2015年4月20日 星期一


flowing clouds(a hiker novel) i am kamilla,major in english creation,i win a prize from net bookshop of two tickets toward and backward trip, that makes me want to traveling and studying in Belgin,i try to use my credit card and visa card to shop gradience over there in the super-market,for cooking at my rent room,it is a beautiful landscape country of emperior kingdom,where life is peaceful and comfortable. my boyfriend is a computer hiker,who has made a large laundry money from pc bank,and he tells me he decided to go with me,for spent a long time honey moon with me,i say ok to him,we make a plan to go around european countrys,one week a place,to share the good time at the hotel,as to what i want to learn from university,i believe it must be my interest on study fancy fictions,i carry a digital dictionary with me,and we both carry our ph notebook and apple ipad to start this adventure trip. the feeling of flying on the airplane is so long,we are going to a kingdom named and pronunced like skin-color,he as a hiker love to make money,for example,he steal facebook ads fee like pal in the candy crush and other promotion money,his name is called chrome,he like my smart cellphone so he buy the same one,and use iphone touch at the same time,he get two phones,we are a mirror-like brain can see through each other's black and white,i hate money while he love to gamble and earning it,he want to build a net net world system of inventions,like 3c product and pc manufactures. he knows all codes by guessing and instinct,because he used to be trained by it writing softwares of computer applyment,he is a living person in glass field,with visionary fancy,one day he steal my code,my facebook is warning me by the main system,so i decide to change another one code,by the way,he sent me message about one free code for 20 dollars middle red tea,this represent his secret code on his account,while my code reveal money amount,i use many zero on my code ,he has cashes,invent,house,and know ways to keep love relationship fresh,i learn how to take care of each other side by side,try to make him quit guilty of being a long term hiker. while i want to study on a thesis about fancy novel and search on topic of huxulary,he ask me to buy some new shoes,so i buy 3 pieces for 4000 more dollars,it is for the purpose to match my buying pants from the television shopping station,his forehand flatteringis very good,he touch my private place tenderly for a long time,and he knows well about all my sexy area and G-part,but our sexuality is just like flowing clouds,it is hard to chase any moment,cause it is very changable and with divrsity,he is the wind beneath my wind. today,he tells me a secret about body hiking on me in the past,although it makes me feel the karma of guilty,i still want to make sure if he is the one who stay with me in the way to get the prize of creating novel,he share with me when i am taking a cold shower and sleep on a thin sheep on the bed of hotel,waiting for next morning to come,and go to the civil hall to attend the meeting of giving prize seromony,he follow me and observe everything from the happy night,which he cover his soul on my body as i am feeling cold by the air-conditioner flowing around the room. my memory is vividly aroused by him,he talks about all details of my mind,that suprise me a lot,today i print the fate of mine and his,the conclution is that our fate is quite similar,i love to do things that accidently he loves too,without any lie or prenting,i find out we can still live the same technology life in Brussel city,at the house we rent from a couple,we like to ask each other about computer science questions,such as how to write down computer language to make system stop,or drop up and down on the moniter screen,in order to threaten the main institution,he major in social science,indeed right now he hide from me to use computer language setting,to hike my cellphone,my facebook must be renewed,by type all detail datas,and code,also my web TV station is decided by his controling power,i cant watch programs that i love before,my keyboard is underlined and stopped from freely typing,and when i open the android,the speed is very slow,i have to wait so long,and my tele-list is changing over time,i cant dial the number or receive messages of audio speaking,but i still tolerate his control,because i know he is racing with me. during the time i hand out a paper reporting on hiker novels,i go to the collage of computer science to learn some hiker language and decode method,and try to study the secret in the information world of cool hiker,who has no love or romance,distrust in the faith of gods or buddha,i know chrome is so dangerous,but i still silently swallow his jealousy on my easily giving love to those who ever love me. on the first day of our honey moon,he lay on my private area and use his hand to rub it over and over again softly,his hair touches my naked butterfly,i sense the joy and happiness he sent to me,he bit my tongue slightly,because i am thinking of other stuff,he want me to return my concentration on him,i like to lick his right ear and wisper,so he wash clean his ear everyday he swear,we turn over the winds and rains on the perfume bed,he is my ocean while i am his sheep,he is just like google buying the adobe company,he invent all my sex without any complain,he love to take challange especially things we discuss and compromise. everytime our sex is finished,he start to plan a new plot of hiking a target,and he ask me to be his only one AV model,to make film on privacy,he is so wireless,he like to read science fiction and thrillers,such as stephen king's work,it is out of my suggestion that it might be concerned with IT knowledge,one day he hike away my important glasses,because he dislike me wear anything on my face,and the degree is high as 400 more,he never wear glasses because he see things so very cleaverly that nothing can cheat his eyes,he is so smart that i love him so much,i live in his palace of digital ecoration,and feel so very content. i like to write and plan thesis in the morning,when he is still sleeping,that is the time i feel consciously to thnk over my research,and one day i play candy crush with happiness,he find out and shut down my facebook code once again,he never know it is a matepher that women losing weight and being sugar free,i pass the game and lose some weight magically,while he rather me eating sugar free food,but not play games to waste time,the prescious time be with his company. he let me floating on his naked big belly,moving his humourous meat and skin,to make me feel intimate when my period is still going on,the last day of my period is his birthday,i close the light down and the room is dark the night before his birthday,he made me eat banana because i am in the dreamless sleep,when i wake up,i turn down the anger and ask for birthday sex,for celebration of his special day. i stay all day long watching the movie of hiking crime,and we stick together listen to the taiwanese love songs,he laugh out loud because the lyrics are so touching the bone,as he is very glad that i call his taiwanese name by the first time,he share a secet about how he hike the bank account of mine,to check how much saving i got and why i transfer money for a typing service to a lady,for i have build a blog on the title of "gossip on sexology" consult with all kinds of topics and problems about sexuality,my boyfriend help me create it by writing pc programs,and the settings,of chatroom and message discussions column. i go on the citizen library to check feminism topics on the index of magazine,i turn the page to "woman in publishing" key word,and in below are a few titles about the right for woman issues,such as: Women in publishing 1. Beauty, personal 2. Black women 3. Cable. television and women 4. Drugs and women 5. Farm women 6. Feminism 7. Heroes and heroines 8. Hispanic American Women 9. Homeless women 10. Sex differences 11. Smoking and women 12. Windows 13. young women 14.Abused women (wife abuse) 15.Rape 16.Self defense for women 17.women Diseases 18.Sex discrimination in education 19.Women college students 20.divorce 21.gender warming 22.International women’s Day 23.women. Also see pornography as followings are listing the headlines of sex topic in the periodical reference,including page,magazine name,publish data,and so on. 1. Women in the television industry A fond Farewell to Dellas : the wit, wisdom and women of J.R.E. Byron. Guilty pleasures : women and the weepies. L. Carpenter. Ms. 1:74-6 My/Je ‘91 Women Fight back. B. Hersey. il Glamour 89:174 My ‘91 The return of Good Girls. J. Leland. il New s week 117:57 My 20 ‘91 not for men only. D. E. Thigpen. il Time 137:71-2 My 27 ‘91 wallet envy [women’s friendships] S. Nelson. il Glamour 89:170 Ap ‘91 Women, money il power especial section il working mother 14:23-32+ Ap ‘91 the new meaning of equality : feminizing the law T. Gest. il U.S. news & world report 110:48 Je 17 ‘91 who, me-pregnant [biological desire for children] J. Sills. il mademoiselle 97:204-7 Ap ‘919 Ms. Play boy [C. Hefner[ R. Cohen. il por The New York Times Magazine p32+ Je 9 ‘91 Killing the enemy [ clemencies for battered women who kill their abusers] National Review 43;13-15 Ap 29 ‘91 Sexual harassment [Ellison v. Bradu at IRS] C. Hukill bibl f “Monthly Labon Review 114:37-9 My ‘91 sex argans sexist slurs sex behavior reproductive organs sex role –tome boys – androgyny )psy chology) Adultery prostitution sex and religion virginity Sexual harassment or harassment of sexuality? [ cover story; special section] Society 28:4-44 My/Je ‘91 The thin gray gender line [ federal andge rules that virginiz military Institute can ban women] E. Mitchell. il Time 137:66 Jl 1 ‘91 Harassment policies in the university. A. c. Kors. Society 28:22-30 My/Je ‘91 Why men still talk dirty. J. Katz. il Glamour 89:290-3+ Ap ‘91 How to close the communication gap between men and women. D. Tannen. il Mac Call’s 118:99-102+ My ‘91 Sexuality report draws fire [ Presbyterian church (USA)] R. Frame. il Christianity Today 35:37-8 Ap 29 ‘91 Eros Defied [ Presbyterian Church (USA) Statement] J. R. Edwards. il Christianity Today 35:14-15 My 27 ‘91 sex crimes sex descriminotion in conguage Campus Rape The Gospel on sex [ Cover Story] J. L. Sheler. il U.S. New & Worll Report 110:58-61+ Je 10 ’91 [Je/17] What does god really think about sex? R. N. Ostling il Time 137:48-50 Je. 24 ‘91 the Sexual Connection. J. Gottlieb. il The Progressive 55:39 Ap ‘91 A battle over teaching sex ed [parents and ACLU Challenge Sex respect texts in Wisconsin] D. A. Kaplan. il Newsweek 117:69 Je 17 ‘91 no one would believe her [ w. h. smith changed in palm beach rape case] B. turgue. il pors Newsweek 117:31 May 20 ‘91 “I won’t be a victim” D. Collier. il por Ladies Home Journal 108:26+ Je ‘91 Rap Panther [paris] J. Bernard. por Mother Jones 16:9 My/Je ‘91 Where the homegirls are [ rap music and fashion] N. Oarnton il Newsweek 117:60 Je 17 ‘91 The clamon on campus N. R. Gibbs il Time 137:54-5 Je 3 ’91 [Je 1 ‘91] Life after rape V. frankel mademoisells 97:199+ My ‘91 Out of bounds : the truth about athletes and rape [ gang rapes on college campuses] J. Neimark il Made moiselle 97:196-9+ My ‘91 The Absent mother : women against women in old wives tales m. warner. bil il History Today 41:22-8 Ap ‘91 Out of the closet outo the bookshelf E. White The New York : Times Magazine P22-4+ Je 16. ‘91 