ect. at the smart company,i act as a journalist who is in charge of reporting our company's newest idealism and what our CEO is thinking about,i collect all quest and answer to be documents,and reread it once again everyday,just to ask more connective workers on net about how to make more software thinking about,i collect all quest and answer to be documents,and on successfully making money,i am a sister of mathematics,she grow up with me,and she has a tutoring company which teaches the most intelligent students on the private school,the list of name is hiding on our father's home,invent others steal it. it is a revolution when i talk one quest on dell computer co.,i sent one gmail to the CEO about how to make the searching engine work out with decode operation,but only one secretary answer me,she told me maybe i can be the charger of their company in tw,so i run to dell and design some App program for them,the CEO even talk to me by cellphone,he told me he want a family gone like the happiness of spending the new year holiday,therefore i paint a new year card of folio type,just let people write down some congradulation words on the App,and then sent to accont of those people want to give cellphone and plate board from apple,still cant work it out about just let App functioning as facebook,twitter is my favorite for it appeared like journalist document,and i like to get some information from those honest reports. there is a managerwho is my helper on publish my books,she used to teach me english on GVC in tw,now she is working for Amanzonbookstore in the department of develope manuworks,i sent my story about electricity compete reality show,and at last,this bookis selled very well,because all computer users are enjoying reading the bok theme,and the next book is ,someone of my enemy use my english name to do mass and wrong things,just to set me up,and make revenge,after i know it,my blog has already explorure for a very long time,but the hiker novel and white horrow havnt been named,perhaps it is named as. is a very good bok when i study the page,i see the future has a lot of protencial on website explore,i read through the line,trying to dig as many secret and clue as i can by my brain storm,it is my stratage book,which refer to the magnetic power,in order to cure my spirital illness,in fact i lost memory of detail plot when i talk to pepole on the way to travel and work,this book remind me of chemical and all the power to beat my illness,i live in my novel for a long long time,other's treat me like a crazy person,but they never understand being avent-guard is such a happy thing,in the field of cell phone,only call-in to the radio can be true,i invent cell app dialouge in pc world as a magic cube,especially sanscript language,how i understand only being independent can bring me good energy,and i wish this world can be peaceful when love and digital can combine perfactly together,may wish come true. log on you,log on me/polywoo the newest computer software is opening slow and anti-virus,it reduce all virus come into the monitor,my honey stole my every codes,and log on facebook to destroy discourse,i think he live like Lacon who describe man has three mirrow shadow,ego,super-ego,and id-ego,he log on my account,while i log on his,this is gamble on number and english lock code,window 8 is somehow potential but people dont know,although it waste money and time,but users are healthy and free,because the brand new virus hasnt invent,yet it is a challengefor special people to use,the creator kick away all kinds of pc machine,all brands of plugging on any mouse,some people who can use left hand to control the mouse must be the most intelligent one. when i am logged on by him,my tears runs as classic music,for he really take mean way to break my heart,for example,he lie to youth boy that i have real love in digital world,and i can explain all plots in my novels,but i wonder if he still remember the receving of my gift,it is a half dozen of white package cigarates,he tell me he never smoke,so i sent them t all to the guardin police on our community,i lant my house in success road,for five years,untill how he swear that he will kneel down for me on the public,but it is too late,i almost forget every detail he done to me,and i will go to a place where is red woods,a splendid building that living over there can cure my mind,i believe in this world i am the one and only,because i never share anything to my boyfriends unlest they ask me about it,i go on my way to a remeedy,where there is a fate that i cant stop it,and i will live in a five floor rest place,to remember all my ghosting boyfriends,this year is not lucky,i use silence to force myself remember all the writing,it is a quiet,setment where my university teacher live over there,last night he ask me to drink that X.O wine,and i did it as he want me to. i write down all romantics just to get close to buddha's heart,nobody knows how much deep i am willing to sacrafy myself to love all poor man,for nobody want them so that nobody will rob them for always,today i feel headache for that glass of wine,and my period come yesterday,he did not touch me for i feel twisted butterfly oin my stomach,i open the radio and heard a song for the saint maria,now i realize that people love the money of another sex,with sweet words to hug them for living. (the end)