Invisibility made visible [ Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film Festival and Look out Video Festival] M. Gever. il Art in America 79:57+ Ap ‘91 All in the family D. Kanfman bibl The Nation 253:21-2+ Jl 1 ‘9111 The big empty [ murder of nomeless women T. Watson in Stamford, Conn.] D. Frey. il Rolling Stone P77-8+ Ap 18 ‘91 Smoking boosts risk of tabal preg noncy [study for Andy Stergachis] Science News 139:175 Mr 16 ‘91 Smoking update : why women can’t quit. s. squires. vogue 181:312-13+ Ap ‘91 virus-smoking synergy causes malignancy [research by randall e. harris] K. Fackelmann. Science New 139:215 Ap 6 ‘91 The mantian in your bed J. Stone il Glamour 89:330 Ap ‘91 Hands off – he’s mine. E. Welty. Made moiselle 97:144 My ‘91 why did gilde die [deaty of G. Raduer; cover story]; ed. by Jane Sims Podesta G. Willer. il pors People Weekly 35:76-9+ Je 3’91 I was attracted to another man il Good House Heeping 212:20+ Ap ‘91 the darkest secret [sexual abuse by father; cover story]; ed. by Vickie Bane. M.V.D. Atler. il pors People Weekly 35:88-92+ Je 10’91 From. hell to healing; ed. by Karen. surman paley H. Miller. il Ladies 108:22+ Ap ‘91 The last angry women [F. Yager, head of children from sexually abusive fathers] T. Junod, il pors Life 14:64-5+ Ap ‘91 A secret life : one girls story of incest [abuse from stepfather] L. Dormen. il Seventecn 50:164-7 Ap ‘91 Femihism and sexual harsment. N. Davidson Society 28:39-44 My/Je ‘91 What do women want? A conservative feminist manifesto K. rersten il Policy Review 56:4-15 Spr ‘91 Gender bender [Thelma & Louise, cover story] R. Schichel il Time 137:52-6 J. 24 ‘91 First Ladies of rap. R. D. Turner. il Ebony 46:58+ O ‘91 How the men in your office really see you S. Cook. il Working Woman 16:100-3 N. ‘91 The feminist mistake .M.B. Carlson il Redbook 178:24 N ‘9112 Backlash [excerpt] S. Faludi Glamour 89:206-9+ O. ‘91 phony feminism fails on the silver screen C. Sharrett. USA Today (periodical) 120:57 N ‘91 Are you a bad girl [treatment of rape or sexual abuse victims by the prass] N. Wolf. il Glamour 89:212-13+ N. ‘91 Do true confessions make sex safe D. Hey nil mademoiselle 97:64+ N ‘91 Where’s the magic? to many women, Earvin Johnson’s behavior was simply irresponsible, S. Jenkins. il por Sports Illustrated 75:152 N25 ‘91 How safe is sex? P. Elmer-Dewitt. il Time 138:72-4 N 25 ‘91 The difference betweem sex and love [excerpt from women on top] N. Friday. il Glamour 89:220-3+ N ‘91 What a man learns by sleeping with a woman : the truth – spoker and unspoken. A Postman il Glamour 89:238-9+ O ‘91 When sex hurts [views of H.S. Kaplan] D. Sobel. Redbook 177:50+ O ‘91 Do Cofessions make sex safe: D. Hey nil mademoiselle 97:64 N ‘91 Sex equity discussed at the Plaza. J. W. Donohue. America 165:380 N 23 ‘91 Cultural fascism S. J. Macarthy il por Forbes 148:116 D 9 ‘91 chrome push his dick into my flower when i am sleeping well,after i wake up and find some period blood on my pant,and i think maybe it just feels like one time he fall esleep when he fucks me because he is getting tired,he tells me that after sex he will have shower with me each time,and everytime we will have sex,he would take off my cloth for me,and he wax my fur like a profesional spa servicer,i love to be his belonging. in the summer trip studying in university,i learn from library a lot of theory,that means desire and suppression are oppsite,if desire is meeting obstacles,it will not freely exercised,the writer Delute was born in 1925,bigger than Facult one year old,but the later is early famous,and passionate,while Delute did not attend politic activity,who is more closer to Nitze and physical philosophy,and his thought is objective and cold,this is a book about history and logos of economic capitalism,which is different from Kent,Bergerson or Spinorsa. his hiker name are dusty angels,millipen and evil zues,if he was battered with two batterys,he will run to fieldland of super high-net and gamble by decode,entering a precise target that make him get the lucky rich,he usually get across the globle wall on the internet in orger to play games from the forijgn country that stop lottery like this,he plans that after we get back to taiwan,he will receive the fortune cash from the animate account he constitude right here at our rent house in Brussel. he used to sign all estates on my name,because my fate can keep them without losing the value,for this deedi really appreciate for him,and honestly telling the truth,he trend me so nice,if something bothers him,he will come firstly to ask my opinions,he respect my idea because i am intelligent and we both nhave a genius star in couple's statement,when we fall in love at collage,i write a fantacy note namedfor us in 1994,belows are the content: String musical instrumentsMechanisms for linking 1. uneven symmetry 2. female and male opposing views 3. fantasy painted color 4. rational deformation-such as batteries exhausted music 5. breathing- 6. sex Central and fringe 7. the concept of the axis (spindle, Yang, Yam axes, Poles)Sash → image persistanceBodybuilder v.s. Miss Aerobics Beauty Pageant< Notes the political muscle of the body of a phallic symbol of the beauty and texture >14X-man female character < female characters in comics; super sex with anti->< magic sexy identity violence >Centipede 1. the war on Virginia Woolf on female education, the provision of funds 2. Tinker Bell, the machine Doll (nobita peek should be static shower) or other adult comic analysis 3. "for Camillg Peglia" 4. statistical tables ← questionnaire 5. the puzzle quiz + translation (AIDS) 6. Alice 14,15,16,17,18 7. Chinese medicine herbs sell funeral price list 8. naked lunch and the other solutions (data) → ecstasy 9. paedophilia and child prostitution 10. the carnal prayer mat, the Golden Lotus, flowers of manner (extract analyses) 11. Taiwanese movies 12. India novelist (erotic fiction), Salman Rushdie's Psalm 13. the porn poster on the gathering, horse, Koran 14.< kingdom of oz adventure > analysis 15. it was recorded in the new post → noun 16. the excerpt Bible women 1. your device exhibits 2. other rustic pictures and text (introduced by the English post) 3. Opera code 4. bibliography 5. witch, witchcraft, religious devotees 6. girls with travellers, Lawrence 7. stamp 8. social news excerpt < female disguise >Camille Paglia(Sexual Personae) 1991.1(The Story of O)Henry MillerD. H. LauanceNancy FridayErica Jone81.5.29 the independence evening post 12 ad (sale)81.5.31 the independence evening post 20 sale ads"Break through the consortium of national party"Xu Xiaodan appealFollowing a 78? Red Chinese money party? The offensive after the introductionRu Wu utopia, neutral attempt to exile: non-text MIME who desires to create noStamp signature < sex puppet > script (verse narration)16Shot: everything is silent in an evil? Diagram of ads mv shot: 1. the title screen→2. Chapter I (gestures, 1.)→3. the front of the female body→4. left subtitles (she is the Star (add on))→5. men's oblique side→6. title (his hero)→7. men and women→8. the word (conflict)→9. flowers→10. female→11. Suebito plate dish→12. the word (break taboos of swim floats)→13. melon→14. Chapter II (pantomime 2.)→15. the penis during cesarean section→16. copulation pictures→17. TaiChi coordinate graphs→18. the breast side (axis)→19. the Protractor→20. fish→ 21. the variant code→22. the handstand posture (female)→23. honey peach→24. spiny-rayed flounder Greenland halibut→25. the oral profile control chart → with a peach17→26. the tooth Groove→27. the sheep→28. the sheep→29. the sheep→30.Depart-ment of uterus→31. Chapter III (gestures 3.) → gesture→32. the fourth chapter(gestures 4.)→33. woven rods of snakes→34. totem & Taboo→35. the duck tongue→36. fan→37. the dice man→38. (foot)→39. under feet→40. Madonna deformed head (← jagged)→41. cry enough→42. the ear43. de la Salle44. porn dialogue in English (we are not born soliton → Proliferation of orphans)→45. the shot of the robot model→46. the fifth chapter (gestures, 5.)→47. a butterfly specimen→48. trademarks password→49. Bingle→50. Sumo man→51. scissors → stem graphics18→52. female figure→53. the sixth chapter (gestures 6.)→54. open male penis on the right→55. the males advertisement→56. the vacuum tube woman→Princess eat nuts → sexual fidelity of responsesWomen's rights narrowed → parallel to the patriarchalNuts (nuts) → synonymous → crazyNutcracker → mad → suppressed women 1. The Nutcracker (hymen) 2. functional/patriarchal country's five new suits (review of wide open government) 3. the claustrophobic/candy shop 4. power envy/Ozzy empior 5. Oedipus/search in mind 6. worship/the Golden Goose (Goldfinger) 7. the Role of Princess snow white/narcissism identity escapes of princesses < rome holiday > 8. bear family/order page politics and power 9. The Simpsons family/working class (distribution) 10. beidibo/sexual harassment 11. Peter Pan/(the flying bed) → escape sexual fantasies 12. Empire/feminist accused of Oz (libido amphibian) 13. The Mermaid Princess/half-animal totem 14. treasure island/worship called materialistic desires worship as civilization pointer value for money in the form of treasure in the fairy tale, in people's pursuit of materialism, fetishism in treasure hunt competition and commitment demonstrates. 15. little Lord Fontleroy/pervert big (asset) sneeze employees. Ban not labour relations (Jack and the Beanstalk) 16. momotaro (reproductive motherhood)19 17. Blue Bird 18. small creative puppets/penis (lie → libido) dangerous? Against adversity? Amounts to a surrender to threats, security to avoid the danger of becoming a speculative luck, absurd laws of high drama ended in victory xiebushengzheng, making cartoon movie produce cookie-cutter justice outcome in sequel form.Could be madeInterpretation movie reviews< Myth: an introduction king Sha Ruiya and Sha Ruilei, the prime minister's daughter >The 2,529,833Nose, eyes, mouth, and waiting (belly toast to ten cigarettes, anti-vomiting stomach)Refreshing does not feel addicted to feel comfortableFrom environmental influencesWhite long not usedCourse of smoking→ Real smoke through the lungs (nicotine) → spitCounterfeit cigarettes, choking the blood concentrationPhysiological function, appetite, excessive do not want to eatDrug use, sexual desireCold smoke → Yang (inhibiting hormones)Tobacco ingredients (Mint cover) (metaphor? Ideologies), female, maleAge groupYoung cigarettesPublic places fined18 years old canConvenience stores, car dealers20Wing factory (104)Taipei printing factory (Guangfu)< Butterfly man > (xinfuluoyide films) Lead: frigidity, ad nauseam (male or female pending)View: 1. the Woods Sun is constantly changing (ghostly bare back) 2. closed around mountain → symbolic meat roundabout 3. the Metro steel frame → Chase → please enjoy foreplay 4. the top indoor video documentaries, Church, seventh Park 5. the darkroom → Butterfly slide montage of disintegrating, slow 6. Airport near the aircraft pitch angle 7. the insect sex (name) into a butterfly 8. the narcissistic tendencies → sexual intercourse rash → water perspective 9. kite (freeze) → (pussy kite) 10. conclusion: Butterfly man into a chrysalis who goes back to the branches of death deadClothing: a low-key, elegant tailoring (male transvestite)Screenplay: dominated by poetry narrationResidence long an elementary white randomly, as little dialogue, monologueMural silence, music (piano, atonal)In medias RES (squamous cell)Music: Butterfly → spectral change in English-sense of lesbian reality sex< Physical attractiveness and nudity: a female glamour in advertising >A. passion for manufacturing and dangerous charm of feminine charm is a sex or spiritualism, Yang Jutian (grave) wearing clothes men (muscle is different from travel: flexibility)B. Nudism and body curves21C. sexy exposure and build a myth< Fake love desire future water >-water yacht< >,< A short body heat temperature sketch >< Seafood >< Love dare face >< Pizza >,< with honeydew dream evil >< Mate tenderness > ※ insects have sex< >,< Filter falls in love with her mysterious taste >< Rebel waltz >Talk about a new love is grown by one personality-like,? Need to dispose of those bad love in the past, with all of the digested food or else than conscious, but even so hand in practice, she still is glad to face the happiness.< Transformers legends >Biographies of female vocational → edit < Self-financing publication > June 1997 (30 books) 1. faith and gatherings: addendum for the static < dharmakaya appearance of all men which the fight > essays on Buddhism < mission-canton sermon > 2. scale painting: artists group of yin and Yang 3. translation-film critic 4. poetry-Wan Shi hid 5. writing stationery books-General Yu (Tianjin/messengers) 6. occupation: female theory of Wikipedia 7. error novels (mini) → illusion 8. rare (Jin Yuyu full House when array) 9. photography and art gallery (curriculum vitae) 10. Alice sleepwalking mirror housing (and the analysis of fairy tales)< People want to wear gold > fabric prose< Nirvana or vice versa > religious online books22Tourist travel photography with poetry 1. book review column-study 2. the tides (essays such published works) 3. the Salon recalls road (recorded) 4. genealogy novel-< state tower back to radial > 5. Chart → gorgeous fibers 6. the ideal travel airlines 7. speed Central experimental novels (the Museum's ancestral temple building) 8. young Songbook 9. Diary: rice ball 10. Comix novel Miss ribbons (person) 11. childhood diary and photo 12. poets applications (six months) 13. serial or submission 14. the translation of Taiwan history of religion 15. photo collection (Sha Longzhao) 16. the religious question of chuan Fa Hua Jie Shenyi → 17. it has been booked (Flamingo dream), (like insert) sign up 18. God's Handbook (poetry) 19. Karma magic Hoi Kee→ The radio listening to the subconsciousTV → bi-directional monitorMale masturbation story< Son patriarchal >His adjustable-rate audio issue a woman screaming and the sound with the hoarse of artistic, < erya > Bonaventure is a writer of standardGuided tours (pragmatic book review)23 1. Taiwan literature/authors chronologies (Division of export/import) 2. game library? Buy books, publishers printing 3. foreign cultural exchanges, literary translator's transcript 4. the author studies (new literary generation, 80) 5. Astoria, rent law, commuter book 6. addresses of Index and reference data (bibliographic) 7. network play of the advantages and disadvantages of (insert language novels) 8. cover with cover art (such as CD package) 9. the comic poem, mortuary poem poem between the window man 10. Anti-Book, James assigns a new definition, copy books 11. mini Pocket Book, the internationally renowned library 12. comments < powder building > → Chapter subject synopsis 13. reading membership business practices, tender St books 14. old bottle face-lift destroyed books, premium compact 15. non-commercial occasion appears in the Book (expired) 16. electronic? Perspective of reading and the entrance exam panic, instruction manual 17. the influence of stock market on the cultural group (high low)See < dragon > impressionsDiscussion book club → please tell me about BuddhismLibrary of the godsCategory cable-arch novels ☆ Coloring fairy tales series (each of about 1500 words), Alice ☆ Female literature (women writers to buy matches) ☆ Development of literature (a mixture of literature) ☆ Chang bile busy moviegoing eyesight (light) ☆ Flooding Dragon hole theory (CC)24 ☆ Libido hermeneutics schemes (four propositions on the development of today) ☆ General Yu-lawWhat is anti-fiction:Literature is primarily to purify, and not as a gimmick and play 1. the authors against the narrative logic of self will experiment with intent and modus operandi 2. anti-style form of normality 3. in accordance with the lay out the plot with the mind, complicating the extremely loose or content 4. anti-genre novel style 5. don't want to go over the story of choroid 6. "non-fiction" it is difficult to categorize works of fiction of the novel ingredient is not heavy, half-realist tendency 7. class fictions: comics for full-time non-literary writing literature essays 8. the definition of a novel (wide/narrow) 9. antibodies against a given Ideology revolt novel resistance literature novel 10. from the appreciation of aesthetics, who does not have a classical traditionProboscis Hat → phallic symbol 1. the clothes make the Golden → poetry (prose) 2. Dictionary of Ming: analysis of religious person 3. Nirvana or vice versa: fahuazongyijia experience article, fairy + poetry + translation + novel (art) → Art 4. Karma magic Hoi Kee + phantom + short stories(The worship kicking fool Fu of sub culture)I used to listen to other people talk or talk, inspired countless negative voices of the debate inside, humanity cannot be trusted, then to a different mood to allow for the views of others begin to accept no longer intuitive sense of rejection, reaction< Finished the new right >Review how the new generation Festival is no Ming section of the new point? The thesis plan sexuality of hermeneutics 1. sexual abstinence classes < gongzelihui: female nudity > the counterfeit (Elevator girl) 2. martial arts climax → subversive image, stable. Image rationale < image text extended semantic and contextual shaping > 3. denaturing spells < media man insane: feminism and gender top of tv advertising purchase policy > (ideology advertising) 4. the postmodern nudity < women's apparel design're bare > 5. the posture and style of puppets (ELLE magazine) < fashion wave of nudity: sexy and edgy design possessed > 6. religious symbol goddess of motherhood: asexual image of mother-mother Greece mythological divine marriage, pig's scalp < rap mantra of anti-Pai ) (with capital of symmetry) 7. bi-directional communication < homosexual instincts and homogeneous mixing of hyper awareness > (excerpt of AIDS patients free) or (Journal) quotes 8. female music < feminist music theory > (AIDS music is negatives) (feminine secrets of religious experience, classification when new fetishism against idolatry, anti-link mechanism for stringed instruments) 9. the theatrical mask sexual totems < peking opera (sexual) Greece plays >, postmodern aesthetics of play make up the human body < nude artist: static elements insensitive and neoclassical > (cut model) 10. Hula → indigenous dancers for new courtship dance of men's leisure time watching, and performance posture 11. floating painted kimono ladies < love the tone and self-pity > 12. dance of subjectivity < red dancing shoes: body decomposition and feminine consciousness > 13. extramarital Chi < wives polygamy system of illicit prostitution and men desire > (ancient and modern affair) 14. easy mechanism < OuLando: history of gender disguise and top-mounted > (female and male political subjects) 15. the right of intervention < autonomy of female sexuality > 16. the analysis of fairy tales < cartoon episodes with the sexual coupling > 17. sexual Union < cakes advertising: sealing of marriage and sexuality promises > 18. theory of female < programs of the female body and the female program reshape the meaning of > 19. the interpretation of Visual consciousness of women in film history < persistence of vision and sound night's sleep sex > (under threat of authority view mechanism) Blink reviews 20. Tourette strategy < mouthed allegory, the language banning > superficial gender discrimination of women 21. the abstract nude < female body in modern painting > 22. looking for female < 1001 night preface analysis: sexuality deals with patriarchal adventure curse of the solution process >--one story: fertility, Shi, and animal, abstinence spells, bondage sex, lactating of sexual metaphor (Muslim creed)26 23. male traits vs the maternal characteristics (translation) 24. the structure of a dream--on the < narrative form with deep metaphor of wild strawberries > (women at locations with Yin properties, right of housewives, meaning mothers collection boxes, cigar-girl, strawberry picking metaphors, Berry Kiss decisive) 25. the individuality of perspective < works analysis of the female-advertising subject: contemplation pose and sexy shows > 26. DaDaism porn (surrealism and sex)1. Anatomy lust learn: Yin nuclear Center of changed look: class genital of negative painting Department women (preyed sex) symbol cells core vs Yin nuclear lust turn note decoration unit of monotonous aesthetics, sex device of single sex, sex attracted function, units vegetarian of reproductive system, spent of generation said (negative Totem and reproductive creativity) scattered sex type random arranged (Neo-Dada doctrine), total class sex will posted photography stems Palace over → uterus vs vagina (animal) Anatomy sex conversion by refers to, lust of object sex to all of negative generation said, Symmetry fitness photography construction。 squamous cell wing of yin and Yang → negative (positive → class dildos) bud stem → pistils Stamen's core (core) (dark) reproductive cruelty (BF) anatomical simulation of rational ambiguity: raddei, Tori, is so beautiful → capital colorHi pass section of the feminist witch priest to dig yourself (psychoanalysis)-way rail trail, sexual intercourse (in his head), academic (speed of light)From there towards atheismWho is the mother of theParent collusion history system and feminist terms: 1. from the spirit of male subject to wake up on the wrong 2. Human pedigree, the man has a son (surname) reproductive rights recognized 3. the physiological stages of male/female different → what is the art of growing physical educationMandala of the health27The embryo, the young, the prototype, one (profile)Religious symbols, reincarnation Central YIN: non-reason: change, Yang: reason: rulesBody movement/a claim the boundless universe space uncertain, nil (embryoid → world → Buddha-field)Chaos/order (stop with evolution/delay)Polarization concept → poor repair to noneWhen, when andSlow reborn spirit ←→ compact: desire: the crazy greed: the yin and Yang of the rapid convection coitus AlchemyComplementarity of yin and Yang is repulsive: the identity of TaoismMeditation (enlightenment) → "Buddha"[No body → death rituals beyond Bliss WatanabeNo more: changing (biochemistry) monkThey cried, PISCES → mix physical philosophyNudist colony< Men? >Every month when the Moon, her match was disappointed, and sad than the moon.< Erotic mandala >His side past her shoulders, head-mounted break in her left arm, and underbelly out of stock Official histories ← complemented negative factsTwo faces of people, night daytime opposite personalitiesSelf positioning of bilateral transferBoil a pot of witch the poisonous soup seasoning is complete PoisonCinema → Theatre → car → Opera → lying under a Chair→ Sleep (dream) (Dragon Court) climbed up another movie → → train on the bottom compartmentNow, that is a nightmare to push her into a fire pitWoke up in the morning, but a feeling of rebirthSo he grow into giant fine HunEnough to resistBody distantSoul closeThe Moon is the only honest evidenceNo.13 photo collection (magic Poker) 1. cover sheet (Gill clear boss) or back cover 2. B4 (double cross) 3. about face 4.3 rolls 5. the No.12 (2,800 prints) 6. Insert B5 pornographic cable ties (Notbook) pop record, the flag on the cover ... and ... Or plum ... ... 7. No.15 (early November) paper or script (cover) 8. No.14 analysis + POLITICS + poem 9. wedding album forget ~ die ~ 10. advertising, erotic and political Emancipations typing newspaper layout 11. send No. 12 and tie half of A4 printing, sticker printingI fell in love with motivation and attribution of → boy at collage i open his class sheet,and find out that he is major in advertisement and to show that he loves me,he ask the newspaper to give me a column about ads critics,and i accept it,at the same time,i study theorys about the image on tv ads on my major of english language report,although my professer ask me why not studying on literature,i just cant answer her that i want to do some research on feminism,firstly i want to start from applied art,which is surrounding us with media,i believe it is the high tide of fashion,that in the future i will be a ads AE, and i have a lesson on the literature group,the teacher is a journalist who just graduated from collage,he teaches us about the beauty image on advertisement,and i write down the note and some one print it on the publishing paper,but without typing,at that time the school is over,i return home and watch myself on the bubblegum ads on tv, i am walking toward the subway in taipei,while the screen play the future scence that i do not expect that my ingraduation from school will cause a revolution on MRTsystem, my mother spent six thousand dollars to sent me to the ads class in crammer school,for a short period of time,and i am drawing something on the classroom,after listening to the teacher's practical preaches and lectures,i decided to go to study advertisement in the air collage,but as i turn the mail of my report to the professer,he did not give me any score,so i quit school again. while i meet the art suvernior in the ideology ads company,she ask me to attend the meeting of discuss a prepare plan for a feminism tv ads,i supply my opinion and they accept it and practice it successfully,after the cooperation,she want me to make a ads for car on the newspaper,and i do it as a design of four dementions of game,after that,she visit me to the resturant to eat hot spot,for my contributional help. i read her book on the eslite bookstore,and it is so interesting that i feel like to read again more detailly,and later on she express the dialogue with famous culture person on the paper magazine,i skip it on the mcdonult because i was talking to my friend,i think that her global idea on goods is very special,but not be realized by the public readers,then i heard that she goes to another big ads company,i always remember the nice friendship she give to me. after that my poem sentence become a slogan of cosmetic products,it makes me very happy and i really love this brand,so i go to the department store and join the club member and buy the lotion in the package of red bottle,suddenly i become famous and a lot of women come to buy this brand of cosmetics made in paris, above are the short term of time i am attend the ads world,and finally i try to write a report between art and ads theory,just to win the prize of artical criticize race,but in vain,still i have a great heart of passion to be a ads AE,now me and chorme get back to taiwan,and i write down my resume on 518 to find a job,my goal is to be a blog seller and manager. i find some models by pchome free ads,and i want them to shot self by showing the goods i sell,and they email to me,i pick up the good one pixels,and give them some salert,sometimes i put ads on app,but after that he is upset because i did not give him birthday present for his satisfy,i go to shopping for some food,and get a angry bird ceromic cup,i want to sent it to him because he has a bad temper. last night i go to a massage shop to do my face well,it cost me 1500 dollars,i have a skin chat with the clerk,and she tell me a lot of things to put attention to,on the preserve of good skin,today i sent a mail to learnBank school,to get a chance to study higher on the enterprise management major,the teacher has a highly esteem in the academy,he is the minister of EMBA,and he teach us the coures of institude and management,i wait for the report of the agent mr.lin jason,but this is holiday so he does not return my message,i take chrome to the dadaocheng wharf to see the firework show at night,so many people camp over there,and the wish i ask from him finally come true,so i promise him that i will never leave him for this long life,he drive his huge black car to get back home,we both dream about each other,and he is so tired that he hide under the cotton wadding and never want to get up early. in the afternoon i go to browse his blog,and he change some info about himself,i feel being cheated but how can i be,my lover is a lier and hiker,who can take good control at him more than i do,so i take some secrety proceder,just print and save my data in the private place,invent from his action of stealing some letters or words,on my internet reporting savings,i also put the theory paper in the prepared space. but it is only the hurting of papers on works,not my body or soul,so i ask him to protect me instead of harming me on my career,although i know man like him cant help but play hard,and crucel,i just cant take it any more,since we get back from Brussel,he like to cover my back on the bed,and he seem to be mouth watering when hungry but says that he want me,in fact,he want to lose pounds,for i go back to innocent time,he want to become as slim as ever before. i prefer watching humorous ads,and owning a forum on critize ads of networks,medicines,television shopping stations,clothes,facebook,radio and media audios,or poster design,email,DM,drink,app,cellphone,or any kind of materal products,anda digital art criticize race is beginning,i decide in mind to make a comment on gallery exihabitation about the civilized robot machine moving on the screen,the destroy all capitalism constitutions and buildings,it refer to the delima of survice and ruin in digital world to this reality of society. chrome has a safty to lock all prescious stuff inside,but i am quite afraid that one day he will lock my belongings by unknown number,that i cant solveit,he try to hike my cellphone once if i refuse to make love with him,and he collect all my books i have read to discover what's on my mind,he buy a house in north taipei,and give me a big table near the window to paint and write calligraphics,i enjoy it very much,but he often take those writings and paintings to sell,in order to earn some payment,now i get it,his safty code is coming from QR code,and change all the time,from the shop he want. what i need to do is to build fire wall and anti-spyware,inorder to prevent from his evilness of attending my cellphone,i want to know what is he thinking about,so i sent him a gmail,the content is about how to become a hiker like him,i ask him the main technic of writing program languages from the computer to invade my cellphone,with nickname ,but i think he will answer me after he cautiously find out my inttention. the next day,he answer my mail with the sentence that "i want your heart",that's horroble message,i dare not to push him to margin of law,because he need space of mind to breathe the freedom from pressure of reality,and i think it;s me who should give him comfort and privacy,in some way i believe in him but the other day he change his words,it is so much like the sky climate,no wonder how to charge my adapt situation to it,so i always stay silent,put all thoughts on my mind to let him guess. i tolerate my business to be a mess,because i think he is so rich by the gamble money,i dont have to worry about how to be fed by heavenly praise,so i become less work-holic,and be with him everyday at his room of reading books,communicate with him about the email,i tell him that "dont worry if you harm me,i will recover back soon",he once tell me that he want a mini-cloud connect to television app,so i buy one to him. in fact,he write textbook for years,he is very precise while i am musleading,i know he is studying on media institution econimics,network business,creational management,and art manufacture and culture,or the career group of artist,media reading and critizen of convention,practical writing skill,etc.this is on the purpose to get up the ladders to become a professer of certainty,and since he put his insight on the future tendency of development in this society,he want to establish such kind of earning knowledge. chrome has a background of political,his family member such as his brother is a city senetor in middle taiwan,but i dont know such things before i fall for him,after his brother hold a literature prize and i win the first prize,i realize that it is a favor he gives to me for peeking my romance with chorme,chrome is such a loving kind that we become a unity of love,he use brother's name to publish one novel book named but i dont preciate for reading it,before i know the truth,i think it is a romance story between his brother and wife,but he tell me that his father wont let them get married dont know what is the father's authority thinking about,his father is a capter in controling produce shoes of one factory,he is harshly taught to be a good boy because he has been a bad temper naturally,since chrome is a child he love to betray parents,and play games secretly behind,i realize that feminism politics cant preach him well,so i give him love by writing code poems, i believe one day he will realize what's on my mind,i usually hide my insperation by midiation,but he will always soonly know my thoughts. chinese valuntine's day is yesterday,i receive a cloth-made shelf,bigger than i book from the treemall,because he tell me he want to give me such a supprise,i am very happy,and i put all my outfit into the shelf,but during the night he tells me a lot of his savings are given to his father,because he is on debt,he want to help him,and i tell him that without money we cant survive,but after that fught we still have a good night together. learnbank dont give me diploma so i quit studying while writing a book about theory and report on publishing management,i know it is a chance that chrome plan for me,but he never know there is a professer who teaches art in another collagewho i know him for a long time,he is my teacher on lecture of asthetics,i often go to listen his preach on a tea shop room with other audiences,he once teach about netz's sister and a lover whose identy is a philosopher,that is a scandle that he had been controled by his sister and ill with madness,what a suffering life,i used to read his work at my youth time,i believe god is not dead just jewish people dont believe in god any more. because of that professer is handsome,chorme is afraid that i will met him at that county,the place is to take high-rail road train to get there,he think he is trying to sent me to his enemy's arms,so he does not courage me to study any more,ajthough this is a course that he have learned before and want me to learn to get adventage on my business usage and applyment,but right now i just need to stay on my own thoughts and working hard on it,honestly i think that hiker chrome is lack of morality education,he is so intelligent but lose the basic principles of being a good citizen,he has a faith in green party and is radical in politics. but i love him because he raise me with money coverage,he will sent email through the kbro tv system,and stop me from doing stupid things,he also call to the news station that report my theory book,and write an article about partnership on apple newspaper to let me laugh,he is such a funny man that i indulging in his love arms without any resistance. in the mean time,we have a little earthquake on mind,for we communicate not so well,and after that i tell him my swear that i will not log on facebook for one hundred days,and not touch any pc setment or knowledge,or use my cellphone for the days to come,because the price bill is much too high,i stop using wechat and HD television just to save money,and to have lots more chances to chat with him face to face,but not by message texting. last night,we have coldwar and both crying tears,the heart is somewhat soured inbetween,because of my vow he is so sad that he cant get my messages any more,he cant detect me no more,he listen to me that learning c++,java,html,flash or server language will be resulted by the broken grammer of english,and he tell me that he has already memorize all the program grammars,that he cant turn back his fixation on it,for he think it is basic construction of computer science,if he want to get the secret about it,he must learn to understand the whole situation. my mother tell me that the fortune teller define my fate as unpossible to get married,but after chrome heard this news,he take me to sign the marriage contract and carry me to usa to spent our real honeymoon,we get a green card and live in the california state,he goes to the silycom to work as a computer engineer,while i study culture issue and produce digital newspaper on local internet at home,everything is just fine and we live as happy as ever ,for we both adapted to foreigner's style of life. he tell me a secret and one confess,that is he used to drive through the path of my home at taipei,everyday smoothly study his scholar of EMBA with alarm voice to let me know that he is chasing after me,another story is that he steal all the notebook on the school group so that they cant publish the history of all members,he still keep it in the hand of a friend,so that i cant keep on my way of writing that no other will surpass me,and from that time on the group anounce it's over,all activity finished. after that confession,i have a sweet dream with him sleeping next to me,we have a fancy dream that is to have a car crush sex together,in the morning he give me a spring shot inside my body,he tell me that he feel so very upset for these few days,he dare not to shot me,he want me to buy antu-pragenacy pills to eat,in another way he sometimes use condamn on our sex. in california he dye blond hair,and each time i dream about him,i remember that he was once a barbaiance king in Tibet of ancient time,while i was his second wife of literary princess from Tong Dynasty,the legend is know to everyone who believe in buddhaism,when i am at home out of nothing to do,i design email news to sent to all my collected email receivers,it is about the faith and culture i learned from religion,the profound thoughts are what i deeply believed by reading english books. when we lived in taipei,i used to buy duck head to eat from a couple,while i did not know that they are chrome's parents,his father is server on coins exchange,but his mother is a beauty,and usually give me more veges,by the way they tell me that the duck is cooked by flowing the blood in the neck,it is a tough duty so they try to pay someone to kill the duck because i like to eat. right now i live with chrome in the basement of the city center part,because we are afraid to be found by my mother,and i tell him that his parents finish the pretending job and then start one shop of shoes in the oppisite street,that is a experience i tell him,so he admitthat that's why he love me for he like beauty from mother's kindness,just as me do to be a good woman stay besides him,now i realize how he cares about me when i live a seperate life and keep single just to wait for him,for three years from a good friend's advice. he is so climate,but i love that rainfall cause it drops like silence of my heart,he design a game by maya software,un the company while i am the first one to test it,and give him suggestions about that product,at first i think it is a change-plot fiction,but he tells me that it is animate reality that takes charactor play of role to make it pass,i named some dolls to produce some fun in the video game,it is really full of interests and our fate of living underground has changed suddenly,for i name myself as millia-nair,so many fortunate things happen to us,such as pick up a money paer on the street,get a car from prize activity,and i find a typing job in a small company,it is a midum management company,my work is to type data of some cherity vip members,business officers,or the patients on the hospital,etc.i must memorize all document list invent it will become hikers attention disaster. i lock the code of family pc,to fix the bad habit of chrome,he cant be a hiker at company while i am at home or not,that;s why he become a justice guy for permenat time,after i perswade him to teach in the community collage every weekend,he almost stop his crime because he also scared to be prisoned or watched by web policeman,and be checked his identity by other hikers. i did not expect that his excitement in western country is coming from the promotion of job,but my work files which unfinished in company taking home will arouse his attention to hike a deeper hell,although he has a lot of workmates who love to peek their wife and lovers by naughty hiker's small deed,he has ambition to fight against the greedy people on their hypecratics. hiker complex is about dis/adventage of super-ego,on themselves,there are so many limits of website law,but hikers like to break the rules,to prove that they are a kind of solitude smart guy,just like flowing clowns,their soul are filled with numbers and code,by guessing they get pleasure of success fruits,it is similar to obsess a woman's body. chrome likes to search for various informations from website,attend privacy of strangers that makes me very mad,that i shout to him ay night after i eat one fire-dragon fruit he buy for me,because he cant quit hiker habit,even though i stop using all 3c products,he cry two lines of tears and ask me to hilking on the street for loosing my angry temper,i accept his promise,so the next day i feel relax in mind. one day i am atomach and feel not well,i go to the emergncy room in the nearest hospital,i wait for my number,and i see a fainted lady on the bed,and her boyfriend is hiking and checking her cellphone,he dig more and become angry,because she use the money he gave to buy stocks,and he doubt her loyalty on his love,he find out some data about her cellphone activities and get jeolous,dont know why he is just so very untrust in her,before he search over and prove her innocence, he wont ler her wake up,i remember why chrome is so suspecious on me,he use my cxomputer in the company,for one day he exchange the pc at home,to check all my novels in the pc,and because he decode my number one night, he begin to sell my work and be my agent between the publishment company,and wont give me any copyright money,to share the profit of my writing for our love. my first novel is,it is about a man cant stop telling lies for he want to hide his love,untill the very last day of his life,everyday he write diary to cherish the memory of seeing a girl he love,he observe her every deeds and get to know that she is carry with a camara with her,because being planted by the goverment,she is a spy in the past,although she quit but so many people want to get on the screen to make a film,so they lie to her to get close to her,and pretend that they are the opposit personality in front of her,to act like a very good performance actor,so she always believe herself and forget every lie in this world,what he cherish is not memory but one true love who give to her,she wait the vow in her room she buy for a promise he give long time ago,but he never come to her until she move away,she still keep the faith that the love he gave is the best,so she plan to keep single for him,with sometimes solitude tears drop down in the lonely night,so many bad dreams come turning over her soul to swallow her faith,but she do not give up and living almost like a nun,in the ending,she find a job by attending test,stop a wondering life and set down for her retired life to come,she knoww the shadow man is peeking her,but never show up,after works she like to sit down quietly to paint by computer,hide her name and stop get to log out facebook forever, chrome and me are so afraid of discrimination from white mjan,and blackman will make crime at night,so we stay at home after work,just eat dinner togethher and watch amweican idol show or TLC channel,to practice better speaking skills to communicate with daily contact with forigners workmates,one day i find out my ISBNget from Amazon publish website has lost, i know that chrome use it to sell my book,so i ask for the reason,he tell me in Amazon investment will only waste money,he would like me to try another publish company to get some payment,but when i ask him how much did he get the price of copyright,he wont share with me or give me any portion. even though he is selfish to me,we still have fun shower together in the bathroom,and he drive me to see a moviebecause i like to watch writer's story type of movie,after the movie he take me to the x=chinese resturant to eat together one bow of favorit noodle,for today is my birthday,we celebrate with low profile attitude,but i feel so very happy without cake or candle light,for he wont let me get fat,i ask a gift from him,he pick up a dress from the department store for me,he use citibank card to pay,i am so happy cause living with him is just like a sinderalla,and full of fantacy,he disobey my will and often hike on the website,spreading virus and mess of codes, i dislike his practice of sneking as a thief,but what can i do to control him? when he is teaching course in the community schol,i come to see him and sent a lover's Tshirt to him with a psckage of kis kiss paris brand,to thank for what he done for me,i can see he love the present so suddenly he wear it at the door,and give me a kiss,i wait for him when class is over on the branch in the hall,he drive me home with eight winds unmoved in the window glasses,we have a long chat in the car,i say finally the textbook he wrote is useful right now,and he write so well right now with english spell on the board. he tells me that one day he will write a book named to me,but i have no opinions about this,for this maybe another lie to me,i prefer marriage life is just like transparent water,and promises come true without any makeup excuses,from now on i do not depend on his earning income,but i manage his savings invent he spend money on things that our basement cant be contained,and i like to save money for both of us,because we live on the same boat. by scanning skills with micro-disk,i learn how to kill hiker's attemption and ambition,but the radio hike me with killing news that damage my pen name,so i have to change a new name paggy,just to stay away from damage that mught happen to me,i tell chrome to be caeful because one day we will be chased out of usa for his hiker deeds,and also we live in a place without bills,just rent of 600 dollars,so we save enough money to move to another place or other state,but we like california because it is always sunny and the future is so good,and food is cheap and nice,i have a small kitchen with microwave dove to cook something for dinner. we love to hear soft music like new age,and lean on each other's body to get to sleep,i feel like a ghost,so i write down a second novel,it is a story about a man saves a bill of money for a rainy day,but he is geting into a trap of female ghost,who use one papr money to buy him in the hotel,but he pay more money to her lies,funally he lost everything,when he come back to his first love,she dont want him back because he play love with an unexisted person,after that romance he find the ghost but become a bad man to her,but she make him cry because the love is so deep,that he cant forget giving all real love to her,he eat her heart each time she betray him,finally the ghost is born,and become hissister's daughtor,that makes him sad,and kill himself and the ghost's new born body. as i feel like a ghost lost my soul,i fancy that myself fly to the clouds in the sky,and that makes me relay with the emptiness of my body,no voice any more,and my life goes on just as normal duty keep on going,chrome did not find out that i sometimes fly to the next year,to leave my stress,to him,i write novels to betray him in litterary world,but not true,i wonder if he find this new novel,will he put into the press and get happy money once again?i try to experiment for him,to get to know his two-side personality. he hike my gmail and steal the novel data n the cloud space,in the company i work,i find that my email being opened by someone and some even gone and disappear just dont know why,i guess it is done by the man i live with so closely,so i know that he did it again,just cant help it,i know. after i get back from Brussel,i become a slave of card,i have debt in the bank and i pay back little by little to test if chrome dont love me any more,but he pay me 30 thousands dollars on my body,after a long touching night he hold my bosom and comforting me softly,i take the money to save in a account for our daily fee ,and he think that i am a wanting money wife that never satisfied,he does not know that i hate to be hiked by his lies. he never know each time he lie to me opens a truth for me to discover,and become my insperation in my creation,recently i receive his gmail conversation,i add him as a friend,i sent story after story to let him collect,as total becomeing a novel written for him,i type words honestyly from my mind,and dont wish him betray me,so i copy one piece in my data,at first i write down that i would like to have a study chat at coffee shop with him after work is over at company,but he refuse to take the request,and withdraw my message,for two weeks,i never give him any words,untill he ask me for more,i watch a love movie with him at home once again,and discuss the theory behind the film,he tells me he dislike me using office word oraccess to deal with infos,everytime i use microsoft he just hike me for warning,but i never recognize that secret. one day an email come to me from taiwan,she tells me that she has a baby of chrome's long time ago,the child is studying in the collage now,she use the bill that chrome gave to his father to raise the kid,i am shocked and ask him about this big wife,chrome tells me that they did not get married and without love,just one shot sex and she get preganant,chrome's father want the grandson,so he take them home to raise them. that is why last night i dreamed about he slap the princess many times,to tame my pride,although i slap to him too,finally i cant resist and let chrome climb on my body,all night long in the history,i prey for heaven in order to get some peace of mind,all things has happened and i will not take revenge. i stay calm and listen to fall out boy while i am writing a report on the novel of ,the title is named as On the sterphen King < cell > era after human nature apart, destruction and collapse of order: Story outline for three a people bi hard of House, as the a only phone of internal equipped with, originally its memory and battery, is sound of, due to "pulse" of exception role, those using phone of passers-by made has lost heart crazy, inverse pour family of mutual hurt or bloody killed others, from Adorno of crash logic theory of nature see, uses phone line fraud effect of people are may will became lost reason of victims who, due to Tom, clay and AIice Republika three a survivors mutual dependency, from external communications world of weird disorder, disaster and anarchy, they were unable to stop the madness of war, can only look on witnessing and self-preservation, until the moment of awakening of humanity. thriller writer sterphen King has always been at writing end day signs, this will tentacles extends to new technology product, description has is not see calls who of signals on immediately received listeners, was hacker General of shock, led to neural disorders manslaughter around of people of directly reaction, this killing instinct violation self-discipline of moral, on like slaughter poultry livestock as of killing acts, not only makes social riot panic, and people lost autonomous of soul, to magic sexual replaced humanity, indulged of exercise damage of crime action, it seems suddenly was virus upper body of no warning, ignorance is is human by faced maximum of crisis, hearts devoid of of Utopia, actually is brings Holocaust of maximum main due to, only known pleasure is not to inquiring, room moral of crumbles is is from all 3C products of excessive invention, manufacturing has made between people and people of gap and wrong solutions, also created has more of lies and rumors, a overnight ridden unmanned processing, on like technology war and revolution of consequences, is environment of corrupt and pollution, however this just a warning of analogy Does not mean that cell phone only the negative effects of this product and thought from the front view, the progress of civilization, interpersonal communication, and if to go in the right direction, and also will bring hope and prosperity.(end) i quit the job to be a full-time writer at home,i read newsletter from on line website of publishment,i go to the library to study more skills on theory,and i stick on chrome every night,ask him what's happening at his company,to share the good time and forget about the evil reality. he tells me he is not quiet at mind,sure if that kid is his son,he think the woman is lie to him,so he will not be possible to let the boy come to usa study and live with us,he give money to his father just to be with me for exchange deal,and he tells me how much he loves me,he would lie to me to let me an innocent good lady and wife,rather than to cheat me by doing what he desires in this society,all he want is to be with me. i rest myself in the third long novel,that is named ,the story happens on an university library,as the lover come to see her boyfriend on double sun day,he is hiding on the corner of the office,because he call her in the morning wishing her take every property to see him and run away with him,but she actually want to go to the library to use the IBM computer website,when she enter the pass door and climb to 2nd floor and sit down in front of the pc,she check about Andy Worhol's book index,and then she find out that her lover sent her gmail screen of all proffesor's gmail and a forigner proffesor's gmail,she did not read clearly but pump into the white hair proffesor in the downstair periodical room,she is searching for epoch poetry magazne,but not recognize that he is Lyotard reborn again,for she carry one original book of his in the bag,it is about the condition of postmodern,he talks about art,asthetics,and language games,while her boyfriend is chating about her poet in the gmail about cucomber structure,it is a archytecture in uk,but she is feeling boring and skip it quickly,she touch the keyboard like a thief without stealing any data,but she can sense it is just like silk being touched by her boyfriend,so she feel attached to enter the hiker's mind and activity,finally she find out that he never want her estate,or any saving from her,she break the lie and get back home from such a dizzy trip,it is a long day afternoon,private school become national,and the chief leader is changed by the government,on the MRT train she wear the love slogan Tshirt and nobody buy it because no one believe in true love,and she feel so bitterous too,summer vacation is just over,she find out that he turn from romantic to normal,so she decide to pick up her own business too,tmaybe just sell the knowledge from the gmail and live a lonely life this year. this is a one-day story just like the famous new novel by one france writer who had died years ago,i am back to reality and i get the code of chrome's card and seal,by the hardship of searching in our room,i cant stop just running to the cite bank and return all my debt by using his money,i dont have to work any more,when chrome discover my deed,he is not angry but just says to me "hand out your third novel and everyhing will be fine."so i onestly sent my draft gmail to him,and save a copy in hand. i keep on using his money to travel among the city,walking with people without works or free workers,i observe people on the rosd and eat exoctic food in the shop,or stay in the KFC to type something in my notebook when i have insperations,i just type key words in the wordpad,and save the plot on my mind,in order to write fluently by memorized words,just like all freelance do,the novel is named as at the starting part,the story is about a hiker live nowhere for always,and no love but left a wife live alone like him,she search for him by web,he hike her love because before they seperated,he tell lie while she tell stoys,so he cant get close to her mind,bad dreams comes,every time he miss her,what a hard stone to move of wo/man's heart,although she often crys by solitude with facing the pc science,sometimes she serve table at coffee shop,waiting for him to show up,because he loves coffee most,but god is filming on them,by a transparent camara,so they can only touch each other in the silent dreams,in the dream he fold many money bangles to her,one day he receive a letter from her,by a shown up gmail magic,she write down all the suffering se endure for him,such as so many strangers try to suduce her because she has no partner to protect her,but she escape from those danger,forget those idot strangers that hurt her once,he feel sad and drink a lot of wisky for two days,headache make him beat her in the dream,she crys like a flood and please him neverdrink again,she finally comit suicide by eating poson drink,because she live alone so nobody come to rescue her,her man did not know it,still live his lonely life,he thought he can wait until parents die to get together with her,but he never tell her that he acturally is an infant,she left nothing to him,and being buried in the tomb somewhere he dont know." chrome is not satisfied with the ending,and he think i swallow a heavy pill one night to leave him forveer,so he wake me up with two paws,on my face and he screaming that he will find my soul if i will never recover from life,he put my body on his top bosom,and kiss me with the crying of loving me,i just wisper and let him know that i am saved by him,i just eat one poisoned pain killing pill and faint away,for a while, he makes me believe that he is deeply in love with me. i am kamilla,major in english creation,i win a prize from net bookshop of two tickets toward and backward trip, that makes me want to traveling and studying in Belgin,i try to use my credit card and visa card to shop gradience over there in the super-market,for cooking at my rent room,it is a beautiful landscape country of emperior kingdom,where life is peaceful and comfortable. my boyfriend is a computer hiker,who has made a large laundry money from pc bank,and he tells me he decided to go with me,for spent a long time honey moon with me,i say ok to him,we make a plan to go around european countrys,one week a place,to share the good time at the hotel,as to what i want to learn from university,i believe it must be my interest on study fancy fictions,i carry a digital dictionary with me,and we both carry our ph notebook and apple ipad to start this adventure trip. pollywoo Posted on: 2013-11-03 15:49:55 Joined: 2005-04-27 Posts: 459 Re : flowing clouds(a hiker novel) i tell him sme truth that i ever attend the english news web and the book forum discussion,and he soon find out where i am and compraise my articles,i beg him to leave the facebook together with him,because of too many lies inside that i cant bear,he promise me and really did it for me,i pass messages to his new cellphone number,i think over it,and decide to tell him that i really love him and hope he continue his column on web for me,because it is the only way to care about him and what he thought,at that night he eat my chocolate of Always brand and feeling happy to hold me tight on my back,when i fall esleep, he talk to my brain in the deep dream,that wake me up and cant fall esleep again,all night long we stick together saying crazy fancy words,it is so much fun. pollywoo Posted on: 2014-01-20 12:25:44 Joined: 2005-04-27 Posts: 459 Re : flowing clouds(a hiker novel) the next day i have something grow on my back, so i use chrome's card to go to spa shop, doing a massage, when the waitress is using oil and stone rubbing my back, it is so comfortable, i want to make my back recover to the beauty that chrome love to comprise me, but when the waitress is touching and pushing my back mascle, chrome is shouting my name three times loudly,with very angry temper and voice, because he used to tell me never let anybody touch my naked body, or see it, he will be jealous, he says he will do it for me only by him, i forget that warning, but i am lying naked on the bed that cant stand up to go out to talk to him, so he leave that shop with a word of ladys only, because man cant enter, after i went home, he ask me why i forget his words, i tell him that i am not a lesbin, it is just a service, please dont be mad, i just want to be prety and sexy for him, so he forgive me, and hug me, and tell me that he will buy oil to do spa for me at home, never go alone to waste time and money. pollywoo Posted on: 2014-01-22 04:23:34 Joined: 2005-04-27 Posts: 459 Re : flowing clouds(a hiker novel) one day chrome be arrest by FBI, they took him away from me, he be taken ack to taiwan to accept punishment, and i know he has already be kept in the iail,h wait for me, i use my power from the buddhaism and put many bombs to destroy the whole taiwan, the document film shown on tv, when i fly to the jail to see him,the police feel terroble,so they soon sent him away, his father happily drive him home, and i am so sad about his lies in my ear,so i go back to my parents, and decide to live in the buddha room foreverm he fly to me, tell me so many untruth beautiful lies, just to get romantic love from my body, i go to a bigger temple that is white and has no doors, i steal all unsolved case put them in the temple,and start to read one case after another, and sent many copy CD on the taupei street, until one day he tell me a lie that i cant stand, i go to throw some stons on a scandle family, and take weapon to warm the shop which use noise microphone to sell my family's meat,i destroy the microphone and threaten the shop, after i go home, they do it again, i am very angry, i go to buy two bottle of gas and a ligter, i decide to burn their expensive door at midnight, but my mother dont know where she get the news,she call the police to arrest me, put me in the hospital, i decide to swallow shampoo if my family keep on ignores me , i realy do it after i call twice to my father, he dont care about me, and i know them take away all my eseatment and money, so i go to the bath room and open the shampoo, swallow the solid lotion, i swallow some more until i feel like discussting, and i throw out one drop on the floor, i hate chrome dont come to see me, and he dont know 12/06 is the day i left him in the ancient time, i swalow three bottles of water because my throat is hurting,then i start to puke, my neiber patient call the nurse, they keep me in the protecting room, i call for help, only the one buddha i meet in 2013/09/09 day come to rescue me, i heard my parent start to read sutra for me, so i puke to the dirty thing on my stomach, the nurse open the door for me, i decide to find my job after i go out the hospital 38 days after, leave the family rent one house and live alone, never let anyone find me. while i still in the hospital, my tooth paste and underwear disappeared, i cant find them, chrome's reletive's all live here in every patient rooms, the nurse wont let me take my phone call,i guess it is my best friend call me, it is sad, so i choose a song "red in the snow" by karaok, and use my best voice trying to sing it wel, and i memorize so many things, i use peping eyes to watch the name list of all men who use girlfriend's card to buy gift to them, it shows on tv, i find out that chrome buy one red suite for me by 384 dollars from china, i know he find me like it because it's chic, and so many other famous people also do this deed to celebrate 1111 day, but i tell chrome i dont like his deed of thief, because he never use his money buy any gift for me, and i find one person who do the card seal in the hospital, he is waiting for his girlfriend to see him, i dont know if she is red sun or white. i remember the birthday this year, we celebrate the wedding aniversity at home, he is still safe, he give me a dimond ring of heart on fire, i wear it for one day but feel headache for a long time, i thought i have win his heart, but the truth is his mind is hard to tame, so when the peaceful day is over, i return the ring to him, i think it has makes me happy for whole day, and we keep it on the dwaer. he has many identities married with others, i dont care because i only love this him, but he dont understand, i hate him sometimes dislike me for my uncomplete body and soul, so i choose a song "baby" for him, i miss the time he tell me story and make me sleep wellm but he dare not to see me in the hospital, all the call i cant take, maybe he never call me, who knews, i cry for the carnation is going to over, for dacades of deep love is ending this year, i seem like a siuless woman waiting for nothing, just spent quiet life. parents heard my commit suaside feel no sadness and they try to call the police but the nurse refuse, because they know my mother take away my estate. the night i sleep well, the thick coat i wear on my body has be wipe away, when i discover in the morning, i know chrome come to m with his soul, he warm me and i have a very wonderful night sleep. but my first boyfriend never drink 3 to 1 coffee, he left me some suger coffee favor in by month, i know he is not the origional chrome because we used to drink pure coffee. i have always live with a bad guy that i finally realize, i use my real boyfriend first love's ghost shadow in my room at the hospital, i know he come back to me. i guess that chrome is a anti-charecter that he ever see my document on tv, so he can tell any thing about my life, and he call to the hospital many times to harm me, he has a real name and a penis surgery, i know it is a black lotus which cant bring any high pleasure foe woman, he is a acter with fake name, my real boyfriend always jealous on me, but chrome aalways makes me jealous, and his hand is not the same with my first love, he change his face to cheat me for so long, my boyfriend has be buried some where by his parents who kill him, because he is an orphen,his brother dont know KMD find some people to check on hrome, he ever bag me not to tell that he can not acting any more, so i let him live with the wife, and never conect with him. i find my boyfriend's bone trash and put it in a altar, as the otherthing i dont want to tell, because only time true love will never die, our carnation will begin in another contry that taiwanese will never know or find once again, i tell the media that chrome is a fake, and all the killing crimes, so he be caught by police, i heard it from the televisuon, i throw away the ruby watch that we used to treat as fund of small newspaper, i find him is a naeive about all shacher knowledges, i get that all his history are all made up that i dont believe anymore. i know he has been married and have a child exchages as my sister live in the private hospital, we get a very strange child that smile evil twice to me, i know the real baby has lost in egyptian, so i save it back and let my sister's husband check their DNA, chrome use our family raise his child just to get the best love,but the kid always get flu in the school all the time we know he is not healthy as my family, because we have been strong at our body, but everyone close to it get illness., especially me get a throat decise, my sister get breast cancer, father get twice flu, and my sister;s father has lung cancer, so we decide to throw away this curse baby in africa, i heard chrome start to cry. we want to ask big money for the hunting and wasting money to raise he fake kid, but we dont know if we should torture it or throw it or threaten chrome, all i know is the big wife of chrome is a nurse who steal my nephew N N. chrome love to call me ling-ling, it means money zero in chinese, because he loves money best, i know he is not the one of my boyfriend, because he never asking from me anything, he just give me good memorys and dont care about any gift, he never ask for return, and i saw his true face in the ghost place, he eat and drink my gift food, and satisfied, but chrome can only asking for more and more, i know he is only a mouse. while i am still in the hospital, i dream about in song dynasty, me and my boyfriend have many ancesters, who are in china now, they dont know the female poet's name, but i see all the critics on the net about me in ancient time are not quite true, i guess no body knows true love is not rape or slamp. i always remember win-win's tenderness,he will never coming back, i have made up my mind, not to run away from home, i want to live a happy life and make all my wish that chrome stop me to do, i do cherity document film for memorize win-win, i like to help all people that have suffering bitterness unsolveed, while chrome and his wife still try to dig my money that i hide in my secret part of my body, i know they are a rat family. i remember all the things at university, i read in the group of literature, i love listen to soda green for win-win, it is one song,it is a green soda i ask from swiss air plant, i have a wondeful trip from tailand but have no more money to go to see the sleep buddha in the temple, win-win cry for me telling me i am his sleeping buddha, he will always remember,because i like to think as a gesture of lying on bed or sofa, he tell me when i write down the poet of , he feel hurt and swear to save me, when we start to date, nobody knows, untill all peeping friends come to my place to see win-win's face, they start their big plan untill now, i still hate them, and i swear never contact with them on facebook. one person tell me win-win wull go to england study, that is a lie,because he only go to the art musem in taipei and be shot by a secret camera, he hide in a place trying to work for himself, and date with me at each time of night at hotel, i see the place he used to lend in the facebook, i leave a final message for him, i wave him good-bye, my mother thought i have an ending love, he gives me money to save my throat hurt, but it is not enough, because i have been ill for a whole year,nobody care about me, i cry like a flood on the sofa, and i am thinking about win-win, he has giving so much love, i dont want to beat this anti-character chrome anymore, i try to open this real face, so i pretending for a very long time, try to test him,all my questions he cant answer, i know he is really a fake, he dare not to die for promise and scare to die for love, he is only a hiker that has no love,now he has been arrest again, bcause he has many crime that show on tv, now he can never be free,no one want to save him, he dont have good talking just like a barbarian, and dead body's smell, win-win's family wont to save him this time, because the shoes shop i sent to his parent, will be mine, and i will take all series shop away to be my paverty, i decide to change all shop to become book shop which sales theory books of english to memerize my win-win. because i run away from home for a period of time, i was ignored by my whole family,no one come to visit me, they dont know what i like or hate from childhood untill now, my all sistera al doing thei enjoyful life, never come to see me, untill i feel happy and what live here longer, i find out all fellow has no love, especially in catholic tien hospital, i wait for no one, for all the Tibet voice has gone away, i feel peaceful and very happy for the place. i know chrome is just play media forum, i lost his all information, he likes to acting, play drama, but this time he dosnt know my carnation dream in my mind, the poem i wrote for him,he is numb, and senseless, i now realize he never pass all the test i ask, he is a fake, and no rain will come, it is hapy life, i dont like people lie to me, i only want to disappear without a trace. i am kamilla,major in english creation,i win a prize from net bookshop of two tickets toward and backward trip, that makes me want to traveling and studying in Belgin,i try to use my credit card and visa card to shop gradience over there in the super-market,for cooking at my rent room,it is a beautiful landscape country of emperior kingdom,where life is peaceful and comfortable. my boyfriend is a computer hiker,who has made a large laundry money from pc bank,and he tells me he decided to go with me,for spent a long time honey moon with me,i say ok to him,we make a plan to go around european countrys,one week a place,to share the good time at the hotel,as to what i want to learn from university,i believe it must be my interest on study fancy fictions,i carry a digital dictionary with me,and we both carry our ph notebook and apple ipad to start this adventure trip. but the jeasus never make my wish come true, he has no love, my boyfriend has died, gone with the wind, my family dont love me, i dont have hope but still a little wish, that is to write another novel if i am free from the hospital, the out side world is crazy and bullshit, i rather stay here for a month,and study more love phylosophy to prepare my next novel, just have founf the topic, still thinking, please readers wait for me, i think about this book name, and i start to write down the time i spend in the hospital and chrome used to live in the jail, the place has no sun light, just fog, and endless dream and thoughts,chrome makes me have some illusion ear, i know he is trying to make me crazy, so i wave good bye and go to sleep with my first boyfriend, he want to take me by his turtal car in blance, but only my soul gone, just my body living in the room of patient, i dont care what he did, i turn over to sleep well alone in the patient room, i find out all curse going mad by huse people, and the television is always going crazy, i think it is an illustration. i fly to win-win's rent house, hide for a long time, he tell me he want to find for a long time, he tell me he want to find his real parent, he left a massage on parent's cellphone, then they come to see me, carry four luggage to save here, he take away all the things finding a child photograph and childhood dress and toys, and a bride wedding dress, he originally want to kill his real parent because they are abandon him, he smoke a ciggrate, i smell it and ask the brand, still he is living, i tell me he will give a card and code sentence, wish me waiting for him, because he cant come. i cry on the chair, i know he told me that wait for him on noon, but he did not show up, i think he is really dead, so i cry a lot, because i cant tell any reason, i just keep on showing my anger to playcrncial actions, at the night, he come to wispering our secret, he tell me never let chrome know, i feel all the things are just a long movie of my life, so i write down my biography, very thick and spress on the road and street, every time i see no hope, he use the trap to make sadder, so i dont want to argue with him, just sleep away, i want to forget about win-win, dont know if he is die or alive, because he is a man that waiting for lady's money, so i quickly sleep well. win-win find the book of, he read its deep thought at his home, it is i especially wrote for him, he still dress white, it is favorite color, i heard one day win-win pray for me at my buddha temple at home, he want me to see through that chrome is not him, first of all he never care about my illness, all things he swear none coming true, but he would like to work for me, raise me, he will do all the thing that i want, including just shot a memory wedding dress and sign contract of marrige, i am so happy then i sleep well. today, i am tanned by catholic power, i become free and call my mother send some things to me, she always not allow me to stay with chome, because he is a bad guy, my mother dont know i learn from him, i plan to act as more crazy as him, just to scare him, this afternoon, i am glad that i become peaceful, so i fly to win-win to check what he is doing, and promise him to born together in european contrys, anyway even the heaven and buddha are very angry, he left a word for me, stay away from, beach! i always remember this curse. i listen to the radio that my parent bring to me, i hear Tibet king and pricess is sing for a sanskipt sad song, i love our carnation is over, and understand that the relation is always start and die,so i love the music which is like a classic song,, last night chrome read my book to me, it is a very long book critics prose, my dream is a all black, and the voice continue untill i wake up at 8:00, because i throw ten karajweal to him, he is trying to do the thing i ask when my birthday please he read a book for me, but he did not, so i once again being close into protect room, when i eat lunch, i free and happy because i know it is final thing he promise me. but he is not my boyfriend, he told me he will transfer Tibet king's poem and write fo literature princess, i promise if me be set up again, u will fly to holand, i really hate taiwanese low culture, no one cant critic on culture, because the education system never train any one culture theory criticer,from native point of view, every scarler all running for foreigner theory and ary and culture,and as the time i use facebook to create a culture criticize weekly news,four season publish once, this chrismas i dont dont feel cold for i am stronger then yesterday. sainta cloze ask me a gift, i secretly tll him he is such a kind man, i will keep the secret to wait and see the wish come true, because i cant forgive chrome, here i watch the earthquake document from tv, all people are crying and shouting, i guess it is because the heaven is angry for all crime KMD did for 100 more years, but icrt like to help american, so they play fake news to all audience that nobody want to hear. chrome selet one song to me, the lyric is "trying to let go of my hand",nickal back sing it, i know what he means, maybe he means will never see me again,when he find out that i dont have heartache or heart broken, and he promise me sent me a photo of his head to me, but he never did,just threaten me photo is his census property. cant give it to me, i know he is lying once again, from now on i wont trust him and any calling oice, for i never have anyone's telephone or cellphone number in my rent house, he cant find me or hurt me, i know he has many hatred for me, and he is so dangerous, just park his card on the door. of catholic hospital, and say loudly that rose is very ugly, he take away my soul away,right now i have peaceful life. when i get out of the hospitak, i type this novel on the forum, after 30 minutes, i type all over, i feel being a hiker is very suffering, bitterous, as one female i try my best to write it down, my deep thought is woman should be independent on econamy, never easy fall in lpve with any stranger, i fly to belgin, i live a happy life alone, i find a building where is large and clean, i rent it, to think over all the encounters, right now i feel that i have been foolished for a long time,he must be hate to see my face with getting older, his life i wont bother any more, he has been away so far in my life, i know every one have already give up the fantacy of love. people who read this story that hate tears drop down, they must have love in the heart and soul, because one lady told me, if you married with a wrong guy, you must be suffered by whole life untill you get old like me, i always remember this word, so my mind vanish once again, i decide to cure my unpeaceful life untill i can smile shiny. i stay away from the hospital, and presschrome's all hiking numbers on the street, many people come to pick it up, and his money become zero, that is the punishment that he only want lucky money, dont want to work, promises gone and undone, he have many girlfriend living with him, he seems dont need me any more, anyway his face that i cant recongnize, he is a jerk, he like to take woman's money, of course my book is very popular, he take all the payment because i ask him to be my maneger, but he never do, he just lie to me, my real first love has gone past away, he like and, but this two songs chrome dont like and feel discussing, last night so many bullet shot to my feet, but i jump lightly without any injure, i think he really want to kill me, because he want me love him, but i am tired of his lie, i have forget about him forever.(end)

